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Southern Cross

"What the hell are you doing?" Disturbed ask "They're gone dumby!!"
Silver blinks "Oh..I guess they are..hehe."

< Escape Pods >

After slicing at nothing Silver dropped down seeing the rubble and just rubed his head "Huh..guess they're dead." the silver furred wolf walked back out to the main area to the ship and saw more dead Infernals "I guess you guys know as well." then Silver saw Ada for the first time since their last encounter and his pupils shrunk "Uhhh.."
Dorothy raised an eyebrow, "Can it really pose a threat if it's so old and it's in the North of all places, Sir?" the dragoness asked.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"It can... you see, that droid was the pure creation of the scientists here. It is a Security Droid; programmed to move around and eliminate all possible targets that pose a threat. Since it's release seven years ago - I have a doubt about why part of the city is in smoke. Of course, this may be an action of the Insanes. But they have not been sighted to attack the Cross, unless they are luring us out." Ikonnen replied with a clear tone, although his voice was still weak in some means.

Kurtz closed one eye. "That was the same exact time that the fourth general in command vanished, no?"

Ikonnen took a gulp. "Yes, seven years ago. We still don't know if he is alive, or dead."

The dragon sighed. "....Where is he... Anyhow, what was the item?"

"I have no clue. But, the scientists down bottom say if it gets into the Insane's hands it'll cause great trouble."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Well... I just hope we don't get into a fight" Dot sighed, "But I'll follow Kurtz" she said, planting the leader role of the party on him.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kurtz blinked twice, before putting a claw to the side of his head. "Alright, alright.... hmmm...."

The dog gave him a quiet stare. "If you do choose to go, I can only but say thank you."

"Thank you?" Kurtz blinked twice once-more in surprise, but didn't push the matter forward, slowly nodding. "I'll go and check it out. That Security Droid will finish the North soon anyhow, and we can't let that happen."

Ikonnen gave a slight nod. "Alright then."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Now a beaten wreck of the once proud airship, Ragnarok control started to fizzle out much to Crimson's dismay. A small smile grew on his muzzle however upon seeing that Infernals had been defeated. "Well, this bird won't be flying for a while but we all survived, good work everyone. I guess we should be heading back now, the lab crew will send a team for the airship later so don't worry about it." The fox scientist hit the emergency latch button, the side door opening along with a ladder descending to the ground just outside of the Cross Mansion's barrier.

Sheathing her sword, Ada nodded before looking over to Silver, a puzzled look on her muzzle before she looked deep in his eyes. "Hmmm...Disturbed? So you possess two souls?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"S-Silver." the silver furred wolf stated "I'm other half who you met was...Disturbed.."he then quickly crossed Ada to get to the dropped ladder "'re boyfriend and I kind of..well..faught inside the were with him.." he said softly as the small wolf started to slowly descend the Ragnarok's ladder down to the outside grounds.
Ada nodded a little before remembering that skirmish. She held no grudge though as she bent down and gently rested her paw on his shoulder. "Please, don't feel guilty...I'm sure if he were given the chance you two could have been friends...well, it doesn't matter now." A bit of sadness filled her emerald pools before she let out a small sigh. "We can't dwell on the past...not now anyways..." She waited for Silver to make his way down before descending the ladder herself.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Silver hopped down from the ladder onto the grass of the front lawn. The young wolf sighed to himself looking down at the grass.."..its hard to forget when you take a beating like that...he nearly killed me

< Corridors >

Wengren was leaned against the wall of the hallway untill his elf ears twitched hearing a whir of an engine outside "Thank god..." the night elf placed a hand over his chest "Thought they would have died.." he got up from his resting place and headed towards the front lawn of the mansion. Wengren came to the front door and peared outside at the ship far in the was all beaten up..he could see a huge hole in the side of the ship.
Dot lowered her ears to the sides, then diverted her look from Ikonnen's and quickly looked on Kurtz. Seeing the determination on his eyes, she had no choice but to accept. "Let's not waste time" she suggested in a quiet voice.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad