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Shadow snarled at her, his tail wrapping around her neck and yanking her off of him. He then switched their positions, him on top, her on bottom

"Sorry Mindy, but I'm no one's slave. Now either submit to me or Criss will be having a banquet tonight," he growled, pressing his claws into her skin, drawing crimson fluid.

Shadow had experienced what it was like to be a slave, and his mistress had been cruel to him, cruel beyond imagination. He had sworn long ago that he would never serve anyone as long as he had breath in him.

Turning to Katt, he offered her an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry if I come across as violent, Ms. Katt, but I was once a slave with a cruel mistress, and I swore to never be enslaved again. I give you my solemn word that I will treat you with respect and only do what you want to do," he said, keeping Mindy locked in his iron grip.
OOC: Okay cboy you said you were new to this so here are a few basic rules for fighting.

1. No killing.
2. ABSOLUTELY no killing.
3. No serious injuries, minor cuts are okay but nothing life threatening or that would require medical attention immediatly.
4. No being invincible when in a fight.
5. keep it pretty simple for this RPG, no flashy stuff like lasers and what not.


"Well, since you put it that way," Mindy lifted her legs underneath him and flipped him off her, springing back and landing on him holding his arms behind his back, "Guess I'll just have to break you in now won't I?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Sorry about the threat, but I wanted it to be clear that my character doesn't do slave. And you're going to have to do a lot better than restraining my character to make him your character's slave.


"You'll have to kill me before you do that, bitch. And you're starting to piss me off," he growled, once again using his tail to yank the dominating woman off of him. He whirled around, lashing out with a roundhouse kick to the side of her head, followed by a punch to the gut.

He then grabbed her and flung her onto the bed, jumping on her to pin her down. In rapid succession, he clamped her arms and legs into the now empty handcuffs already attached to the bed.

"Mmm, you're feisty one, Mindy. I like that in a woman, but like I said; I'm no one's slave." he growled, his eyes flashing with anger.

With the dominating woman out of the way, he turned to Katt and the Palmon who had entered.

"Now that she's out of the way, perhaps you ladies can now have your fun. What might your pleasures be, my ladies," he purred, though he kept on the alert in case one of them was also dominating.
OOC: I knew you wouldn't take it that far, just wanted to make sure we were clear on the fighting rules. It's gonna be interesting to see who cracks first.


Mindy struggled a bit as she gasped for air.

"GET OFF HER!!" Katt's foot caught Shadow on the side of the head and threw him off Mindy. She landed on the ground inbetween the two of them, her muzzle had grown longer and fangs were protruding from the front her eyes were glowing a bright yellow.

Mindy sat up from the bed, "Guess, *KAFF* he's really adamant about not being the sub huh?"

Katt let out a small growl in response.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Don't expect it to be my character. And you're going to have to allow some serious injury, since you can't knock someone out without them getting said injuries.

Shadow rose to his feet, shaking off the blow. He licked at the blood that oozed from his lip, snarling in anger. This was really starting to annoy him, and he wasn't a nice person when he was annoyed.

"So, the apple didn't fall far from the tree, eh Katt," he growled, his own eyes starting to glow, though his were red. He fully unsheathed his claws on his hands and feet, the knife-like appendages almost a foot in length.

Then he suddenly disappeared, reappearing behind Mindy, her head in his hands. A quick squeeze of her shoulder (I forget what the move is called; Data used it in Star Trek: Nemesis) and Mindy was out like a light. He then grabbed her head in his hands.

"See why I'm called Shadow, bitch! Now back off, or your mistress will literally lose her head!" he snarled, starting to twist Mindy's head.

Cboy Wrote:...See why I'm called Shadow, bitch!....

That line reminds me of "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!"


Nath murred softly, and watched Saphire as she crawled down and started to undo the buttons on his trousers. "Mrr... this is going to be more fun then I thought... Saph..."

Tieya eyes widened slightly. Although her sight was still distorted, he should just barely make out Disturbed's figure. "O..Oh god... Disturbed..." She then tried her best to cover her naked figure, but she couldn't. She sighed, and took a drink of the ice water. After a few seconds, she pulled the ice water away from her muzzle and sighed. "...Thank's you."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Sol watched the exchange with interest while pulling out.... what appeared to be a large hook "This is going to be fun..." His eyes flashed at Shadow with an insane grin as he tested his hook "I like feisty..." He hissed quietly while beginning to stalk closer to Shadow...
Saphire slid Nath's trousers to reveal an already semi-erect cock. She started to massage up and down his balls and cock trying to get it to its full erect size.

"Its okay...calm down...your with me now, I wont let anyone hurt you." Disturbed tried to calm her down putting his paw gently on her cheek. He then pulled out the bottle of healing lotion he brought with him. "Now lets have a look at that bum of yours..I saw it from afar in Shadow's room and it didnt look too good."
Nath let out a small gasp, his member being attended to by Saphire. He let himself relax, and moaned again, as his member started to stiffen and erect itself.

Tieya nodded slowly, and tried to turn over on her back, but couldn't. She was still affected by the pain and her two powerful climaxes; her legs were practically quivering. "I..If I could.... turn over... I'd le-let you.."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Saphire started to lick Nath's fully erect cock with her soft gentle tongue, trying to make it as pleasurable as she could. At the same time she softly massaged his balls.

As Tieya tried to roll over Disturbed gave her a little nudge, just enough to full roll over to reveal her bum. Then his eyes widen as he saw the damage that was caused upon her posterior "What the hell...its bleeding and covered in bruises" Disturbed left for a second and returned with some fresh towels to clean the wound. He took a cloth and gently dabbed the towel so it can clean the wound yet not put too much pressure on it so it wouldnt hurt.