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Plan B Minus {Crimson/Kyo RP}
"Well, as long as you're on the same chocobo and can stop me from falling off, I wouldn't mind learning." Kyosan explained, feeling a little bit more confident riding on the gigantic bird as he looked towards Crimson, Lurea and the Squirt. "Just a little bit of safety."

"Alright, I'll try~!" Lurea nodded, slowly approaching the feathered walking avian as she approached it's side before then slowly grasping onto it's side. Looking down for a moment, she noticed Squirt and then picked him up in her claws. "Can't forget about you now!" She giggled, before then trying to make her way onto the chocobo.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"You'll be fine. These chocobos are friendly unlike those wild ones out there. About the only way you could fall out is if you kicked it in the balls or something, heheh." Freya chuckled a little, finding Kyo's hesitation cute, while she hopped onto the chocobo and offered a hand to help him on.

Crimson helped lift Lurea onto their chocobo and grinned as he held the reins on the chocobo. "Alrighty! Are we all comfy?"

Squirt hung onto Lurea tightly, afraid of falling off, especially because of his short stature. "No..." He then looked up at Lurea's back and realized he was at least close to his goddess and added, "...but I'll manage, yes."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well, it'd be a good one way trip to Painsville." Kyosan tried to chuckle, imagining the idea of giving a swift one to something as big as himself before then taking Freya's hand, slowly lifting himself up onto the same chocobo with straddled legs. "Well, this is different already..."

"Comfy a little!" Lurea confirmed, finding herself trying to keep a hold of Crimson while also admiring Squirt holding on tightly to her back, before then slowly wrapping her tail around him and giggling. "Don't worry Squirt, I have a hold of you."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"You'll do fine. Just hang on to the reins and give his sides a gentle kick to let him know to move forward. Tug left or right with the reins to get him to turn and pull back nice and firm if you want him to stop." Freya then grinned, eager to see how Kyo would perform with riding the chocobo.

"Alrighty, as soon as Freya starts leading Kyo to wherever, then we're off." Crimson grinned as he gave the chocobo a pet across the head. "Hmmm, I think I'll call you Bobby Corwin. How does that sound?"

The chocobo turned back and seemed to give Crimson a large, affectionate lick with its tongue.

"Well, at least he likes me, I guess." Crimson wiped off some of the slobber, and wondered if Freya had to deal with this sort of thing before.

Squirt chuckled a little as he hung on tightly, glad he had Lurea's tail giving him extra security. "Thanks bunches!"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Alright, I'll give it a try." Kyosan nodded gently, still feeling unconfident in himself but with Freya's advice felt he could at least try. With a tight hole of the reins, he gave a soft tap to the side of the yellow-feathered chocobo. "Let's get going!"

"Well, just don't kick him too hard please, Crimson." Lurea overheard from Freya, worried a little about how hard Crimson would kick before then clutching close to him. "Let's follow, shall we?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Ah, that's good. Just lead him up to the path over there that leads north. If we follow it, we should reach Alexandria by sunset." Freya smiled playfully, knowing Kyo was still a bit unsure of himself. "And Kyo, try to relax. You have to show the chocobo that you're in charge and confident or he may try to be a little stubborn."

Crimson chuckled and turned around to stick his tongue out at Lurea. "Relax cutie, I'm not going to kick it in the balls. That wouldn't be a nice thing to do to ol' Bobby." He then gently kicked his chocobo's sides to signal to move forwards as he followed Kyo and Freya.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Alright. I'll give it a try," Kyosan nodded, understanding what Freya meant as he tried to relax, the yellow avian seeming to accept it's rider as it plodded on it's way along the path. "Sunset huh? That's still a bit of time." He laughed softly before then chuckling. "So, anything you'd like to talk about?"

"Well, just make sure you don't then!" Lurea held on calmly to the fox, making sure to keep her tail with a firm grip around Squirt as they began to ride after the dragon and his accomplice.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Hmmm, mind telling me more about your world and what you do? I'm rather curious. Your friend mentioned you have airships as well, but that they're different." Freya smiled pleasantly towards Kyo as they moved along on the chocobo at a steady pace.

"Heheh, don't worry, I'm not gonna, Lu." Crimson poked his tongue out cutely at Lurea, while he drove his chocobo close behind Kyo and Freya's mount. The fox then asked the dragoness, "So, what do you think of this world so far, cutie?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well, I guess we come from a more futuristic place as you guessed. My friend there is an inventor who always comes up with the craziest of ideas," Kyosan noted towards Crimson, as they plodded along their eventual way, making sure to remain confident on the slightly bumpy ride with the Burmecian. "As far as I could see, your airships are like boats. Ours are more like... metal eagles that rocket along the sky. As for me, hah... I'm not too special, I just train a lot and I'm a storywriter of sorts."

"Well, it's definitely different.... but it looks magnificent." Lurea noted in response to Crimson's question, taking a look back to Squirt and making sure he was alright while taking a look over the landscape around them, taking a sigh of fresh air. "Different from home for sure, and really wonderful. Even the people here can be nice, too!" She giggled, before then adding. "I'm just hoping once we're sorted here, the next world will be just as beautiful!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Metal eagles? Hmmm, I suppose that would make them sleeker than our "boats"." Freya chuckled lightly before adding, "I couldn't imagine how you'd get something so heavy off the ground though." She held him gently for support as they trotted along the main road and asked him, "So what kind of stories do you write then?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to see what else is out there." Crimson grinned as he thought of the possibilities, before he noticed Bobby Corwin was starting to pick up the pace without kicking his sides. "Whoa, easy boy. Maybe if they have any chocobo racetracks, we can try that. Hopefully there aren't any assholes in hats with a black one."

Even Bobby Corwin looked at Crimson in slight confusion before he started to slow down, offering a light, "Wark..."

Squirt meanwhile sighed in relief once the large bird slowed down, while he kept a tight grip on Lurea. "A-Are we there yet?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions