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Ebon looked into Shadows eyes "Do you believe that your the only one who has been hurt by lack of love? Let me tell you my story. Both my mother and father were both brutalily murdered right in front of Saphire, Silver and myself."

Ebon started to tear up "Disturbed tried to fend him off but he was only 8 at the time so he just got knocked unconcious. For some reason they took me with them. For sixteen years I was that monsters sex slave, wheter I was tired or not. Everyday he'd come in and ram into me like I was nothing but his sex toy, days on end constant fucking." Ebon now was in full tears.
Shadow's face softened somewhat, but her story didn't change what happened to him.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you, but it doesn't change what happened to me," he said, clenching his fist. "The man who sexually-abused you wasn't someone that should protect you. He wasn't the person who brought you into this world."

"My father died soon after my mother gave birth to me; I still don't know why he died. Somehow, my mother got the idea that I was to blame, so she made me her little torture slave. She'd tie me up, sometimes with rope, sometimes with hooks deep in my flesh. And she would...hurt me," he said, tears starting to fall down his face, his fists clenched so tight that the claws were digging into his skin, drawing blood.

"She would whip me, cut me with knives, burn me with a firepoker, do all kinds of horrible torture on me. And the whole time, she would tell me how evil I was, how I was responsible for everything that happened to me. Then one day, after years of torture, I broke free. I killed her, and went out into the world." he said, sobbing a little.

"What happened to you Ebon was horrible, but at least you had people who cared about you, people you could turn to when you neeeded help, people who loved you. I had no one, only myself. And the whole time I was out on the streets, I had to watch as other people were loved. It tore my heart apart to see other people get what I never had."

"And tonight, I thought I finally had love, only for it to cause pain." he finished, drawing back into the shadows so Ebon couldn't see him crying. "Your parents may have been murdered, but at least your parents were in your life to love you, not to hurt you. It's a whole different kind of pain when your own family hates you," he whimpered.
Ebon held Shadow's hand "But your wrong you still have love Shadow." she looked at him "I still love you."
Shadow looked at her, tears falling from his eyes.

"Do you promise to never lie to me, to always be faithful and honest, and to never hurt me?" he asked, needing to know if her love was true or if it was just out of pity. His mother had told him she loved him, only to turn around and abuse him. He had to know it wouldn't happen with this girl.
"I couldnt find a reason why I would want to harm you in any way. Your too sweet and kind." Ebon said with sincerety in her eyes.
Shadow moved over to sit next to her, gazing into her eyes. He reached up to cup her cheek with his hand.

"Then you have my love," he said softly, kissing her on the lips with passion.
Ebon closed her eyes as Shadow locked his soft lips with her own. Feeling the passion behind the kiss she knew that the kiss from him was true.
"Disturbed would you do one favor and only one favor?" asked Carman as she stopped holding onto him.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Disturbed stopped and looked at Carman "What favor do you ask?
Shadow kept the kiss going for a few seconds, then pulled away, gasping for air. He smiled warmly at Ebon, a warm feeling entering his body. Finally, he was loved.

"Wa...want to go...some place private?" he asked, nuzzling her and rubbing her soft back.