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Southern Cross
Wengren shook his head "Did you guys hear me? We're all going on a mission to Kubrika's to save Kellie." he said.

Silver slammed his paw onto the counter "Kubrika has Kellie?!" the silver wolf's rage returned and a dark aura forms around his body. Silver's body grew double his original size, his muscles grew to an incredible size and his fur changed to a dark black.

The giant black wolf growled "Come on Hiro lets go." he growled and walked out of the kitchen lowering his head so he doesnt hit the top of the doorway

As Disturbed approached Ikonnen's office he saw Crimson and Ada pass him by and saw Ada's tears he stopped and turned "Why such a pretty face covered in tears for?" he tilted his head a bit and his ears twitched slightly hearing her sobs.
"This is what I feared..." Ikonnen put a paw to his head. "...If... if what I think happened..."

He remained silent for a minute, before sighing. "The spirits... they... they sensed the darkness within Mar... Kurtz couldn't have gone Dresan enough to turn dark himself..."

Ikonnen sighed. "Cancel the mission to save Kellie.... I have to sort something out. Wen, you and I will instead head out for the mountain later today. Hiro and Silver can join with us, if they wish."

It had happened so quick, that Kurtz could only blink and stay silent. To him, Mar had vanished. Had he escaped? Or... had Dorothy...

He shook that question off, as he saw her new clothing - which, his eyes widened like plates at. She looked, to say the least... like a knight. But, noticing her sorrow still across her cute face, he slowly started to walk over to her. "....I don't know what happened... b-but... whatever it was, you did the right thing.... I think..."

He just sighed, before cuddling her close - his fangs gritting as a surprising little tear dropped down his face. "

Mar... what has happened to you over these years... what now.... I hope... if what I fear happened... that you find eternal peace... my old. old friend...

"Y-You did?" Zerus asked softly, as if in a whisper, while blushing deeply. "I... I don't know what to say..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Hrrrr" Lu purred at the touch, "If you say so" she smirked darkly, before starting to slowly help him with his outfit, wanting to get the dark knight completely naked.

Dorothy watered her eyes even more, the Myrmiddon hugging the dragon tightly, "Kurtz... my brother... he's gone..." she said teary, "I was starting to like him... we were starting to be like a family, I wanted that... I wanted to tell him I fully forgave him," she sobbed, "I, I just wanted him to know that I was proud of him to want to make amends for what he had done and tell him that I would always support him. And now he's gone... because of me."
The dragoness sobbed more, closing her eyes, not wanting to look at the armor pieces on the ground.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Kurtz had actually decided to use her full name instead of the pet name she had usually been called around the mansion. He, too, was affected by the death, but not as hard as she had been. He cuddled the dragoness even closer, putting his muzzle beside hers - letting her tears just softly run and wet his own muzzle. "....Don't say that... he wasn't himself... you did what was right at the time... he made his own decision by coming here..."

He gulped heavily, not knowing for a few minutes of what to reply to her. "...He will know... at least now, when he's watching over you." Kurtz tried to lighten the mood, chuckling softly and brokenly through his own tears, that dripped down from his eyes.


Kurtz: WHO MADE ME RELIGIOUS?! *eyes go red*
Kyo: *hides behind huge door* Hehehe~
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Dorothy sniffed, then opened her eyes, "Maybe you... you are right..." she said softly, before looking on the armour and the weapon, "Kurtzy- if you wouldn't mind..."

Dorothy looked down on the small tomb she had made with Kurtz on the ground near the shore, she had buried the dark armour on the ground. On her right claw, she was holding her sword, on the left, her brother's weapon, "Ada... she'll feel worse than me. She always has liked Mar" she said, before looking on the Mastermune, "I must give the swallow to her, at least" she said, lowering her head, "But, I don't know if I'll be able to face her now" she said as another small tear ran down her cheek.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Ada broke free of Crimson's hug before she uttered, "I'm going..."

The fox scientist blinked before he walked closer, placing a paw on her shoulder. "Sister, you're not well, please..."

She batted away the paw whilst tears continued to roll down her cheeks. "I must go to the island, I must go to his grave...and avenge him."

Crimson's eyes widened at this declaration before he tried to persuade her to change her mind. "Ada, please, I'm sure Dot had no choice, I..."

Ada shook her head before she answered, "I know...I don't blame her...I blame the one who changed him in the first place...Kubrika..." Her green eyes seemed to glow with a great fury. "He shall suffer for his crimes..." The black wizard looked to her brother before continuing, "I'm not sure when I'll see you again, brother, but I hope for your safety...take the Garnet Gem, it is my gift to you."

"Ada, listen to me for a second..." The scientist's plead never got across as Ada shifted into the shadows, heading for Mar's grave.

Crimson remained silent for a few moments before he looked to the summon gemstone in his paw. He was neither sad nor angry, all he had was a determined look on his face. "Sister...I promise I'll fight my hardest against Kubrika..." The gunman went into Ikonnen's office, looking to the dog before saying, "Ada won't be joining us I'm afraid, but I am still ready to fight...what's our next mission?"

Ada walked across the sandy shores of the holy land, gasping a little as it seemed to sap her strength. Hmmm, since a part of me is darkness this place still scorns is no matter, I came here not to fight... In the distance, she saw Dot and Kurtz looking over a humble grave in the sand, the vixen approaching with a somber look on her muzzle.

Jedrek watched whilst Ada approached the other two dragons, the shadow spirit chuckling before thinking, So she has joined them now, very well, I'll get them all at once after they leave that accursed island. Ada doesn't know that I can travel by shadows as well, the poor fools.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Then let me take you back to the Cross.... you're not in a condition to be here...." The red-haired dragon sighed softly, before moving a claw and softly wiping the tear from her cheek caringly. "I know this is hard for you..."

"Forget it. I'm postponing missions.." Ikonnen sighed deeply, putting a paw to his own head and sighing. "... I want to hold a memorial. This is gonna take some time."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Dorothy nodded, she knew Kurtz only wanted to make her feel better. "Alright" she sniffed, before turning around, she saw her. "...Ada..." she said, swallowing, her eyes staring on the black wizard.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Ada said nothing as she approached Dorothy and Kurtz, merely looking down to Mar's grave, a few silent tears falling to the ground. May you have eternal peace, Martin...I promise to finish what we started...for your sake and for everyone else's... The black wizard turned attention then towards the Myrmiddon, gazing at her not with anger or sadness but rather with emptiness. "...Dorothy..." A tense silence hung in the air, whilst the waves continued to crash against the shore. Ada then saw the dragonute's Mastermune laying by Dot's feet. "...his swallow..."

Crimson's temper flared up a little, the fox eager to fight Kubrika. "Fine..." He turned away as a scowl formed on his muzzle, thinking, While we're squandering time having funerals, Kubrika's gaining power...I can't just stand by and do nothing...if Ada's going to fight then so will I... The fox held the Garnet Gem tight in his paw before heading for the remains of Laboratory #13, plotting something in his head.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
The black wolf looked onto Crimson leaving then Ikonnen at his desk and growled slightly at his confusion on what the hell was going on "I'm going to help Crimson in anyway I can." he said "Knowing from the kind of person Mar was I dont think he would want us to have funeral while Kubrika is out gaining strength." with that the dark wolf lowered his head and followed Crimson into the Lab "Hey Crimson, if theres anything I can do I'll help." he said.

< Ikonnen's Office >

Wengren put his palm to his face "Too much stuff going on its making me crazy." he said quietly