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Southern Cross

Yoosei nods and slowly stands up and helps Zerus to stand up as well. as she looked tenderly at him, her tails swish softly from one side to another.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well, we can get ahead of him and do the work just for fun. I never get enough of slicing corpses."

Dot felt even more uncomfortable at the rash reply, What's wrong with him? she wondered, lowering her ears. The dragoness then looked further inside the place, trying to detect anything of possible risk.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Wengren reached the training section of the mansion entering the surveylance (OOC: To hell with spelling) room to keep an eye on the training rooms just to keep an eye on them to make sure they dont end up killing themselves. The night elf sat back in the rolling chair to view the screens "Kit...and...Silver..." he said looking upon the monitors.

< Training Room 1 >

Silver sat the water down "Right back to work." the wolf walked back over to the bench press setting the with to 750 before laying back down under the bar. With a low growly he lifted the bar up his muscles tensifying with the lift then started pressing it with a grunt from every rep.

Jedrek soon reemerged from the shadow of the training room, overhearing Lu's words. The sword Sō'unga continued to possess him whilst it remained hilted to his belt, the dragon's eyes glowing a dim green though it was barely noticable from his usual red. A grin grew on his muzzle upon the thought of killing innocents again. And their souls will help me to regain my powers...

The lab was still in repairs from the earlier fires as Crimson looked around sighing before he spoke to the head scientist. "Dr. Lugae, I'm afraid we need to send a team out to the fields, the airship has...taken on some damage and can't return to the hanger." The fox hated to talk about his airship in such a shape as he cringed from his declaration.

Dr. Lugae, an elderly man of the cross snorted before his raspy voice spoke. "You kids always causing trouble, I swear. Why you people are nearly as bad as my brother which made them monsters." A sigh left his greying body followed. "Fine, I'll get them help out with this lab, we're still behind in sched...."

Crimson had already left however to begin his training as per Ikonnen's orders. Dr. Lugae huffed before mumbling, "This is why I didn't have children, they never listen, no wonder Ikonnen's nearly pulling his hair out."

Ada gave a nod before asking Ikonnen, "I suppose you're right considering we are dealing with a demonic sword... Sir, I can't fix Colby's blade alone with magic black magic can mend the energies of the sword but not the actual sword itself. Might you know of a skilled swordsmith we may seek out?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
I believe that the smith won't be necessary Ada and do you know of a to combine darkness and fire magic. If so I know where we can get ready supply of both" Colby said calmly as she as she looked at Ikorren with concern.

"Mmm just like that love,"Kellie weakly as she looked at her love with hunger in her eyes since she had not drop of blood in several days now but looked away in shame fo wanting to feed on someone she so deeply cared about.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"I don't think there are many left, considering most of them were all killed probably in the rush of the Insanes.... but, there could be one or two left here, or possibly still in the city..." Ikonnen replied gently, trying his hardest to keep his breath steady.

Damnit.... why a machine.... Kurtz slid back against the wall, getting down so that he sat down on his backside, while watching still for the droid. He took a sigh, and just continued to watch. Obviously, he acted differently around machines...

Smiling gently, Zerus wrapped his furry arm around Yoosei's, and, with a soft chuckle, he started to walk forward with her towards the door. "Alrighty... I just hope it's not something like a mission..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Kel?" Hiro saw her look away, the look of shame quite obvious, "What's wrong? Look whatever you do, I love you, and I always will." He smiled as he raised his head up, showing off more of his neck, "I knew who and what you were when I fell in love, I won't hold it against you." He smiled warmly.

Shadow put a hand to his forehead as he felt an odd sense of pressure, What is this presence? A powerful killing instinct. And more evil than anything I've ever felt. Shadow looked back at Lu and smiled, "I'm no expert but it looks like Kubrika's in a bad move."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kellie looked back at her lover tenderly with tears of joy in her eyes, "Thank you Hiro so very much," She said softly as she unbutton she shirt some to allow him better access to her breasts. As she licked his neck as she cried tears of joy and as her hand move down his chest tenderly as she reached his pants and rubbed his hardening cock.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Hiro sighed a bit as he felt her hand through the fabric of his pants. He smiled a bit, "So who's dom this time?" He asked, still kneading her breast as his fingers twitched and prodded her rubbery tit.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Wengren had his feet up on the controll panel eyeing both monitors. Then his eyes caught Silver's room. Taking his feet down he looked at it closely "Jesus christ! The fucking bar is bending!" he said out loud as he saw Silver benching a very big weight set which he heard loud gruns from the monitor as Silver set the bar up.

< Training Room 1 >

Silver slowly sat up from the bench panting heavily, large parts of his fur matted down on his chest, back, and hair from waterfalls of sweat from his body. He looked down at his arms which were suprisingly getting more ripped on the young wolf who was once not muscular at all. The wolf stood up from the bench and walked away. Without saying a word her swiped his water bottle and dounced a good portion of it and put it back "..need more.." he said walking over to the squat bar set "Time to work on the legs." he said placing 250 starting weight on the bar. Silver walked under the bar lifted it and started his squat reps.