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Southern Cross
Shadow cringed a bit as he saw the light heading at him, it struck against his chest hitting his necklace which began to glow with a bright light, instantly shattering the stone encasing in a large dome of light. "Damnit," Shadow shook himself a bit as he stood up, the explosion had thrown him a short distance away from where he had entered, "I'm inside huh? Well, better make the most of my time here." He thought as he quickly ran towards the shadow's of the castle to hide.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Let's go then." replied Ada as she pulled them into the shadows again with her magic, traveling quickly to the forest's cave in a matter of seconds. As they approached the entrance, the vixen asked out of curiosity, "So, what do think it is Mar, another summon?" The grip on her staff tightened as she prepared to enter with Mar, keeping her eyes out for any more fireballs.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Ikonnen's eyes shot open as he was kissed by Kellie, a confused look on his face. He then rubbed his neck softly with his paw, grinning slightly.

*Southern Cross*

It was as if the shield had it's own mind. Sensing an insane within the walls, it started to expand, destroying buildings as it did, and firing countless bullets onto the grass around the mansion.

*Corridors of the Southern Cross*

"Okay.. then..." He then smiled, and started to walk with her towards the end of the corridor - his room being the very last one there.

*Sea Islet: Dusk Cave Entrance*

Another roar suddenly blasted out from the entrance, as another fireball fired out, rolling past Ada, barely missing her.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Grimlock looked up at the silver furred wolf "Yeah, what is it?"

Silver looked down on him "Dont you think for a second you're fooling anyone, we know you're spying on us."

Grimlock rolled his eyes "I am not spying!!! Would I tell you the Insanes movements if I was a spy."

"Yes." Silver said folding his arms.
*Corridors of the Southern Cross*

She gently wraps one arm around his waist while walking with him towards his room, her tails swish slowly from side to side
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
As Kellie broke the kiss she said, "I like to screw when I feed. Hope that is not a problem for you?"
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Damnit," Shadow moved quickly as a random shot missed him by inches, "I officially hate this place." He flipped up and through a window in the side of the mansion, "I gotta find somewhere to hide." he turned and started off but stopped as he came face to face with a person, a girl maybe around 18 at the most, "Uh." Shadow froze a bit, if she yelled he was in trouble.

"Hiro? Has it been that long since I last saw you? When did you decide to grow out your hair?" She asked curiously, grabbing his hanging bangs.

Hiro? Stupid girl must be mistaking me, this could work out for me. Shadow smiled a bit, "Uh, just thought it'd look good. You like it?"

"Well, I thought it was cute before, but I like this alot more." She smiled.

"Awesome, well," Shadow thought quickly, "I'd better go wash it, don't wanna get split ends or something. Which way is my room from here?"

"Go down the hall and take a left, first door on the right silly." The girl giggled a bit.

"Right, thanks uh," Shadow froze for a bit.

"You forgot my name didn't you?" The girl stood back, obviously slightly peeved, "It's Kit remember?"

"Right sorry, been a long day, I'm gonna go take a nap seeya!" Shadow said quickly as he ran off towards the room.


Character: Kit.
age: 18
gender: Female.
Race: Kitsune.
Weapon: sorceress.
Speciality: wands and staffs.

Ice bolt, fires a spear of ice at a target.
Frost, freezes the ground to stop attackers.
Ice tomb, locks an enemy inside a glacier.

Limit break: Frozen Tundra, freezes everything within a certain radius infront of her in ice then causes it to shatter into millions of dagger like shards that rain down on the trapped targets.

Bio: Born in the southern cross, grew up with many of the members. Calm and serene girl normally, becomes as cold as ice when fighting taking on a diffrent persona.


imagine a silverish tail and ears.

Edit: Fixed a mispell.

Edit2: Added description. Man I'm not on the ball today.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Sir Ikonnen immediately blushed a bright red, and he shook his head. "Uhh.. n-no... it's not a problem." His tail started to swish frantically behind him, as his elbow hit something. Almost immediately, water started to pour out of the shower, drenching both Kellie and Sir Ikonnen. They apparently, had stumbled into a bathroom.

*Corridors of the Southern Cross*

It didn't take long for Zerus to make it to the room with Yoosei, and he smiled, as he pulled a key out of his coat, and unlocked the door, as he felt her arm still around his waist. "Heheh.... here.... you've shown me your room... here's mine."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
*Corridors of the Southern Cross*

She smiles and gently unwraps her arm from around him
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
*Entering Zerus' Room*

Zerus blushed slightly, and nodded. "Y-Yeah... you did." With a small flick-on of his lights, his room became visible to Yoosei's eyes. It was quite a normal sized room; a window, with curtains drawn over it, and a desk just in front of it, with both a computer and an art sketching pad - with different equipment around it. Another door led off to his bedroom, and the second door led off to the toilet. Everything - including the bedsheets - were neatly clean.

"So.. uhm... how is it?" He asked softly.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds