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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
OOC: I AM SOOO SORRY!! I officially HATE fire!

IC: Grave was sitting down at his desk. Sleeping with both his eyes open.
Trooper Donnels dropped his rifle and toppled forward. His dead body offered breif respite to the sudden caos unfolding upon the other squads, swaying from stray Vuclan shots withering through the room. Two high-caliber shots pulped a Trooper's armor plate, felling him. Seconds after the initial furray of shots, only nine of thirteen men stood rigid in their semi-circle. Another second until their bodies recoiled to recognize the atack.

Seven troopers rushed outward while six remained noosed around the Navi. They fired at anything moving, blurring, or swaying unaturally in their visors. Gunfire deafened the ambience. A vulcan punched through a troopers helmet and sent him sprawling, his rifle boucing on full auto. Sporadic bullets scarred posters, scarred the floor, scarred ceiling tiles, and scabbed a vulcan turret, imploding on the impact.

"Unidentified fire coming in from unknown location."

"Outbreak, Outbreak, Outbreak."

Auspex glanced past the shielding wall of Troopers at a blur running circles around him. He turned to Foxy. 'There was a Navi that looked like you flout inside this dump you call a home. He's wanted for...' He paused for thought. 'Questioning. And I'm going to have fun ripping out from your mouth.'

"Second squad suffering heavy causaulties, two per minute, three soldiers still in active service."

'You know the folly of rushing alone?' Auspex said aloud. 'Sound. Two feet entered this room behind us, and despite the ruckus of multiple shots I still hear two feet.'

In the dissaray, a fresh Trooper squad stormed inside Foxy's domain, increasing the soldier sound by seven, with rifles bristling. They raked the air in bullet fire. Auspex heard a faint growl and boots running faster.

'There's that and you're facing a Navi who has alot more experience in gunfire than you.' He called out to the intruder. 'We can keep this going, there's plenty more Troopers where they came from. Give up now and I won;t have to embarass you later.'

A shadow slipped round the room again. Auspex trained his scope to follow, pivoting on a heel to track the elusive creture. He enjoyed watching something struggle to elminiate a replenishing enemy, but it enthralled him more because the Vulcans were losing their suprise, and pieces of another turret clattered to the floor.

'You like singing Mrs. Navi?' Auspex hadn't forgotten her. 'Because if you don;t give me Pyroman, I'll make you bay for him.'
Wulvern jacked himself on.

::Cyber world::

"Hahaha! Now I get to look at porn!" Wulvern told himself.
OOC: Kay, here I'll introduce two new characters so Gun can get back on-line with us!

Operator: Lady Lilione Lord

PET(PErsonal Terminal): Silver and Blue armor version strapped to her right shoulder.

Unique Program Advance: Thunderstorm. (Abyss battle chips 1,2 and 3) Causes a disruption in the network, and several errors to occur to other NetNavis and Viruses, deals 35 hits continuously in a wide area of effect. (Can be upgraded to Tsunami, then Tidal Tsunami)

Chips: Several Elec battle chips, several support chips and lots of healing chips.

Synch Chip Aquired?: Nope..

NetNavi: Tempest.exe

Element: Aqua/Elec.

Special Tech: Perfect Tempest (Long range Aqua/Elec elemental storms)

CyBeast Program: none

Advantages: Elec and Water. and Wood and Elec fields.

Disadvantages: Elec, Water and Wood. fields and elemental attacks.

Operator: Sir Garon Lord

PET(PErsonal Terminal): Gold and Red armor version strapped to his right shoulder.

Unique Program Advance: Hundred Suns. (Solar battle chips 1,2 and 3) Causes a disruption in the network, and several errors to occur to other NetNavis and Viruses, deals 35 hits continuously in a wide area of effect. (Can be upgraded to Thousand Suns, then Million Suns)

Chips: Several Fire battle chips, several support chips and lots of healing chips.

Synch Chip Aquired?: Unknown

NetNavi: Wyvern.exe

Element: Fire/Cursor.

Special Tech: Reign of Fire (Long range Fire/Cursor elemental Firestorm)

CyBeast Program: ???

Advantages: Break, Cursor, Wood and Wood/Fire/Cursor fields.

Disadvantages: Wind and Aqua fields and elemental attacks.

Note: I'm going to control Tempest and Lilione. I'll keep up moving with both, but if someone else would like to take control of Wyvern and his operator, it'd be glady appreciated.


"HOW COMMON OF YOU!" a strong female voice was heard behind Wulvern as trident almost struck his side of face.

