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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"On it!" Blaize was off back into the portal.

"Seit- what's going to happen if Keres can't absorb anymore?" Cerberus asked.

Inside Keres' Mind.

"-I'm back!" Blaize
"I'll tell you what will happen..." Dark Keres yelled out. "His body won't stop taking souls until all the souls in the world, even our souls will be drained into him."

Keres' Mind

When Blaize arrived, he could see that there was a battle in the air going on between Keres and A Hybrid between a Dragon, Bear and Eagle, and right below them, watching from the ground was a human boy with dog ears and tail.

"No time to explain!!! Blaize!!! Get that boy to a safe spot!" Kerse commanded Blaize, pointing to the human. "Prevent anyone else from getting out of the portal! Whatever gets out there will turn from imagination or memory into reality!!!" Kerse said before he jumped up and joined the battle.

"Mind if I cut in!" He said as he swung his huge sword between the two. "Long time no see... Ted." He said, facing the hybrid.

"Who the heck are you!? A feminized clone of Keres!? Don't interrupt us!" Ted exclaimed. He then punched the air infront of Kerse and Kerse was blown away by the wind.

"Whoa!!!" Kerse was pushed back against a building. "Damn... I forgot... he can use the elements of Wind, Lightning and Light."

Keres approached Kerse. "You allright miss!?"

"Idiot! I'm a boy!" Kerse slapped Keres' face a bit.

"Wh..why do you look like me?" said Keres as he rubbed his own face a bit after he got slapped.

"I'm you you moron, wake up Keres! This is just a dream! Wake up before you ruin this world too!"

"This world? What are you talking about?... A dream... You're me?... WHAAAT!? I'm gay!?"

"Excuse me... sorry to interrupt but!!!" Ted said as he used a lightning spell on both of the wolves.


"Looks like there's no other choice... If you wont wake up, I'll make you wake up!!!"

Kerse rushes towards Ted and starts to attack him.

Keres goes back to fighting Ted too.
Zeke growls. "They're my parents and they want to hand me over to an evil dude called Shadow for some reason...."

"Shut up, boy!" says Zeke's father. "You have a big mouth.... Don't make me use that belt on you...."

"Try it and I'll dice you into so many pieces they'll need a microscope to see you, Daddy-o...."

Zeke's father growls and lunges at Zeke, who just gives a defiant bring-it-on look. "What're you gonna do, spank me? Fat chance...." A simple, solid ice barrier knocks the older male otter out cold.
The ice barrier suddenly shatters into hundreds of ice shards and knock out Zeke's mother. Ryon smiles cheerfully. "Hey Cerberus! We can't let Keres suck up all the souls in this world, heh- go call a Guardian who's JOB IT IS for soul control!" He barked happily.

"Aww... I HATE pulse!! We can't get Zack, he's got a spirit hunting mission- we can't get Echo, he's helping Zack! PULSE is the only one there!! That cocky bastard-" Cerberus said.

"Now's not the time cerby!" Ryon said in a singsong tone.

One he Legendary Guardian of Spirits and Souls- Pulse, appears.

"I got a mission! FINALLY! I- Oh. Cerb. Ryon. Hi." Pulse said, as if disapointed. He was a tiger-like Guardian Beast, with Spiralish stripes, and green eyes.

"Hi!" Ryon greeted him happily.

"-See? They sent him anyway." Cerb said grumpily.

"DANG- Souls eh?" Pulse looked at Keres. He then raised a paw, stopping the souls on track- and returning them from whenst they came. He then twisted his 'wrist' a bit, cancelling out any negative forces acting upon Keres.

Keres body was still levitating- but that wasn't Pulse's problem.

Keres' Mind

Blaize blocked the portal with 'Solid' Flames, then rescued the boy.

"-Okay... Blazie- count to ten- then ask whether it's okay to destroy 'Ted'- it might- eh- do something bad-" Blaize told himself out loud.
Seit Took the Blows from Keres.not flinching a bit.he Charges Keres.He misses and rolls to the other side of the bridge.he stood at a three point stance,ready to charge at keres once more,untill--


Cain dodged Dark Keres's Little Shadow move and ran after Seit again.when he got to him,Seit was already on the other side,in the 3 point stance.Cain just ran up to him and wraped his arms around him.Seit's eyes,quickly,turned to normal.Cain smiled brightly as Seit Returned the embrace as he wraps his Wings around himself and Cain,protecting them.

"Cain, sor-"

"Its got caught up in the moment."
Seth watches and slowly looks at Zeke and gives him a look of respect.

"I am impressed, and I usually never say that" he chuckled deeply and smashed through the rest of the cage and helped zeke out.

"You okay kid?"
Zeke nods with a wry grin. "Thanks, Seth, and my name is Zeke, by the way."
Seit's Place

Keres body was still levitating, continuing to drain souls into it faster, and it was starting to drain the souls of those in the area.

Dark Keres just looked in awe as he found Seit change his personality.

:shock: "Whoa! Seit can be good!?" Dark Keres stared at Cain and Seit.

Keres' Mind

Ted blew Keres and Kerse away, the force of his wind element made Keres and Kerse crash into the debri below.

"Damn it! Guess I have no choice... Gonna have make Keres wake up the best way I can..." Kerse said as he stood up, while Keres was leaning against a peice of rock, panting.

"TED!!!" Kerse exclaimed as he suddenly disappeared from the ground below and reappeared right infront of the hybrid.

"Sorry Keres! I have to do this!" Then Kerse kissed Ted in the lips.


As Keres said that, everything was starting to fade away.

"BLAIZE!!! Let's go!!! Bring that Kid too!!!" Kerse said after Ted fell down to the ground after the kiss. Kerse dragged the shocked Keres towards Blaize's portal.
"Oh for the love of-" Pulse said. "What the heck could be draining the souls after I took it out?" He thought to himself.

A barrier formed between Keres and Seit. "That is enough." Cerberus said. "It's not the time for that."

"There we go." Pulse said in a mechanic's tone. The souls started slowing down- then reversing. "They should be back soon."

*Keres Mind*

Blaize did as he was told.
Humon, breathing heavilly returns to the site where he was greeted by strangers.
As he turns the corner, he notices how quiet the hotsprings were. it wasnt even a hotspring anymore. it was quiet, and the water has evaporated long brfore he got there. He walked toward the room where he stayed with Kai and found nothing but dust, and a slight mess. The mess he remembered from some time ago.
"how long was I held captive, and what happened to Kai?"
His heart, seemingly jumping into his throat, he voiced out his grief with a loud mournful scream.