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The Dome (an anthro Pokemon myster esque RP)
The female turned and gnawed on the piece of meat, takeing off in a dead sprint, she may not have been the most agile for her size but when it came to raw speed and power she had those in spades. She moved through the trees, dropping onto all fours and using her long body to run expertly across the grass.
"I..I'm fine Lufty," replied Leon sitting up "how about you? You took most of the damage I doubt you came away unscathed."


Elan ate some of the rabbit leg as he ran, such an act barely hindering him. Even on two legs he was quite fast easily keeping pace with Keia. Who was that? he wondered what possible reason could they have for stealing our food. If they had just asked I would have been happy to share.
(I don't think Dark is too interested hahah... Well, I guess Mia's free, waking up with a headache.)

Lufty sat up. "I'm not sure... I'm a little dizzy... But thats it.." She sighed, obviously relieved the male was alright.
The girls would get into a fight over the rabbit Diamond had stolen."Toxic.."Onyx would say has her hands burned deeply into the body of Diamond.The female Glameow would let out a scream heard all around the area."Hyper beam" the Mismagius girl would blast Diamond out of the tree,once she hit the ground Onyx would throw countless shadow balls at her weak friend/ally.
[Image: _final_fantasy_tifa_.jpg]
AS the shadows moved closer ,the female dark-hound yelled out "Flame Wheel!" Fire erupts from nothing around the tree the defenseless pokemon was pinned to, the shadow balls hitting and being absorbed by the spinning mass of flame. She was strong, very strong, a warrior in both appearance and power. "Now now no need fighting over what is not even yours" she says walking so she could keep an eye on both the girls "I suggest you give the rabbit back, my little friend worked very hard at catching it, and i really don't want to see him unhappy due to your thievery." She was ready to fight, heat rising off her body and browning the grass around her planted feet.
Onyx looked at the female Houndour "What we do doesn't involve you..." she throws back the rabbit then floats lightly down next to her Glameow friend and pulled her up by her collar her motionless body hanging in my grasp."I will send you away now,you won't be able to return until you can beat me."after that the Mismagius girl would use the move Trick Room to send her little friend to the other side of the forest.
[Image: _final_fantasy_tifa_.jpg]
She moved and caught the rabbit before it hit the ground, holding the bunny to her chest "Good then she says takeing the rabbit "I am happy that i am not involved in your petty squabble, a weakling like yourself is not worth my time when your most powerful attack only knocks a little one like your friend into a tree." She says looking towards the brown fuzz ball "Comon Elan, lets go find your friend."
"What was that about?" asked Leon wondering exactly who that girl was.


Elan only stopped long enough to see the galmeow being attacked. "You do what you wish Keia," began Elan a serious look in his eye "thief or not I cannot stand by while someone is hurt."

With that said he was off again running into the forest. He still had some trace of her scent and he was determined to follow it.
"I don't know.... But they obviously do not care about the situation we're all in if they are attacking us." She said, checking her leg, the leaf was still somewhat in one piece, it slipped a little due to Lufty's own sudden movements. "O-oh!" She gasped in suprise, realising that she was still holding onto Leon, letting go quickly.
"damn kid" she whispers looking at the running boy. "Not gonna go after him for trying to help your enemy are you? if you do, well i am gonna hafta stop you." She moves and stands between the Mismagiu and the fading Eevee