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Southern Cross
"You know. That blue lizard that run here and there with that black mage" Lu said as they took a turn towards a training room.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Here Ada," said Morrolen as he set the Tensaga to Ada knowing the sheath would protect her, "Here Colby," as he sent Tetsiga to his decedent.

Colby grabbed by the sheath, "Your not my Sensia are you?" she asked as she kept her eyes on Jedeck.

"No I'm not but in a since I am since he gave me his spiritual body to use when he passed on and his memories are in here as well," Morrolen said as he change into his true self that of a large golden dragon. "Now get out of here quickly while I hold him off and Colby use your fang to heal Tetsiga," Morrolen growled as he reared back and shot a golden fire ball at Jedeck.

"Ada lets get going now," Colby yelled relizing that the being before her was her ancestor.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Oh yeah," Shadow thought for a second, "Haven't seen him in awhile. I think I heard that he defected to the Cross." Shadow thought, "Haven't heard news of his death."

"Well we succeeded." Kit smiled, "That's gotta be worth something right?" She asked hopefully.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Yeah you're right." Disturbed said returning a smile back at Kit "I'm sure Ikonnen will lighten up when we bring him Kellie safe and sound. So in a way our mission was a success, how can you be upset at a successful mission?" The black wolf looked up at the barrier "So..holding out okay?"
"Too bad. I was hoping to be the one who killed him" she said nad flipped one of her kunais between her fingers, spun it in one, then hid it back, "Well, we can train a bit now." Lu looked at the big doors to the training room, "Hope this hasn't changed much."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Actually," Shadow smiled as he hit a switch on the wall, two panels opening in the ground revealing two large combat ready robots, "It's changed quite a bit. Some sciency guy messed around with it a bit. The droids aren't quite as tough as an actual human opponent but they're decent for basic training."

Kit looked up at the large dome, the dark blue color holding steady, "Yeah. It should hold. So long as nothing agravates it." She smiled a bit.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Disturbed smiled "Good..I was actually talking about how you were holding up, dont want you getting tired or anything." he chimed softly rubbing Kit's shoulders trying to make her as comfortable as possible as she held the barrier up.

Ada felt the Tetsiga rejuvenate her body before it's light died down once more, the red wizard hilted the blade next to her rapier. "Very well, we shall keep the blades safe." The vixen nodded towards Colby before using a Warp spell to bring them back to the airship.

In a few seconds later, appearing from the shadows, Colby and Ada were inside of the Cross's airship. Crimson jumped up from his seat before asking, "You're both safe, what happened?"

"We'll explain later, we should leave. Brother, get this thing moving." Ada took a seat whilst looking outside the window towards the woods. We should have stayed to finish that shadow beast...but I suppose it can't be helped. I'm sure we'll have an opportunity soon enough. Still, how could that thing be Jedrek...

Upon hearing his sister's request, Crimson turned his chair back towards the controls before crying out, "Alright everyone, buckle up because we're getting out of here!" The hum of the engines grew louder whilst the airship began to lift of the ground.

"Cowards...well it's no matter, now that you don't have the blades to defeat me...let alone a student who can unlock their power...I have nothing to fear..." The shadow dragon barely was able to deflect Morrolen's fireball with his spear, the golden flames negating the dark ones on his weapons.

"You won't be lucky this time, Morrolen. While you've been guarding those worthless swords, I've been gathering the darkness growing in the overworld. Witness my strength, Seventh Hell!" Draping his halberd in dark flames once more, the shadow dragon lunged towards the golden one, a fury in Jedrek's red eyes.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Disturbed's ears twitched and heard Crimson's voice "Come on Kit. Its go time." he said scooping up the kitsune in his arms and carries her back into the Ragnarok.

< Inside Ragnarok >

The black wolf came in and sat Kit down into a chair "There we go." he smiled at her "Lets get this hunka junk in the air before Kubrafuck notices us!" he said turning his head towards the cockpit.
As Morrolen began to fade from the nether realm, "She as what she need to unlock the fangs that was made with my own broken fangs. To unleash their power you must want to protect above all else. When I looked into her eyes told me that she does have. Second my blood must flow through your veins," he said as he faded into nothingness.

Unsheathed Tetsiga but instead of a small slim blade she got a large heavy blade with a large crack in it, "remember what Morrolen said about healing Tetsiga with my fang...what do you think it could mean?" she asked Ada and everyone else on the ship
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz