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BDsM Club
Tieya watched as Shadow crawled into a corner and curled into a ball. She glanced at Katt, and lowered her head. "You'd better go..." She spoke softly, before she started to crawl over to Shadow.

When she got close to him, she wrapped her arms around him; a difficulty since he was curled into a ball. "Don't worry... I'm here... Shadow..." She whispered to him.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Shadow jerked when he felt someone wrapping their arms around him. He looked up to see the newcomer hugging him. He immediatly pushed her away, his eyes wide with fright.

"Please, you have to leave now! She'll kill you if you don't!" he said, desparatly trying to save this kind girl from his mistress.
Disturbed couldnt believe what he was watching as Tieya put her arms around the same person he thought he save her from. He nearly bit his tongue gritting his teeth "What in the hell!!" Disturbed slammed his fist down "Shes hugging the same fucking guy who ripped her ass wide open!! I dont care what your fucking past was you have control over your own actions!!" Disturbed then dropped down from the ceiling put his sword on his back"I've seen enough, I'm leaving" he openned the door and left the room. With a loud booming voice \"SAPHIRE WE'RE LEAVING!!!!!! GET DOWN HERE!!!!!\"
Tieya looked at Shadow as he pushed her away, and sighed. She wasn't going to give in that easy, though.

"No... she won't... you're not thinking properly...." She stretched her arm out and softly stroked Shadow.

Nath opened the door back into the room Saphire was in. "Saph?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Sol frowned. Maybe I was too exteme...
Shadow blinked, his eyes suddenly returning to normal. He blinked a few more times, looking around the room, as though remembering where he was. Then he noticed Tieya stroking him. In an instant, he realized what had happened and he broke down, crying in shame.

"P-please, Tieya, ju-just leave," he sobbed, pushing her hand away. "I-I'm nothing b-b-but a pathetic weakling; I-I don't deserve your sympathy, especially after h-how I-I tre-treated you," he whimpered.
Tieya frowned as her arm got pushed away yet again, before she immediately wrapped her arms around Shadow. "I allowed you to do that to me..." She smiled, and rubbed a finger under his left eye. "...And your not pathetic, Shadow..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Saphire shot up hearing her brother's booming voice. She quickly get her clothes back on and ran out the door and headed downstairs

Disturbed waited at the end of the hall way from the private rooms. Tapping his sword on the floor showing his impatience.
Nath blinked. "Whoa." He turned and faced the door. "What the hell just.. happened?" He leaned back on the wall. "Great, lonely again." He then thought quietly to himself, before he pulled out his cell-phone. "I got an idea..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Shadow looked at her, tears dripping from his eyes.

"I'm a Champion digimon who beat a helpless woman and then cried like a baby when the same thing was attempted on me; how is that not pathetic?" he muttered, his eyes drooping.

"My mistress was right; I'm nothing but a pathetic weakling who deserves to be a slave. I thought by dominating women I was proving her wrong, but I was only taking my anger out on innocent people." he said, looking into her eyes. "People like you. Oh God Tieya, I'm so sorry for what I did; it doesn't matter if you let me, it was still wrong," he said, his tears increasing.