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Southern Cross
Dot just continued to kiss, not caring if the kiss was long or passionate, she just wanted to feel it, she needed warmth, someone to hug and cuddle. Her stress had gone through the roof and was metaphorically killing her health, she was, however, obviously recovering in the meant time thanks to Kurtz's concern. Whilst thinking of all this, she opened her eyes to slightly take a glance of her kisser, then she closed them to picture his face in her mind exactly as she had just seen it. "Mnnhnhh... Kurtzy..." she softly moaned, loving the moment.

OOC: Stupid writer's block, I was expecting it to leave me, not leave me sequels to write this. *Shivers*

Dot: How romantic! *Hugs DMX*

DMX: Someone end my suffering~
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Shadow: I would, but Kyo would try and kill me if I tried to help you in the only way I know how.


Shadow smiled a bit, "I just figured we'd see if we couldn't get her to tell us anything helpful to the destruction of the cross." He placed his sword back into it's sheath, "But I like the way you're thinking."

Katt smiled happily, her tail wagging back and forth a bit, "I still, I'm sorry." she said as she continued embracing him.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Wengren smiled looking down at Kitt "No really Kitt, thank you. I was really down before but just talking to you made me feel better." he gave her ear a light scratch.

Kurtz: THESE DARK CLAWS HUNGER FOR BLOO~~ *gets knocked unconcious*
Kyo: Yup. Shadow-san's right.


Kurtz just continued to softly cuddle her, feeling her warmth just lightly brushing over his neck - the only possible part that was visible besides his hands, feet, and head itself. It was a moment, he hoped she would enjoy - she had been, to say the least, the little light throughout his days, and now... now he was able to finally enjoy that light. The way he wanted to.
His arms continued to cuddle her, as he remained to softly kiss her - if she loved it, it was but to his utmost joy. There wasn't even a need to look at her face and open his eyes. It was, as if by some fluke, her image was scarred across the very corners of his mind. As if his mind contained a mental photograph of her, stuffed, hidden, yet always in memory.


Kurtz: You are bloody emotional... YET I LIKED THAT!! *crushes Kyo in a hug*
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: Well if Kyo's busy, *Appears next to Dot* Why don't we let DMX get some work done? Wanna go to the arcade or something?


Kit purred happily as a wave of pleasure flowed from her ear. She didn't know, not having anyone else like her to learn from, but the kitsune's ears were a strong pleasure center. "Oohh, that feels nice." She murred as she hugged Wengren closer to her, already becoming slightly aroused from the stimulation on her ears as her crotch dampened.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Kyo: Oh, whoops, forgot Erne.
Kurtz: KYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~ *batman-esque rescue of Dot*
Kyo: *sweat-drop* Was it a good thing I forgot?


Erne, quickly starting to make his way back to the mansion with the cute purple fox in his arms, cursed. "Damnit... I don't know... if I'm gonna make it in time..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Blood kept flowing out from her wounds, gladly not as much as it was flowing before. the lost of blood surely made her body really weak and thus she is still unconscious, giving no sign of going to wake up soon. Plus a few drops of blood started to leak out from her mouth, the exhaustion of her body and waste of stamina was starting to deal damages inside of her.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
The night elf gave a soft smile as Kit hugged him tighter. He continued to scratch her ear "..I forgot...what its like to feel the warm embrace such as this." he stopped his scratching and gently hugged her with a gentle embrac.
OOC: DMX: Whatever happened, good, Dot isn't nearby. Thanks God, thanks Sponge Bob.


Lu smiled widely, then got her mask off, revealing her young, pretty face. One would be able to tell just by how innocent she looked like without mask she wouldn't appear to be an Insane. "I forgot about this" The pantheress quickly leaned forward and kissed Shadow's cheek, "Good to see you again. I've missed you all this time" she said, then smiled darkly, "Or maybe what I've missed is your style to fight those fools that try to resist the lord."

Few seconds later, which seemed like endless minutes, Dorothy backed away from the kiss, her eyes still closed, her lips still savouring his'. Her heart was beating hardly on her chest, her tail limp in the air.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"It has been awhile since you left." Shadow retained his cold exterior even through her kiss, though a small reddening did appear on his face, "But I see the training went well."

Kit paused and looked up at him, blushing a bit nervously, "Um, could you scratch my ear again?" She asked shyly, "I really liked it."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad