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Things You Wouldn't Hear In A Digimon Episode
Jyou sighed as he looked at the screen in front of him. Once again, he had been rejected, outcast.

"Your characterisation of Joe is completly off; there's no way he's that brave! And I doubt he could take down a Devimon by himself. You seem completely obsessed by Joe and Mimi: why don't you try something with Tai, for once? And, by the way... pebnis size? Be realistic."

Jyou's tears welled up in his eyes. "Why can't Wisemon give me a good reveiw for once?" he muttered, as he shut down the computer.

(23rd of July Edit.)

Sorry, I had one I couldn't hold in.

Daisuke pointed at Vandemon's giant mouth hanging in the sky in front of him. "It's a bloody giant mouth,!" he exclaimed, giggling. Then he took another long drag of the substance in his other hand.

Gatomon eats cake! Yamato's an astronaught! Hahahaha!

[Image: DADSJPEG.jpg]

Not my kind of thing, but it's still rather funny.
Veemon: Hey, Gatomon?

Gatomon: Yeah?

Veemon: Umm... sorry, this isn't really that easy to say, but... I think you're kinda cute...

Gatomon: ......

Veemon: Sorry, I shouldn't have---

Gatomon: ---Got twenty bucks?

Veemon: SURE!

Gatomon: K, meet me in that cave over there in five.
Gatomon - Who the hell are you?

Renamon - I could ask you the sme thing...

Gatomon - I asked first!

Renamon - But I'm bigger than you!

Gatomon - But I'm a champion level!

Renamon - You look like a baby to me!

Gatomon - *fumes*

Renamon - *laughing*

Gatomon - THAT'S IT! *leaps with claws extended*

Renamon - Pathetic! *holds her at arms length as she tries to attack*
Guilmon and Renamon from Tamers run behind a tree and we hear little wet squishy noises Twisted

Guilmon - What's this?

Renamon - SHUT UP AND FUCK ME!!! :shock: Did I just say that out loud?

Guilmon - Ya!

Takato + Rika - *sweat drop*
ROTFLMAO @ whole topic

i think i will give this a try

tohma: "gaomon!"

gaomon:"yes master?"

tohma: "do my report for DATS for me"

gaomon: "no master!"

tohma: "what!"

gaomon:"no master!"

tohma: "gaomon, your supposed to be obediant"

gaomon:" not anymore, now im your master, unless you want commander satsuma to see these pictures i took of you and masaru last night" *holds up a disk*

tohma *embaressed* "fine just don't show anybody, or tell anybody"

gaomon: "good, now give me your digiviceIC"

tohma:*give gao the digivice*

gaomon: "now, tohma digivolve!"

tohma:"i can't do that!"

gaomon:" ok then" *runs off with the disk, to show the commander*
Guilmon - Oh, oh! I got a good one Takato!

Takato - Let's hear it!

Guilmon - What's big, red and smells bad?

Takato - YOUR BACK SIDE!! lol

Guilmon - Takato!

Renamon - *fails to stifle laugh*

Rika - :shock: *BOING*
Wargreymon: Hi Blackwargreymon whats up?

Blackwargreymon: Aw hey what up cuz

Wargreymon: uh...cuz? We're not related.

Blackwargreymon: I know I know but you still my dawg.

Wargreymon: Dawg?

Blackwargreymon: Word dawg.

Wargreymon: huh....oh god.

Blackwargreymon: What? Whats yo problem? Dont be playa hatin now?

Wargreymon: Blackwargreymon...just because your name has Black in it doesnt mean you have to act black!

Blackwargreymon: Man you gotta stop hatin. Dont hate the playa hate the game.

Wargreymon: *sweat drop*
XD Nice one!

Patamon - Uh... TK?
TK - Yeah?
Patamon - I'm not a guy.
TK - *sweat drop* I knew that.
Patamon - Huh? Ho-*BOING* TK! *VERY SCARY ANIME FACE!!!*
TK - *shrinks* Eep!
Viva La Bam Prank Wars Spoof.

Rocket: Hi, I'm DJ Rocket, this is my bro T.K. Ishida and this is Kari and Rika's Hummer.

*both boys hold electric hacksaws, they begin to slice off the roof of the hummer*

Megamon: Do you know what you're doing?

Rocket: I have no Idea!

Patamon: You know Kari and Rika won't let you have sex with them if you do this.

T.K.: Who cares? MTV is giving us phat cash for this.

Megamon and Patamon: *sweatdrops*
Renamon: Actually, Digimon don't have gender.
