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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
PyroMan gasped loudly, "Oh heck! Mar!"

"Hell no! You won't take him away!" Mar clenched his teeth, "PyroMan! You ready?"

"But Slash!" PyroMan said.

Mar stopped for a moment, he considered this would be the perfect time to use Dragnier, but... Slash was there, he couldn't just risk his safety, "Can't..." he said in defeat.

"I'll finish you later," the male Navi said in his deep and strong voice, "For now, sis will get her fun. Then you'll pay for running away from battle Wulvern."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Auspex glanced at Pyroman and then at Slash. 'Don't look so down. It wasn't my intention of hurting either of you, however unfortunate one of you made it, I'm just here to place you under arrest. I assure you there won't be any agression given if its not recieved.' Sighing in contempt, Auspex pulled out a sliver of paper. 'Slash.exe and Pyroman.exe are under arrest for illegal activity inside school grounds and must be placed under protective custody until otherwise noted. Their Net Ops are charged with illegal use of PET's within a school system, judgment pending.'
"What the hell are you talking about?!" Mar yelled, "We were attacked twice by the Mafia! What else could we do?! We'd have our Navi's deleted and ourselves dead if we hadn't!" he said with clear annoyance.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
'Did I write the regulations? No! I just follow them, and based from several different School Heads, they think this arrest is needed until they sort things out.' Auspex pushed a field medic forward. 'You two look beat, let my Medic give you a pick-me-up.'

'Your Navis will be fine for the duration.' Ausepx said to Mar. 'They will be taken to a strict location and confined until their trial and sentencing.'
"B-But!" Mar said, he gritted his teeth, "PyroMan! Jack Out!"

PyroMan nodded and closed his eyes. Nothing happened, "What?" he tried again and again, but it wasn't avalaible, "I can't Jack Out!" he said in distress, trying to avoid the medic out of fear.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"We came in through a seperate network, we'd have to leave the same way we entered." Shadow said as he saw Pyroman's failed attempt.

"Shadow, what do I do?"

"Where are they going to be taken? I want to know that they'll be safe." Shadow said quickly.

"Shadow, you can't seriously be thinking of letting them take us?" Slash said in disbelief.

"Don't worry," Shadow tried to relieve him, "If you remember we gathered that data while we were in that hypno thing. If we show that as evidence they'll have to let you guys go because they'll realize we had no choice."

"But can we even trust them?" Slash asked, still looking at the army in worry.

"Not in the least, but at this point we don't have any choice. If we resist you both'll be destroyed. At least this way we have a chance to get you back." Shadow smiled a bit, "And we will. I promise."

Slash relaxed a bit, "Okay, I don't trust them but I do trust you." He said as he put his arms down, "Okay, I'll come quietly, but if I smell a rat I won't stay that way for long." He warned.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
'Perhaps you can convince your friend, he really needs some medical treatment, as do you.' Auspex replied.

The Trooper encirclement began to disperse. They lowered their rifles and broke into their independent squads, standing to where Shadow and Pyroman could be gaurded, and talked amongst one another. Many troopers had died in getting these two Navis. Auspex refused to count them.

Auspex stepped over to Slash. 'We're going to take you and your friend to another server run by the school district. It's a small governor's palace on the edge of the Vinitian Coast. But unfortunately we have to hike it, the school security was on hightened alert after what you two did.'

'Too bad we're not going there' Auspex thought mildly.
Mar heard Shadow talk, whilst this didn't sound like his own idea of a plan, his friend was unfortunately right, they had to surrender and wait till how things would go or their Navigators would be destroyed, "Pyro... stop. Let them treat you."

PyroMan lowered his ears and sat down, he looked down for a moment, then nodded and looked on the Medic, "Will this hurt?" he asked in his childy tone of voice.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Shadow flipped a switch on his computer, shutting sound off entirely, "Don't worry," He smiled a bit as he slid a chip into Slash's PET, "I don't trust these guys as far as I could hurl a bus with one hand, I plan on tracking them the whole way, plus with this connection I should, in theory, be able to send Slash chips from anywhere, here." He handed the chip over to Mar, "Slide that into your PET too."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Right-o," Mar agreed and inserted the given chip inside his PET, "So what was this Chip for you say?" he asked, not stopping to look at his Navi.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad