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Southern Cross
"So you would have us do nothing, whilst he keeps one of our own hostage...I would doubt that is what Mar would have wanted..." The fox looked over the fuel sensors which were now at optimal capacity. "Humph, I know we can't beat Kubrika...the plan was to extract Kellie, but instead you think of funerals when one of our own is still in peril." Crimson groaned at PA as he shut off the fuel line before taking a seat. "Whatever...I suppose you have the final say anyways sir, the airship is Cross property even though I developed it..."

As the light dimmed on the red wizard, she observed the worried expressions on the dragons, the vixen sighing as she sheathed her blade. Ada looked across the horizon as the sun rose to high noon before she looked towards Dorothy. "...I came to pay my last farewells to Mar, I'm going to return to mansion to join the others in saving Kellie. Kubrika has captured her and we'll need everyone to save her..." The vixen walked towards the boat before she looked back towards the dragoness, her green eyes still showing some emptiness. "I...I don't blame did what you must...Kubrika was the one that changed your brother...he will be the one to suffer for his crimes... Now let us go, there is work to be done, we can't allow ourselves to be tied down by least not until...until it is over..." Ada took a seat in the boat as she tried to hide her tears, her body filled with a lucid nothingness.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"What would you rather do. Sacrifice everyone's life? Bitterly lose many, many more?" Ikonnen cursed loudly. "You children these days, you run in without thinking. Whenever one of your friends is in trouble, you run in, not giving a care in the world that you could die or go insane."

"You're against KUBRIKA. You all combined still can't beat him or even get close to Kellie. How do you think he ripped apart the entire continent near enough half a century ago? That's how powerful he is!" He then coughed softly. "He'll do that again, and kill you. You won't even reach Kellie in time.... I can't let any more lives in mass number be lost."

"Go on. Go, if you want. Kill yourselves, sacrifice every single drop of blood, and realise. The situation you were about to run into would be one-way. You wouldn't come back at all."

Looking to the air, Kurtz observed it. Out here... the sky looked a murky green and black. How odd... He turned around to look at Dorothy, waving a claw towards her. "Come on, we'd better get out of here before anything else happens, Dot."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"WHAT!" Hiro shouted angrily as he stood up quickly, "If that bastard hurts her!" He slammed the table infront of him out of rage, using the arm that had been bitten by Jedrek, he hit the edge of it with enough force that the entire table didn't just flip up and over, but flew with enough force to create a sizable dent in the wall on the other side, "How many others are going?" He asked, not even paying attention to the table, "Call Kit, we'll need all the help we can get."

"Trust me, you'll like it more this way than if we rush through it." He smiled as he squeezed her breast slightly, the mound rising up from the pressure. He lowered his head towards the tip and lightly flicked at the nipple, circling it with his tongue as his free hand worked it's way down her, exploring every curve of her stomache.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Yoosei smiles cutely to him and slowly stands up, releasing his paw gradually.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"So far with have Crimson, Wengren, you, and myself." Disturbed replied "I'll go and get Kit, go to the Lab and meet up with Crimsona nd Wengren." he stated as he ran out of the kitchen to Kit's room.

< Corridor >

Disturbed came up to Kit's door and gave a firm knock on the door "Kit!?"
"Meet ya there," Hiro said as he left the kitchen and ran to the lab.

"Okay I'm here." Hiro said as he entered through the doorway, "Disturbed's on his way and hopefully Kit too."

Kit jumped out of bed quickly, having only been half asleep, "Coming," She said as she opened the door to stop the loud knocking. Luckily she had gone to bed fully clothed or it would've been an embarassing moment, "Disturbed? What's with the noise, is something wrong?" She asked.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Disturbed looked down at Kit "We're going on a mission, kind of a self positioned mission." he stated "All of use are going to Kubrika's to go and rescue Kellie from his clutches." he stated then he looked at her quietly "We're..doing it for Mar's sake..hes gone now." he took deep breath "Its your choice wether to come, nobody will force you."

< Lab >

Wengren looked at Hiro "Hey!!" he greeted him "Oh thats great, we're setting up our own little army." he gave a grin.
Lu squirmed at the treatment, her moans more evident now, "You are so convincing" she purred, her crotch already getting wet.

Dorothy could only nod at the time, she wasn't motivated by the missions, neither by Ada's response, she got closer to Kurtz, her armored self pressing to his'. "Let's go..." she unamusedly said.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

As the boat started back for the southern shores, Ada sat across from Dorothy, noting the same expression they were sharing. The poor girl...she and Mar barely met and now this... Truly loneliness is the greatest agony of all... The vixen ended her thoughts as she looked up to the skies, a quizzical look in her eyes. "Was it this cloudy earlier?"

Jedrek chuckled as shadow seemed to spread forth from his body, creating obscuring black clouds to blot out the sun, darkening the ocean below in a hurry. Soon I shall strike...and then I'll be one step closer to covering this feeble world in my shadow...

Crimson nodded as he greeted the warrior, "Glad you could join us, with a strong team and my airship I'm sure we can succeed. The Ragnarok is ready to go, so I guess all we need to do is wait for the others. I just wish we had Ikonnen's confidence......wait, why would he even propose the mission in the first place if he was so against it now? That guy is a real mystery sometimes... Oh well, can't worry about that now, I better start thinking of a plan for this mission, can't go running into Kubrika's with guns ablazing.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: I know it seems really late in the RP, but could someone give me a summary? I'll read a good portion of this as well, but this is getting my attention after reading Crimson's Post in the SDP RP.

Any help is well appreaciated.