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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
"Nice to see such a Navi/Operator relationship." Mar added, grinning to his teacher. "Hey, now that we are in front of the door, where do we go? Or do we enter directly from here?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"We'll just enter through here. Truthfully, I see no point in this little field trip. What could you kids possibly learn about anything useful in the waterworks?" Sir Grave thought out loud.

"-like I said, CUCKOO. Call security kid!" Wulvern chimed from Sir Grave's PET.
"I'm on it," Slash said as a dial tone started from his PET.

Shadow quickly smacked it once and it stopped, "See, that's why I get bad grades. Because you constantly threaten the teachers."

"I'm sure the fact that you thought Washington was the capital of USA had nothing to do with that." Slash said laughing.

"WHY YOU!!" Shadow made a grab for his pet but paused when the door to the waterworks swung open, "Huh?"

A large man stepped out, on his waist hung a large PET with black, blue, and grey colorings. "Uh," He looked between Mar and Shadow quickly, "Hello, welcome to the waterworks."

"You the tour guide here or something?" Shadow asked looking at him.

"Tour? OH! Yes, you must be the class for the field trip. Yes I'll be the guide, you can call me douse." Douse said acting a bit strangely.

"Kay, you're crazy." Slash said quickly.

"Well then," Douse continued, paying no attention to Slash's comment, "shall we begin the tour?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar raised an eyebrow and looked on the PET, Nice looking PET. he thought, before looking on Douse. "Waterworks huh? Well... there's no point in standing here, will we start or what?"

"Mar, I don't like this place... it gives me creeps..." PyroMan said in a low tone.

"We'll be here for some minutes, don't be such a scardy cat, will ya? I won't let any Shrimp jump into the PET."

"Okay..." the Navi replied, lowering his ears.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Relax, if all goes according to plan you won't be jacking into anything." Douse said back to Mar.

"Plan? Who the heck uses the word 'Plan'?" Slash asked aloud.

"Oh, uhhh, I meant schedule. Yeah that's it, the schedule doesn't call for any jacking in, this is a very secure place." Douse quickly recovered.

"See?" Shadow said staring down at Mar's PET, "No worries of water, but if it makes you feel better my folder is ready to take on any threat. Weither it be fire, aqua, wood, or elec."

"Oh really? How's that?" Douse asked, sounding a bit worried.

"Oh, simple. I'm a huge sword fan so I have the elemental swords in my folder, they come in quite handy when fighting an elemental opponent."

"Interesting." Douse said as he hid a smile. He came to a stop at a large door, "Now if you'll all head inside, the next part of the tour will start. We're only allowed two people at a time in, how about you?" He pointed towards Shadow and Mar, "Would you like to be first?" Stupid brats, this'll be the easiest promotion ever! Haha.

"Shouldn't our teacher come with? I think there are rules about students being left alone."

"Huh, oh sure he can go too." Douse said as he plugged into a nearby panel.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"WE FIRST?!" PyroMan huffed.

"Come on, you heard Shadow. Besides, I have my folder this time around and I have... you know what to protect you." Mar said in a rather comforting tone.

"Alright... we'll go then," the Navi said. "I still don't like that guy," he said in a low muttering voice.

"Kay. Do we go then, Mr. Grave?" asked Mar.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Let's just get this over with. The sooner we start, the sooner we end." Sir Grave laughed. "And PyroMan- Chill." Sir Grave tried to immitate talking like a 'teenager'.

"Ah... Mid-life crisis. Sweet." Wulvern sighed from the PET.
Allistair drove towards Walsh's Cafe.

OOC: Sorry for the short post, I'm uninspired for the moment.
"Cool, so everyone in!" Shadow shouted as he pushed the others in infront of him.

"Good, good." Douse closed the door behind them, then turned to the other students, "While their in there the gift shop is just down the hall, go have fun." he waited till they were gone before plugging into the console, "Hydroman, activate the program." He said, a grin spreading across his face.

"WARNING!" A voice boomed over the speakers in the room, "CHAMBER FLOODING COMMENCING, PLEASE EVACUATE!"

"Chamber flooding? Is this a part of the tour?"

A screen flashed to life on the wall, "Tour's cancelled for you," Douse's face appeared on the screen, "The Netmafia wants you gone, and what they want I, Admiral. Douse, delivers!" The screen turned back off.

Damnit didn't even think that they'd try to attack us here. Shadow looked around the room, noticing a small console on the wall, probably in case someone was stuck in here, And apparently neither were they! "Mar, Sir. Grave, follow me." he moved ahead and pulled out his PET, "JACK-IN! SLASH.EXE TRANSMISSION!" A beam shot out of his PET as Slash entered the control panel.

"Sir, they took the bait." Hydroman said from inside the computer.

"Perfect, I've already figured out everything I need to know to destroy them." He laughed again as he saw Slash land on a small platform in cyberspace.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
What the fuck? Since when Field Trips are deadly?Mar widened his eyes after seeing the room flooding, but as he heard Shadow, he ran after him and quickly un-hilted the PET on his arm. "Come on PyroMan!"

"BUT! Water!" he whined.

"There's no other choice!"

"Uhhh... uhh... okay! Send me in!" he shut both his blue eyes and clenched his gloved paws together.

"Jack-In PyroMan, Execute!" Mar plugged the PET in and PyroMan was transported inside the Comp.

Just besides Slash, a red beam fell on floor, immediatly PyroMan materialized in the space. After some minutes doubting, the red masked wolf opened one eye. "Uhh... I don't... like this place..."

A tall mid-aged man with black short hair waited sitting on a chair in front of the round table, some baked goods and a cup filled with nice looking coffee. He had brown eyes and wore blackglasses, his clothing consisted in a formal suit for working. Another of the large models of the PETs, a red one, was on his pocket. He had a serious look on his face despite the low concentration he had at that moment, he was simply staring at a puppy nearby, which was walking around in circles trying to catch it's tail, it seemed.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad