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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Dark Keres approaches Blaize. "No, the raccoon ga... I mean guy was Ruffy. Ted is... that Dragon-Bear-Eagle Hybrid and Keres' cousin.

Shrugs. "I don't know why but when he remembers Ted he kinda freezes up like that. All I know, even though I've been in Keres' mind for so long is that Keres and Ted have been rivals for so long. One thing that I remember about Ted is his eyes and deadly stare. It's like, if you look into his eyes, you're looking into a dark abyss of pain, sorrow and misery. I guess when he looks at Seth he got reminded about Ted and something that might have happened between them."

"Not really between them..." said a voice coming from Keres. After a few seconds, a bright flash emerged from Keres and then he looked different, instead of wearing black coat and black jeans, he was now wearing a pink top, a pink collar, pink gloves, pink boots and a pink skirt. "Yaho! Long time no see Dark!" The "pink" Keres waved at Dark Keres.

"Gah!!! Stupid Gender-Confused Kerse!!! What are you doing out here!!? Where's Keres?" Dark exclaimed, grabbing Kerse by the collar.

"Keres is in a trauma right now, I had to switch places with him otherwise it would be trouble for both of us... Right?" Kerse blinked at Dark. "And oh... you do know the consequences of touching my collar..."

"Huh?... Oh crap..." was all Dark Keres could say before he got shocked by a hundred volts of electricity coming out of the collar.

"Ah so let's see now... clothing... gloves... boots... collar... oh... I forgot my sword." Kerse said to himself before he chanted and after he chanted a sword which was 5 times bigger than his own body appeared out of thin air and almost hit Dark.

"CAREFUL WITH THAT THING!!!" Dark exclaimed.
Seth wondered who they remined him of, he saw the strange creature called dark, not very suprised by his entrance, he had heard a noise from that area, he just watches arms folded not saying anything as he watched them with no emotions on his face.
Zeke just stands there with a "here we go again" look on his face. He'd been a fighter for awhile--

Suddenly, with barely a sound, Zeke is trapped within a clear box, made out of impenetrable material.

"What the...." Zeke calls forth a whole flood of water and sends it at a single point of the box with more than extreme pressure, but leaves not even a mark.
Slightly suprised, the wolf had not planned or predicted this, slowly unfolding his arms and slowly walks too the box and places a hand on it and frowns.
Zeke begins saying something, but nobody can here him from inside there. He's obviously a bit bewildered, though. A rustling comes from some bushes nearby.
Seth eyes made its way towards the bus but slowly returned too the cage

"Howling Lava!" he roared and suddenly his hands formed fire on them so hot it could mlt metal like butter and slams his fists into the cage.
It's working--but incredibly slowly, and it's getting incredibly hot for Zeke inside. He uses a bit of water to cool it down, but heat keeps pouring in.

Meanwhile, two otters, Zeke's parents, come up behind the wolf. "Hmm... I see you like our little trap!" says the female one.
OOC: X3 Gunter's gone again?
The wolf used ice this time and forst apears round the dent he made and used all his strength in just one single physical punch and looks behind him afterwards.

"I see so you made the trap how about you tell me why you did this before I disloacate both your necks"
While Seth and Zeke were busy, Kerse and Dark Keres were busy poking the "suddenly" asleep Blaize.

"Hey he's kinda cute when he's asleep." said Kerse as she... I mean he... pinched Blaize's cheek.

"Hahaha. You shoulda seen him when he was drunk." Dark Keres chuckles, then wonders how Keres was doing in the chamber of thoughts (inside Keres' mind)

"... Ted... Argggghhh!!! Damn you Ted!!!" Keres shouted out as he cut an illusion of Ted in half.