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Southern Cross
Colby took Tensiga from Ada and walked over to Kitt, "Kitt I think it your courage that cause you to manifest the fire not rage," she said as he put her arm around Disturbed.

Kellie awoke on the ship floor she noticed her skin was a pall ghostly white, "What happen to my dark skins," she asked to no one in protecalair
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Because you know how he gets when we do things without him telling us to" Lucca responded, leaning to a wall, not giving a care now that her 'fun' had been removed. "Guess we'll have to find fun on our own."

But as preempted, the ship started rocking again, not really a work from a spell, but actually the chunks of the meteor. The extinguished fire around them had started burning once again, and it had turned green now. The fire started making each one of the chunks, about six, in separate parts of the ship, levitate up, and the same started 'robbing' metal and parts from the ship, which made the absoring small burning rocks grow in size and volume, of course said actions interfered with the ship's controls and performance.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Shadow glance lustfully at Lu's ass, sticking out slightly from under her outfit, "I could think of a couple fun things to do." He said with a slight grin.

"Think we found the second gift." Kitt said as she saw a couple of the green flames on the deck, "Those things'll rip the ship apart if we don't stop them."

Hiro drew out his sword and held it steady, "Well then let's kick them off." He said as he swung at one of the balls, hoping to knock it off the ship.

Kit clasped her hands together and shot an iceball at the flame, trying to incase it in a dome of ice similar to the one she had used on the ship in order to stop it from sucking up vital components.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Damn it..I dumped all of my energy into Kitt..Disturbed slowly got up from the floor stumbling a bit as he got up. He concentrated really hard to summon his greatsword using what little energy he had to summon it. He slowly walked over to an openned side of the ship where he saw the rotating rocks "Gotta protect...them.." he then reached back as much as he could, timing his swing just right. With the las bit of strength in him he heaved forward attempting to swing his giant sword at one of the rocks.
"Someone get to the engine room quickly and take out the meteorite in there! We're losing fuel at an alarming rate!" The fox scientist continued to try and get the ship to safety, though they were still about an eight minute flight from the Southern Cross.

"I'll handle it." Ada nodded before heading for the back of the ship, running around the many halls of the airship before finding the door clearly marked "Engines".

Upon entering the jet room, Ada observed one of the meteorites below, already beginning to take metal from the thrusters as well as fuel. "I must stop it...Doublecast, Arctic Snap and Judgement Jolt!" Her rapier soon launched a barrage of ice and lightning against the meteorite, aptly freezing it and throwing off its magnetic field. "Alright, it's frozen and isn't stealing metal, but I must remove it from the ship." The vixen looked around before getting an idea. "Warp!" Concentrating the spell on solely the space rock, it soon disappeared from the ship and instead fell to the ground several miles away harmlessly. "One down!" The red wizard soon ran out of the engine room to find more meteorites with her comrades.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Something on your," But Lu, having a quite dexterous and rapid sense of sight, noticed where Shadow was glancing, "eyes?" she asked half closing her eyes.

Soon, in several sectors of the ship, about three or four meteorites stopped stealing material, only to go to a second 'phase'. The shining rocks soon where so big, they all exploded, only to later reveal huge golems. Unfortunately, the golems were no others than Infernals. These creatures were magic golems made of the same molten lava taken from the very hell. No magic would affect them, and they looked like Totemas. Almost as if ordered, all of them scattered around the ship, starting to destroy it at an even faster rate than the other pieces.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh great, as if the balls of fire weren't bad enough!" Hiro charged and raised his sword, bringing it down on the nearest infernals head. There was a loud clang as the sword flew from his hand, flying off.

"AHHH!" Kitt screamed as the blade passed by her and cut into her arm, blood pouring from the cut before she clasped her hand over it.

"AHH DAMNIT!" Hiro grabbed his hands, the sudden vibration from his sword hitting the rock causing them to ring with pain, "Okay, sword plus rock equals pain. Kitt, try one of your ice spells. These things are fire."

"No problem." Kitt lifted up her hand on her injured arm, not wanting to remove the pressure on her wound, "Let's see you shrug this off!" A large shard of ice shot from her hand, headed like a javelin straight at the infernal's chest, That has to work. She thought desperately. As the javelin neared the inferno the searing heat caused it to instantly melt, the water evaporating to nothing before it even got close, "No."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Jedrek broke out of his thoughts for a moment to see what his comrades were talking about, his eyes gazing to where Shadow's were. The shadow dragon observed Lu's nice ass, a glint now in the dark spirit's eyes. "I've got a few ideas as well..." he added, a grin forming on his draconic muzzle.

Even though Ada had managed to remove one of the meteorite in time, the other five were beginning to cause great havoc to the ship. Alarms and red lights began to activate on the bridge before Crimson yelled, "I can't keep this up much longer...we're going to have to take an emergency landing!" They weren't too far from the Southern Cross Mansion now, the fox scientist descending the airship towards the plains surrounding the base.

Ada returned to the airship's halls only to see one of the golems trying to take apart some of the power cords. "So you've grown, it makes no difference, Doublecast...Twisted Maelstrom and Arctic Snap!" The combination of wind and ice struck the golem but had no effect. Indeed, the magic caused no damage whilst the golem continued to try and destroy the ship and ignore Ada. The vixen huffed before brandishing her rapier, hoping the power of Mar's Mastermune within would help. "Fine, I'll slay you with blade alone!" She swung with all her might, but only succeed in scratching the surface of the golem. "This can't be..."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Disturbed walked into the ships halls "H-how about we..combine might and magic." The dark wolf started to absorb a couple shadows only to transfer the energy to his Ashkandi greatsword that now glew a dark purple. Disturbed lunged at the same golem Ada tried to destroy and sliced it sideways through the abdomen with a dark purple streak left behind the cut as dark energy fed the attack.
And while all that, Ikonnen sat in his office, as a German song played in the background; echoing and ringing in the dog's ears. He took the time to sigh, and turned to the microphone. Maybe it was time to try and find somewhere where Kurtz would be banished of his darkness... The lyrics of the song continued to ring...

"die Augenlider zu erpressen
ich singe bis der Tag erwacht
ein heller Schein am Firmament

He moved his paw. After hearing those last three words, he was sure now of his decision. Immediately, he announced. "Dorothy and Kurtz, to report to my office immediately, please..."

It rang through every corridor... through every door...

And eventually hit the ears of Kurtz, as he mumbled and his eyes slowly opened. He blinked slightly, and looked down - noticing Dorothy still there, and her cute little face just resting on him... it was a sight he wouldn't forget... and didn't want to stop seeing it... but he knew that he had to wake her up. "H-hey... Dot... wake up..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds