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Digimon Guilmons First Love
"Damn, Let go before we get wet and might get sick." reasponded Henry.
"Yeah, lets go now Henwy!" Terriermon said, giggling a bit as he hopped onto Henry's shoulder.


Seeing that the rain wasn't stopping at all Impmon approached the silent Ptermon, removed his own gloves and rubbed his paws against Pteramon's back. "If you're gonna ask, I'm just doing this to make my paws warm, not make you warm..." Impmon said turning his head away.
Not careing what Impmon said, Pteramon let him do so and was think still about his rampage.
Impmon blinked then looked at Pteramon's missiles. "Hmm... I wonder..." Impmon tries to pull the missile launchers off.
After paying for the stuff, Henry grabbed Terriermon tightly and then started to run home.


The missle was then lonch.
Terriermon used his ears to cover Henry's head as he ran.


"Whoa. Are these like attached to you? Hmmm..." Impmon kept on 'exploring' Pteramon, he rubbed his paws around Pteramon's body. "Hmm... I wonder if there's some other cool stuff here..." He said as he went on, till he go to between Ptermon's legs and paused. "Uh..."
As Henry ran and Impmon inspecting Pteramon, another digital field appear on the building next to Pteramon and Impmon.

"Terriermon we're almost home." said Henry.
Terriermon saw the field but then just turned to Henry. "Okay, Moumantai!"


"What? Another field?!" Impmon said as he stared at the field.
Pteramon got up and flew to the field. He got inside the field and saw a shadow. "Show yourself and fight!" demaned Pteramon. ""Ok." said the digimon. "I am a Wizardmon and you sure are weak so be gone." said The Wizardmon and he zapped Pteramon, which made him scream, and destroyed him. He flowted down to Impmon and said "I seance you desirers small one."


Henry and Terriermon finally got home and still no one was there. Henry was a little bit soaked. "Finally we're home." said Henry looking releaved
Impmon was just too shocked at Pteramon's disappearance that he was unable to speak.


Terriermon giggles, "Ohhh! Henwy! You're soooo WET!" Terriermon then jumped down and pulled down Henry's pants as he got down.