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Things You Wouldn't Hear In A Digimon Episode
:P Someone forgot the game...

Takato - Damn, I hate these goggles...
Everyone else - *blink*
Patamon: *Walks out onto the screen and looks at the audience. Then reaches to his crotch and pulls out his dick* There, satisfied?
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*Rika+Renamon... first battle :P*

Rika - Good, kill it!
Renamon - *destroys opponent, absorbs data*
Rika - :shock: What the *BLEEP!* did you just do!?
Renamon - *stares at Rika weirdly*
Ken put the video into the machine. With Wormon dead, he didn't see the point in living anymore.

He waited as the picture of the girl by the well played out in front of him, a telephone by his side. He sat through the entire half hour, up to the point where it just became blank snowstorm fuzz.

"...Well, that was lame."
Takato - Observe my 1337 hax0r skillz!
Rika - ... *sweat drop* That's a DBZ card...
Takato - ... :shock:' Ah... yes... I knew that...
Guilmon - *giggles at Takato* Owned...
Here's one I thought of that cracked me up

(Mimi's parents just caught her filating Agumons penis)

Mimi's mom: (Hytericly) WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF!!!

Mimi: Uh... Tastes like chicken?

(Mimi's parents faint)
I have a variation... Wink

*Mimi's parents just caught her filating Agumons penis*

Mimi's mom: (Hytericly) WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF!!!

Mimi: Uh... Tastes like chicken?

Mimi's mom: (blinks) I would have said beef...

(Mimi's dad faints)
Kari: TK where's Patamon?

TK: Oh we're playing a little game. He's a gerbil, and I'm Richard Gere.

Patamon: (Head pops out of TK's ass) That's right.

Kari - Gatomon?
Gatomon - Yes?
Kari - Come in here please...
Gatomon - ...? *goes into the room Kari's voice is coming from* :shock:
Kari - Come here my little pussy... *giggles, is nekked*
Gatomon - :shock: ... *erection*
Kari - ^_^ ... :shock: ... You're a guy...!?
Gatomon - ^.^; Surprise, surprise...
MetalGargomon/Henry: *blows the shit outta some hapless lesser digimon*
Henry: Expl0wn3d, bish.
Takato: wtf h4x?!
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)