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Digimon Expansion RPG
Ranamon nodded, and a feeling of pride entered her; the fact that Aqua didn't try to lie showed that Aqua might be deserving of his love.

"What did you and he do? And please, tell me everything; don't be afraid, because I won't get mad," she said, silently imploring Aqua to continue to tell the truth.
"We uhm... fooled around a bit..." Aqua said, still staring at Ranamon's eyes.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ranamon sighed, a little annoyed at the rookie's reluctance to tell all. However, she was also probably scared that Ranamon would get mad at her. Ranamon decided to let it out.

"Please, sweetie, you don't have to hide anything from me. Dark Panthahmon told me what happened; about how you asked him to screw you, about how you told him about your "mate", and how that lead to him talking to you about love and mates and revealing the story of his first girl. He even told me that he said he loved you before falling asleep. And now I want to know; what are your feelings towards him," she said softly.

"Ah'm not mad at you. If you love him, that's fine with me; Ah know he'd be loyal to both of us if that became the case. But he's a little confused at the moment as to your feelings towards him and he doesn't want to hurt you, so please tell a fellow gal how you feel about him," she implored.
Aqua got embarrassed and all red at the comment. But after some considering, she decided it was of no use to keep avoiding it, her heart was beating really fast, "I... I uhm... Dark Panthermon is," she paused, then closed both her eyes, "He's really nice and... oh who am I kidding. I love him..." she finally said.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ranamon's heart swelled with pride at hearing those words. Her mate had once again shown what a kind, caring individual he was by causing this girl to fall in love with him, a girl he hardly knew yet could sympathize with.

"You don't know how happy Ah am to hear that, sweetie. But Ah think you and he need to talk to each other about it, to make sure that it's a love that'll work out. Ah'll go fetch him for yah, sugah," she purred, jumping to her feet and racing out the door.
Before Aqua could say anything, Ranamon had gone already, "Oww... was she really... happy because of this?" she said to herself worriedly.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ranamon raced out to find her mate, happy that the womon he'd fallen for loved him as well. It didn't bother her that he was in love with the little rookie. After all, there was no rule as to how many mates a mon could have.

"Dark Panthamon, sugah!" she squealed upon seeing him, holding a glass of liquid and a bag of something in each paw. She ran up to him and grabbed his hand, dragging him back to the room.

"What! What is it, Rana?" he asked, confused as to what she was so excited about. Ranamon quickly brought him to the room where he and his mate and Aqua had been staying.

"The little dear told me she loves you, too. Oh Ah'm so proud of you, mah love; you've once again proven yourself to be the caring boy I fell in love with. Now go in there and let Aqua know how much you love her." she squealed, pushing him through the door.

Inside, Dark Panthermon looked at Aqua, a blush showing on his cheeks despite his black fur. He gave her a sheepish smile.

"I guess you've decided on who the right mon is to be your mate, Aqua," he said, moving to put the drink and the package in the kitchen and then moving over to sit next to Aqua. He looked into her eyes, his blush deepening

" you really love me, Aqua?" he asked.
Aqua couldn't help but blush as well, her heart was still beating hardly when the panther asked. Still, she had confessed her true feelings to a new friend, so what stopped her from telling said feelings to the one she loved?
"Uhm... Dark Panthermon... I," she started babbling, getting really nervous.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Dark Panthermon put a claw to her lips, silencing her.

"You don't have to be shy, Aqua, but I want you to be sure of yourself too. If you aren't sure of your feelings, then I don't want you to lie to yourself." he said, caressing her cheek.

"I don't know what you're feelings are, Aqua, but I know what my feelings are. You and I are alike, Aqua. We've both had false lovers, and we both were heartbroken over it. But I found someone to help me, someone who loved me for who I was, who showed me what true love is." he said, tears brimming in his eyes.

"I...I'd like to be that person to you, Aqua. I want to be the person who shows you what true love is, but I only want to be that person if you want me to be. If I'm the one you've decided is the right mate for you, I would be honored to be your mate, Aquaveemon." he said, getting on one knee in front of her, taking her hand and kissing it.
OOC: ACK- emotional moment


Aqua looked on Dark Panthermon and her blush deepend through the scales, "Of course I want you to be!" she finally cried in happiness.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad