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Southern Cross

The shadow dragon chuckled as he told Hiro, "Fool, did you forget about the shadows I had fired." The twin blobs of living darkness Jedrek had fired earlier had begun to tie around his legs tightly, binding them well as they fed on his flesh. Meanwhile, their weapons were nearly even, Jedrek struggling to beat Hiro's attack, keep a tight grip on his prized Sky Scorcher.

Crimson let out a sigh concerning the condition of the laboratory, the gunslinging scientist knocked on the door to Sir Ikonnen's office. "Sir, may I enter?"

Ada stuck a couple of digits into her swollen pussy as she masturbated the tender canal. She moaned as she matched the humps Mar was giving her tail hole. Indeed, the vixen was becoming overwhelmed with pleasure from her two holes and having the dragonute's powerful hands on her furry breasts. "Gawds...Mar...more...take me harder, you sexy beast..."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Ikonnen shook his head softly, and sighed. "Colby, with all that's gone on recently, I can say I never bothered to look for a reason for that... and it's still the same night. So no."

Turning his head, he heard the knock on the door, before sighing - more? "Come in..."

Erne chuckled, and lowered his head. "Lesson three - be prepared." With that, he quickly shifted his claw and pulled out his dark blade.

Since, in the position Kurtz was, he could see her face, he nodded. "Y-yes... you can rest... I-I'll be on the other side of the bed... t-tug me if anything happens... okay?" Slowly moving his arms looser from around her, and then fully letting go of her, he shifted himself so that his back also faced hers, before placing his head on the pillow. "Alright...."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Kellie lost her balance for a second as Shadow moved, "Dam it ice blade," cried out and raised her gunblade.

"Oh okay then I will look in the library in the morning," was all Colby said as she left the room.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Too slow!" Shadow swung quickly striking his blade against her constantly, the sound of clashing metal ringing through the caverns. "You should just surrender," He smiled as he continuously attacked her, trying to keep her from regaining her balance, "You know that you stand no chance against us."

Damnit, only one option. And it's a risky one, Hiro removed one of his hands from the handle of his sword, losing half the strength in holding his weapon as he placed his now free hand against his forehead, Focus, He said to himself, Block out the blob and teleport away from it.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kellie lost her balance completely and fell to the floor and she swung her gunblade once more to keep Shadow making the killing plow.

Colby made her way to Silver room walked in, "Silver Disturbed are you in here?" she asked quietly without turning on the lights since she did not then up he was asleep.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow hardly flinched as the tip of the blade gashed across his arm. He quickly flipped his blade in his hand and rammed it through Kellie's shoulder, pinning her to the ground, "Kinda figured you'd be a bit tougher than this." He smiled as he reached behind him and pulled out the two handguns, "Oh well, just makes my job easier." Her held one gun sideways so he could rest his other hand on top of it to improve accuracy, "Too bad you had to go and turn traitor, always thought you were kinda cute, we coulda had some fun."

Hiro's body vanished, he warped through Jedrek as the blobs incircling his feet fell to the ground, "You'll have to do better than that."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Disturbed was laying quietly on his bed his ears twitched hearing th door swing open. He then sat up and saw Colby's outline from the light outside of the doorway "Oh Colby its you, whats up?"
Lu's body appeared, it glowed black, then she was in front of Erne. She did not say anything at all, just lunged forward, attempting to stab her katana on his front.

Dorothy made no response, just hugged him from behind, crying softly on his back, trying not to alert him, but seeking his warmth.

Mar complied and started humping beastily hard, showing no quarters against her as his cock slided eight inches out, to then slam the whole 16 back inside fast and deep. It was only minutes before he had to let out a loud roar, "Rrrraaaaarrr!" as the dragon's sexual organ commenced throbbing and expulsed an amazing load of his hot seed deep inside her rectum.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
If I can make my gunblade come to me when it as been knocked out of my hands then... Kellie thought as she throw her gunblade at Shadow point fist and making like a last ditch effort.

"Do you mind if I sleep with you tonight?" Colby asked as she closed the door behind.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow effortlessly sidestepped the thrown blade, "That's the best dying move you can come up with?" He laughed a bit, "Any monkey could've seen that coming." He spun one of his pistols in his hand and fired it, a cloud of dust rising from the ground next to Kellie's head, "You're lucky, I'm feeling kind today," He smiled down at her, enjoying her helplessness, "I'll make you a deal," he fired again, this bullet coming a bit closer to her head, "If you come back to the Insanes, I won't kill you." he fired again, this bullet scraping across her cheek, "And we might even be able to have some fun together." He aimed both guns at her head again, "Choose quickly though, I'm not known for my patience." he warned.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad