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Southern Cross

Yoosei kisses his lips softly and smiles cutely.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Crimson blinked before turning around, looking at Disturbed who had followed him. "You'll help me, that's great..." He sighed though before realizing the obvious. "...but we'll need more help if we're going to save Kellie..." He walked down to the far side of the underground laboratory before opening a small door marked "Hanger". The fox flipped on the lights to reveal an impressive looking airship which had the appearance of a red dragon. "Ragnarok...perhaps the finest ship ever to be concieved...yet it lays here sleeping...I think it's time to wake her up." Crimson grinned as he looked back to the black wolf before continuing, "I'll make the preparations, see who you can get to join us on this little mission...two of us alone won't be enough..."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Dorothy looked on Ada for a second, she let her sword rest against her hips, then lifted the swallow in both claws and offered it to Ada, not saying a word.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Right!!" The black wolf quickly ran back out of the lab and back to Ikonnen's office and saw Wengren "Hey Wengren, want something to do?"

Wengren slowly looked at Disturbed "Someone needs healing again?" he said half heartedly.

"No! Kellie needs saving damnit and we need more people!" Disturbed said strongly.

Wengren's ears twitched looking at Ikonnen then back on Disturbed "I'll go." the elf said getting back up from the wall "You can plan your memorial Ikonnen, we'll go to work." he said as he left his office for the lab with the black wolf following him

"I'll go see if Hiro wants to come." The black wolf said as he ran down the hall entering the Kitchen "Hiro! Crimson and us are going on a mission to save Kellie, are you willing to go?"

< Lab >

Wengren walked into the lab and looked around "Disturbed said you needed more people."

Crimson nodded whilst he finished attaching the fuel line to the airship. "That's right, glad you decided to join us, sergeant. Give me a few minutes and this bird will be ready to fly..." He turned the valve whilst a monitor showed the fuel status of Ragnarok.

Ada held the swallow in her right hand and looked to her staff in the other. "Mar...please lend me your strength..." She began muttering a spell while
her paws began to glow as both weapons glowed with a bright light. Slowly they came together, fusing together until a new weapon was realized, a shining sword now floating in front of the black wizard. With this blade, I shall avenge you, dragon boy... Her paw grasped the handle of the magical blade before a new power entered her body.

OOC: Promotion!

Name: Adrienne Nerice Fox
Class: Red Wizard
Weapon: Shamshir of Light
Weapon Specialty: Staffs and Rapiers
Description: A warrior capable of wielding white and black magics, the power stored in the Mastermune has unlocked Ada's true potential. Her clothes have changed to match her new class, the vixen now dressed with lightweight armor, a red cape, as well as the traditional red hat with white feather.
New Spells:
Doublecast: Cast two spells in succession
Heaven's Glow: Blast a foe with holy light
Rejuvenation: Heal an ally with soothing magic
New Limit Break:
Super Nova: Attack a foe with a massive blast of cosmic energy
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Wengren nodded "Hold on I think Disturbed is trying to get one more." he said as he walked closer to the airship.
"Ada..." Dorothy repeated, seeing the Mastermune disappearing into her, "You... Aren't you..." she muttered, worried about the obvious.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ikonnen stayed silent for a few moments, before he clenched the rifle in his hand. "Does anyone even care for the dead.... are they so fucking disrespectful...." His eyes flared up in an uncertain demonic flare, and he swivelled around, towards the microphone, before yelling into it. "FINE, YOU DAMN SUICIDAL MANIACS! GO AND GET YOURSELF KILLED! I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! DISRESPECTFUL!"

Kurtz frowned at the now Red Mage, his face just showing a little disapprovement of this now current situation. "Great.... more company...." He swirled around, letting his cloak flap a little before starting to walk back to the boat. "I wasn't expecting it.... now it had to get more complicated then it did."

"Maybe... just a drink?" Zerus gave a little deeper blush when she kissed him, but chuckled after saying that.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Wengren sneered at the PA "But he doesnt understand, we're doing this out of respect. We're honoring Mar's death by pursuing Kubrika the person who caused all of our pain ans suffering, its what Mar would wanted."
"And you would go and rightfully sacrifice your life when Kubrika is certainly more powerful, and will kill you. Is that how he'd want to be remembered?" Ikonnen asked quietly into the microphone, trying to calm himself down. "Is that how he'd want to be remembered - his own death briniging the vain deaths of others, who thought they could take on a lord who is way stronger then them?"

"Please, tell me. You must be suicidal already to think you are a match with him. I've had to FIGHT him for the past ten or so years. YOU were mere CHILDREN then! You don't know him as well as me, and I can say for certain that he will be the end of you!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds