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Things You Wouldn't Hear In A Digimon Episode
No... like this...

Rika - Huh? What's that noise...? *searches around the house and finally peeks into her bedroom*

Renamon - *sitting, facing away from the door, legs splayed, finger up her... :shock: *

Rika - *jaw drop*

Renamon - *looks round* ... :shock:
*Karie is hanging on the side of a cliff with Gatomon hanging onto her foot*

Gatomon: I dont think my nine lives will servive this Karie
Karie: *hears footsteps* oh thank god. HEEELLP!!! *the person comes into view* Oh its Davis and Veemon...DAVIS HELP we fell down and cant get upt.
Davis: Oh hey look its Karie....*picks a couple rocks and starts chucking them at Karie* Die bitch!!! Die!!!!!

Davis - *snoring on a sofa*
Veemon - *creeping up on him*
Gatomon - *giggles quietly*
Veemon - *bitch slaps Davis and runs*
Davis - *jumps up* WHAAA!!!

Gatomon - *hides in a closet*
Veemon - *grins at Gatomon as he also hides in the closet* There! My turn! I dare you...
This looks like fun.

BlackWar lying down in couch with Jesus as his therapist.

BlackWar - I hurt people. I

BlackWargrey: Hey- what's the matter? Here- Have a pint-

WGmon: I was once a powerful and respected hero of courage and hope- leader of the pack- honored- Now I'm just another symbol SODOMY and LUST!!

BWGmon: You're sad... why? y'know what, you're racist. You're completely racist, and I'm going to sue you! Nobody likes me cuz I'm B-LACK!!

WG: That is NOT true! Have you seen what those freaks at the DaD have us do!? It's total hummiliation!!

BWG: waitwaitwaitaminute- What's the DaD? They have ME?

WG: It's this porn site for Digimon- Yes- I've seen this one of you done by this guy named Glenn- and-

BWG: -Oh look at the time- I'm late for my- uh- job- er- appointment in the nearest internet cafe- see ya'-

WG: But wait- aren't you-

BWG: SEE YA!! (Zips off)


BWG: (Yells back) What honor!? I was Created By a woman that resembles a creature that eats it's mate...
Impmon - *surfing the DaD's art section*
Renamon - *spots something in passing and narrowly avoids falling flat on her face* :shock:
Impmon - *looks at Renamon... revealing a piccie of him doing Renamon on screen* Twisted
Scene: A large digimon tech city

Raidramon: *finishes off a bad Digimon* That wasnt too bad..
Davis: Hell no!! No bad digimon can take us!
Raidramon: You bet..
Davis: *hopes on Raidramon*
Raidramon: *runs for a bid through the city*
*a stranger with something yellow on his head walks out in front of them*
Raidramon: Oh shit breaks!!! *skids and accidently knocks into the stranger knocking him back hard*
???: Hey watch where your going!!!
Davis: Woops sorry kid didnt see you there. *hops off of Raidramon and walks towards the kid* Sorry about that. *helps the stranger up*
???: ....thanks.
Davis: No problem...whats your name.
???: My name is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town...and this is Pikachu
Pikachu: Pika
Davis: Ash Ketchup huh? *looks at Pikachu oh so this is your digimon..are you a digidestined too?*
Ash: Digimon? What the hell is a digimon? Pikachu is a pokemon...*looks at Raidramon* hmmm I've never seen that pokemon before...
Raidramon:....I'm not a pokemon.
Ash: He must be a new pokemon...wanna battle?
Davis: Who? With Raidramon? but..
Ash: Pikachu...thundershock.
Pikachu: *lets out a thundershock onto Raidramon but doesnt faze him one bit*
Raidramon:....thats it? *lifts his foot up and smashes the little lightning rodent*
Ash: O.O *jaw drops as he watches Pikachu die*
*nearly wets self laughing*

Terriermon - *flaping his ear*
Henry - What are you doing, Terr?
Terriermon - *flaps harder* Gah! Why are my ears so big if I can't fly!?
Henry - *BOING* Terriermon... *puts hand on forehead, shakes head*
Random kid: KITTY!! *Grabs Gatomon and starts hugging her*


News reporter: And in other news, a young child was horribly mauled, his faced shredded beyond recgonition. Suspects say it was a small white and purple cat, those suspects are now in a mental hospital.

Kari: Gatomon? Do you know anything about this?

Gatomon: *Large specks of blood still on her claws and face* Nope.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

*** At the first fight between Renamon and Guilmon... ***

Renamon - *jumps at Guilmon*
Guilmon - :D Fluffy! *hugs*
Renamon - *sweat drop*

Rika - *BOING* :shock:
Takato - X3 *smothers laugh*