"Who are those guys?" Mar asked as he tried to find anything in common with all the the Navis around the girl, the ones being attacked by Slash.

Foxy didn't move, she just stood on her back paws once again, she rose her face to look on Auspex, "I'm sorry. But I can't let you know where the cutie is," she smiled down her mask again, "The red wolf is mine."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"WOAH- What the-" Wulvern turned around.

Awkward silence.

Wulvern went nuts, howling like a coyote again, stomping his left foot. "What a BABE!!" He said, his eyes turning to hearts. "Wait- You ARE a babe, right?"
The seadragon-like navi stopped, a vein of anger resalting around her head as she gripped one of her fists, "Don't come with the 'Babe!' thing Wulvern.exe! You left me back in Romania while you said you'd stay there with me!" Tempest said, swiping her trident at Wulvern again.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Shadow, we got a problem, the infinite vulcan is out." Slash said his speed helped to keep him unnoticed but it was a temporary gambit.

"We need to take them out, the life sword might be able to do it." Shadow suggested.

"There's too many, the life sword takes a long time to use I'd take out about half maybe but the rest would be able to fry me while I recover."

"Damn." Shadow swore lightly, "Okay, we don't have any choice, for Pyro's sake we need to take these guys out and fast. Go beast."

"Awesome!" Slash landed on the ground in front of the Navis, "Prepare to be deleted, BEAST OUT!" A large bolt of energy struck down on Slash, he fell to all fours as claws protruded from his hands and feet, his armor morphed to accomodate his new quadraped state his wings shrinking down into the two blade like appendages on his back, "RARRRRGH!!" He let out a deafening roar as his wings fell to the sides and he charged forward through the group his wings slicing through anything unlucky enough to get in the way.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Unfortunately enough, the firefox got hit. But something happened. As soon as Slash connected with her body, a poof of smoke appeared and a doll resembling herself appeared on ground.

Above in air, was Foxy, hovering a bit, "Kawarimi Magic!" she yelled as she spread her arms and all of a sudden, large and sharp shurikens started raining down on the battlefield.

"You are going to delete that girl navi too?" Mar asked Shadow.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Men died in shatters. Standing paramounts of data crumbled and bled, splintering apart on the floor, rifles and grenades scattered across the floor. Veterans broke like unlucky mirrors, arms and legs shorn from the eviscerating tip of a blade. Other men danced in tango with sharp knives and their heads toppled to the winds. In the center of a circle of death stood their ringmaster, herald of leadership, kneeling, arms folded across his shorn armor. He stopped mid-breath. His voice went quiet.

And he rose deliberately, shrugging the gouge and standing straight in the low-light. He wore a fashioned black tri-dome helmet, but swollen around the jaw, like an infection. A rebreather hose pussed out from one swell and reached round into a built-in backpack. His torso was bloated in segmented armor--heavy and level-skinned--but his arms, also shielded, placed a hand over the deep gouge. A combat belt stitched around his waist. Its leather was beathen from the breathing air. Armored leggings braced him upright.

Auspex, the ringmaster of his Troopers, one of the Sons of the Illbegotten, looked upon the Cybeast through his black plexi-forced visor, and suddenly shook with laughter.

'I must say that was quite an impressive entrance. But you'll have to do better than that kitty, kitty.' He growled to it. Foxy landed some feet away, well-spaced from him or the beast. 'I was fighting battles long since you were spawned in your PET shells.'

The Cybeast roared an answer, turnabout to face him. The tiger was impressive. Its glinting blades made Auspex shudder, but the feeling associated couldn't be described. Looking upon the tiger brought dread, yet the gash deep inside the Commander felt like burning life.

'Terrific looking beast at the lease. And perhaps in some twisted form of respect, my name is Auspex. Let me introduce my Troopers in my Command," He spread an arm towards the entrance and eighteen soldiers replaced those bleeding on the floor. "My Legion!"

The Coraetus 2nd bristled with rifles. They formed a three lines; one sqaud on their bellies, another kneeing behind them, and the last standing tall. Four soldiers brandished Concubine Rifles. Auspex rushed to their side.

'I haven't the pleasure of killing a Cybeast, hell you might even survive, but I assure you that you won't be coming back anytime soon.' Auspex looked into the eyes of the beast. 'But I'm posistive you know that already. [/i]
Wulvern stepped backwards to avoid the searing trident. "I did? Wait- Brittany? No- She was in Brooklyn- Melina? No-no- she told me I was too rambonxious- Er-" He thought out loud, counting on his fingers trying his best to recall every Navi he ever dated.

***Real World***

Grave was snoring lightly, eyes open in a creepy manner.