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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Curls up on himself wanting the pain to go away.
Cronos started to rub Slash's back. "Just relax." Cronos closed his eyes and a shimmer of white light appered at his hands and around Slash, easing the pain and healing his wounds. severil of which, he noted were internal and more than a few minets old. Slash had been slowly dieing ever sense the last time he had been raped. 'not for long' he mentally stated.
Veemon's Followers
Slash wimpered and mewwed softy, feeling wounds heal on the outside...but the ones in his brain wouldn't heal. He was scared and scarred now...never going to be the same.
Dei gives a bit of a smirk. "I see you've been busy while I was napping."
"Odd... how the heck did this happen?" Mar questioned himself. How could these things just come out of nowhere and attack... err... rape Slash? It was very complicated for himself to understand, so he placed his look on Ky, about to make a question. "What the hell just happened, Ky?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ky sighs and shakes his head. "I'm leaving.... I'm not letting Dei hurt you anymore.... He wants me...."
"Wait- you are not leaving alone. I'll go with you." Mar stated and as he stared on Ky.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh- COME ON." Blue complained. He was once again at Guardian sanctum. "Can't we let it slip- just this once?"

"I am sorry Darkaivwer, I-" Said Zieger, the new rookie Guardian.

"-What did you call me?" Blue asked curiously.

"-Darky, I called you Darky. I'm sorry, but it is our law." Zieger replied stiffly.

"Okay...Okay... where are they sending me to get punished this time?" Blue sighed disheartedly.

"Frozdragoth. You get to find more Guradian Beasts."

"Lucky me."
"He intends to leave us, as well as this place." He turned to Ky. "Not that it'll stop him from hurting us or anything. but don't let that stop you, dimwhit."

"did you really think i would try to escape? its pointless to try if this is your place. not bad on all the backup systems by the way. it managed to piss me off." She pulled an extra PP7 and put it under Dei's neck. "now do me a favor and die, Dei" she pulled the trigger.
Veemon's Followers
Slash grabbed Ky as tightly he could, which was very weak. "D..don't leave me again...don't."