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Southern Cross
Sir Ikonnen remained silent for a few seconds, before a symbol appeared under his ground. "I don't know...." His shuriken then started glowing a bright colour as he heard the bolts hit random spots on the ground. "BUT HE'S MESSED WITH THIS PLACE TOO MUCH ALREADY!"

Launching at the Demon Fire, he grinned insanely, as he slashed at it with his shuriken. Almost immediately, the Demon Fire split in half, and then evaporated into dust. Ikonnen, however, was still floating over the Infernal, grinning. "THAT AIN'T THE END OF MY MOVE, BOY!"

With a huge grin, his shuriken started growing bigger with each passing second. As it grew to about the size of a house, he laughed. "GOD'S MIGHT!" With that, he threw the huge shuriken at the Infernal, colliding with it's head.

OOC: Hehehe.... Limit break activated.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Don't Kill him I want him to make hime suffer for what he did. I want him to be castrated so he will never violate someone again," said Colby with a cold voice almost like she had no heart as her eyes turn feral like that of a dragon in rage.

Kellie looks shocked with what colby said. "Dam she as the temperment of a dragon this should be good," said Kellie sofly so she would not be heard.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
The Infernal tried to block the giant shuriken but to no use the giant infernal was cut down. Demonic flame faded and the giant rock body parts came crashing down. Grimlock watched in disbelief as his Infernal was destroyed "No...its not possible." Then he felt something behind him.

"Oh its possible..." Silver kicked Grimlock into the air GLEAMING STRIKES he yelled as he spun himself while holding his double-voulge so it would be like a buzz-saw slicing into Grimlocks body about four times. Then he slide next to Sir's side

Grimlock came plummiting down with a big THUD crashing into the ground.
The man laughed, and looked at Colby. "Yes. Castrate him was what I had in mind. Let ME knock him out for you, youngster. I want you to savour this castration. Then we'll leave him back at their den of a castle." He then clicked his fingers. "Oh, Dia-Borous.... Your master Erne wants you to knock this man out!"

With a large roar, Dia-Borous acknowleged, and threw a claw at Shadow.

Deeply sighing, as the shuriken started growing back to normal size and started flying back to him, Sir Ikonnen looked down at the rubble remains of the Infernal. "No-one, but no-one.... will destroy my family's creation." Catching the shuriken in one hand, and landing down on the floor, Silver shared a look at Silver. "Thank you for dealing with him, Silver. But now what should we do with him?"

A thought quickly came to his mind, though. "Should we lock him up in the Torture Room?" He then pointed to a corner of the mansion. "There should be a trap door there. We have to get him in there, and fast. Try to knock him out if he is still concious."

OOC: Let's wait for Shadow, DMX, Crimson and Matt. *sticks a 'Please Do Not Post Here Until Those Four Do, Others' sign on the RPG*
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Mar awoke from his unconcious state next to Hiro, he rubbed his head, "Oww... what happened?" he asked to no one in particular, he only found his own swallow had fallen in front of him, the tip of one of its blade was pointing at his crotch, "Not funny." He grabbed his weapon, before standing up, he hadn't noticed Hiro yet. Like if he had forgotten about him already, "Where the heck am I?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: apart of that I am a bit confused around here already... the main reason for the fact I didn't reply earlier.. is that I was waiting for Zerus to talk with Yoosei.. I mean... they were together...weren't they?
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Thanks for waiting, I have a crappy schedule, lol.

Noticing that Lord Ikonnen was distracted, the weakened Ada took her cue to escape, drifting into the shadows with a slight growl. Well, this could have gone better, we should have organized better, they got off with only a few papercuts.

Her vulpine nose picked up the scent of one of her allies as she stood in front of a gaping crack in the earth where a well had been. I see you've had problems as well, Mar.

Slowly she floated to the bottom, using her magical energies to levitate before softly landing on the moist floor, her green eyes now scanning the dark room. "Mar?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Silver shrugged "Sure why not." He scratched his head "Where did...that one girl get off too?"
OOC: As far as I recall, Amaterasu, you're character was knocked out, therefore I moved my character's attention to Yoosei.... And sorry 'bout that, Matt. I kinda couldn't see that post of yours.... >.>;


Slowly, though, Zerus turned around to face Yoosei as she started walking towards him.

"Is.... something wrong, Yoosei?" He asked politely, and quietly, stopping just inside the double doors. Swishing his tail from side-to-side, he waited for Yoosei, since the Mirage Room was not really far from them now.

Sir Ikonnen looked back at Silver, shrugging. "I don't have a clue." He then frowned. "But if they don't get out of our humble abode, we will move them out. All of us. By FORCE."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds