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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
OOC: Okay!

IC: Suzaku screeched again, and spotted Shadow. He slowly aproached.
"Dangit" Mar cursed, he started looking around, There must be a way to stop that thing!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Any ideas would be appreciated." Shadow said as he backed up against the wall.

"Shadow, over there." Slash's voice rang from the PET.

Shadow followed his direction and saw Douse's PET lying on the floor.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Oh yeah!" Shadow made a desperate grab for the synchro chip that was lying on the floor next to the PET, ignoring the complaints from Hydroman, "Ready Slash?"

"As ever."

"SYNCRHO CHIP! SLOT IN!" Shadow inserted the chip into his PET which began glowing brightly.

"CROSS FUSION!" Slash and Shadow shouted as one. Instantly the PET shattered into Data, Slash's armored boots and gloves formed on Shadow's arms and legs, small black stripes now adorning them. The chest emblon attached to him as Slash's armor formed around him, it was slightly thinner and more aerodynamic than normal, he turned around quickly as a set of four wings sprang from his back, moving more flexibly than Slash's real ones, and more feathery, almost like an angels. The helmet materialized on his head, his long black hair hanging out the back, the spike shot out of the top and split in two, forming a 'V' shape.

"Whoa." Shadow looked at his hands, then examined the rest of his body, "IT WORKED!!" He screamed, "THIS IS TOO COOL!!"

"Yeah, now quickly, try and stop Grave." Slash reminded him.

"Oh, right." Shadow made a reach to his side, patting his hip, "Uh oh."

"Uh oh? That can't be good." Slash said.

"How do I use a battle chip?" Shadow wondered as he searched his person for his pack.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Suzaku screeched- and lunged at Shadow rapidly.
"Hey!" Mar remembered what Douse had been doing before, "Maybe the PET already has your chips recorded in it! Try focusing on one first!" he told Shadow.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"AHHH!" Shadow panicked and covered his face with his hands by instinct, he waited until he heard a loud clank, he opened his eyes to see that his wings had wrapped around him in a sheild, "Whoa, Slash was that,"

"Yeah, don't forget you aren't alone in this fight." Slash's voice said.

"Right," Shadow flung out the wings in an attempt to throw Grave back, "Let's see if this works. PINION BLADE!" Shadow waved his wings forward, firing off numerous blade like feathers, even more than he normally did.

"Whoa." Slash exclaimed, "I guess cross-fusion comes with a power boost."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Suzaku instinctively deflected the projectiles with a gust of wind- and was almost at Shadow-

OOC: Now? Can I revert now?
This will give me time to search for PyroMan! Mar thought and ran over to the Control Panel, the plugged his PET. "PyroMan! You there?"

PyroMan heard Mar's voice, "Mar! WHERE WERE YOU?!" he said, leaving a scrapped Bubbler Virus on the ground, who was deleted after falling from his claws.

A large sweat drop ran down around Mar's head. Guess... he already overcame the fear?
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Right, what was it Douse did, SWORD SLOT IN!" Shadow held out his arm, nothing, "Oh man, not good. Uhh, Fire sword! Aqua swor! Samurai sword! ANY SWORD!" Shadow shouted as he waved his arm around, "Battle chip! Neo Variable sword!" Shadow shouted, a large yellow sword formed in his arm, "Huh? It worked?"

"Of course, the variable sword was the last one you used remember?" Slash said, "It's the only chip that was still IN the PET when we fused."

"Okay, so we have to remember, we can only use chips that are in the PET when we transform." Shadow said as he held the sword infront of him, ready to block an attack.


Gun it's been 8 posts so yes you can change back.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Just mere centimeters away from Shadow- Suzaju stopped dead- and depixelated. Sir Grave appeared, kneeling and panting in frontof Shadow.