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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*

Another radio bead opened. "Power output signature #04-0A1. Location Level 2, door Three."

"Output confirmed. Send in a bouncer and let the bugs at him."

Puzzlement creased Alistair's brow. Behind his two foot table-edge cover, he reloaded, sliding the expanded canister for a heavy virgin attatched to his ammo belt. The girth pleased him. He glanced at the wreckage of a gaurd barricade, gaped open from grenades, and felt something itch his brain.

Alistair grabbed his radio bead. "You know Yamaki, we'd go alot faster if you could catch up."

"I'm sorry my talents require some finesse." Replied Yamaki. "We'll be there in a second."

The second door upstairs opened. Two security officers ran to the railings, shouting between each other with their pistols gripped. Three rifles coghed. A guard's head snapped back, launching over the railing onto the first floor. The other man siezed his chest and toppled against the wall.

A trooper slid behind his corner. "Targets contained."

"This is becoming monotonous."
"That'd definately make things easier." Slash said, "We could... hold up."

"What is it?" Shadow asked at Slash's sudden stop.

"Some newsletter, something about an attack at that vestablue place."

"That the place that's working on that booster system right?" Shadow asked, "Probably just some virus broke out or something, delete it, it's not our problem." Shadow said.

"Right," Slash deleted the E-Mail, "So, you ready to head out then?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar had gotten the same E-Mail, "Strange, I thought that scientist had it well hidden. Oh well, guess the officers will take care," he shrugged, then told PyroMan to give a banner to Slash.

PyroMan stood in two legs, walked next to Slash and joined his paws, he opened them and a little red and orange sphere appeared, "Here you are," his eyes seemed to show a smile down his mask as he handed over the data.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Cool," Slash said as a small warp panel appeared on his floor.

"Okay, you guys better go first in case you have a firewall or something." Shadow said.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"This will take a sec!" PyroMan said as he dropped again to his four paws, then went over the flat panel with a Ember Symbol and was whisked away to Mar's homepage, he introduced a code and awknowledged Slash.exe to be permitted to enter. Afterwards, he came back in by using the panel in Mar's homepage, "There we are!" he said and happy wagged his tail.

"Guess they are becoming friends," Mar added with a grin.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"That's good, me and Slash aren't that good at making friends usually." Shadow said.

"That's because the first thing he does when he meets someone is usually kick their butts in a netbattle and get them angry at him." Slash said to Pyroman, "Okay, let's go then." Slash said as he stepped onto the warp panel and was sent to Mar's homepage.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
PyroMan giggled and followed. Both soon were on the webpage, it was somewhat over-crowed with other Navis for some reason. It was filled of wall-papers with cool looking Dragons all around, "And here we are!"

"Hope you don't mind the over population over there, I kind of opened a Battle BBS and they keep asking things on it," Mar modestly said as he closed one eye and stuck out his tongue while putting his hand around his head.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"No big," Slash said as he navigated through the Navis, draping his wings around him like a cloak to avoid having them knocked.

"Maybe later I can stop in and see if I can answer a few." Shadow said as he saw the large group.

"So where's the gateway to Wanabe?" Slash asked.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Let's see, this is always a mess. So... there are various links to many of my contacts Homepages here. The direct link of my PC will lead us to Wanabe 1," Mar said, "Though Yichi's HomePage can get us to Wanabe 3, there's the Net Cafe. But it's always a mess to get out of it and it's heavily guarded... uhh..."

"How about John?" PyroMan suggested.

Mar clicked his fingers, "That's it! We can get to John's from here, it goes directly to Wanabe 2 and it's the easiest to go around with. Or maybe you want to take the long road through the Internet directly? I don't know, what do you want?" he asked Shadow.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"We might as well get there as fast as possible." Shadow said, "No sense wasting time right?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad