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Digimon Guilmons First Love
"Ok Terriermon I'll buy both, but how you change from one pair to the other once you digivole?" asked Henry


After finally getting to the top, Pteramon could not fly any more for now. "Raaa, how could a little weaklen like you get to be such a pess?" asked Pteramon.
"Hmmm..." Terriermon thought a bit. "Good point! Hehehe, let's just buy the briefs! I can stand just wearing pants and no undies as Gargomon!" Then he grinned. "Plus it'd be easy for me to get nekkid!"


Impmon just slept there on Pteramon's back.
A vain mark showed on Pteramon's head and then he saw a pole and thinks about use it to remove Impmon.


"Ok Terriermon, do you want color undies or just plane white?" asked Henry
Impmon was still there, unconcious, yet firmly gripping on Pteramon's head, each time Pteramon moved, his hand slid to the lower parts of Pteramon.


"Guilmon Red!!!" Terriermon quickly answered.
Pteramon fell on the floor after wasting energy on Impmon and said "Damn you!" the became unconcious.


Henry then grabbed a package of small underwears and then notic smaller ons in the same color that Terriermon wants. "Hey Terriermon do you want just small or extar small?" asked Henry.
Rain began pouring hard, soaking both Impmon and Pteramon, after a while under the rain, Impmon woke up and looks at the fainted Pteramon, then he looks around and spots a small portion of the roof of the building that was covered, he dragged himself and Pteramon there, and he lit a small fireball to keep himself and Pteramon warm, then he just rested against Ptermon.


"Ummm... anything! As long as it's snug and warm!" Terriermon said happily, then he looked outside. "Oh... It's raining... let's hurry back home"
Henry grabbed both packs and then asked "Hey Terriermon, do you want cloths like shirt pants or anything else you would like to have?"
"Oh! Oh! I wanna look like Henwy!" Terriermon said as he hopped onto Henry's shoulder and hugged Henry's face.
Pteramon woke up and saw the flame. "Why did you help me?" asked Pteramon looking weak.


Henry found asome Black shirts and brown pants but could not find orange vest.
"Stupid bird... I wanna beat you up myself... not get you soaked in the rain..." Impmon said as he punched Ptermon's back softly.


*Terriermon looks around for an orange vest but comes back not finding anything* "Awww poo... no vest... Oh well... The rain is getting heavier, let's just take those and go home :3"