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Fursona - Data Cross
Unknown. Thoughts have been thrown. Fursonas finally shown. Erimis arose from his table leaving his empty latte mug on the table and $5.00. He immediately walked up to the table where a normal human and a black dragon sat.

"So, Nothus was right. There are more Fursonas. Do you mind if I take a seat?" Erimis asks, his mind awake and pulsing with anxiety to discuss what the hell was going on.

(Outside near college)

Nothus watched as a lively human ran away from the college and towards another apartment building.

"And now I have my prey," Nothus says to himself. He takes off once again to follow the human, which would hopefully lead him to some answers.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

"Heh...not crazy." Joey chuckled as he walked away, typing on his cell and taking a note to give Ray something for the idea. He stepped into the dorm building, swiping his college card to open the door, then walking into the hall and to his dorm room. He knocked twice like usual before opening it with his key, looking inside to see the main room of the dorm empty. "Hello? Anybody here?" he called out, closing the door behind him, setting his bag down on the couch.

His bedroom door opened, the big blue dragon poking his head out. "Hey, look who's back!" He added with a grin, stepping out into the main room. "Yo, Joe! What's up?"

Joey stood there, jaw dropped, the boy completely speechless from seeing his own creation standing in front of him, living and breathing. His eye twitched slightly, both of them wide open as he stared in awe.

"Hello? Was it something I said?" Ereth asked, swiping his claw in front of Joey's face, chuckling. "You act like you've never seen a buff, sexy dragon!"

"Y-Y-You're...real!" He stammered, reaching out and touching Ereth's hard, buff chest. "You're...actually...real?? But...this is impossible!"

"Psh, nothing is impossible, not for me!" He grinned, sticking his tongue out. "Don't know how I managed to get here, but I'm here!"

"Wow! We'll make the cover of Discovery Channel magazine!!" Joey smiled wide, becoming very excited at the thought. "Oh, wait, no...don't want you to be revealed...quick get into my room!" He pushed the big dragon into his room, before closing the door and locking it.

"Hey, Hey, I'm not gonna get in bed with you, so just get any of those ideas out of your head!" Ereth shook his head, backing up to the wall and leaning against it.

"I don't want to do that!" Joey blinked, blushing softly at the dragon's comment. Yeesh, he'd split me in two just trying to penetrate! he thought, before getting on his computer, which had luckily been idle when the college was hit by lightening, so the power just got cut. Immediately after Mac OS X had loaded, he noticed that MSN was already open, with a chat box open. He maximized it, and examined it, seeing it was one of his many roleplays with his friend Dave. "Huh! That's odd." he closed the window, before closing his laptop.

"So, what'cha find, Sherlock?" Ereth asked, chuckling as he looked over towards Joey.

"Very funny, Ereth. I'm trying to figure out how you and Mar managed to get here. Yes, I saw Martin Phane outside my class! You know Mar, right?" He asked, standing up again.

"Oh, you mean Big Blue? Yep!" Ereth nodded, crossing his buff arms over his chest. "I know 'em. We have quite a fun time whenever we cross paths!" He added with a grin.

"Hmm...well, I want to work on getting to the bottom of this. Did you notice anything when you got here? Anything suspicious?"

"Nope. Nothing, Just a big flash and BAM! I was in your room. You snore like a bulldozer!" Ereth chuckled again.

"Alright, enough with that. Hmm, flash...I do know there was a lightening storm last night...but I went to sleep before it really got bad." He continued, his stomach growling suddenly. "Heh...guess I'm hungry."

"Hungry? Don't look at me, I ain't giving you anything. I only feed the chicks." Ereth added with a stud-like grin, wagging his tail.

"I don't want any of that!" Joey sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Just stay here, and don't get into any trouble, okay? Can't have the whole damn campus knowing that I've got a live dragon in my room." He added before leaving his bedroom, and exiting the dorm building, heading to the school's cafeteria.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: Guys, slow down. I can understand posting ten posts after just one post from someone who's behind, but you're going over 15 and that's like an entire page.


"Sure thing sweet-heart, just make sure not to break him, he's fragile" Mar poked his tongue out, leaning onto the wall of the office, a face trying to come out, Mar casually stretching his arms back and knocking the figure back into the office by 'accident'.


"W-wow! Hey Tia! Wh-what's up? Why so worked up?" The white-haired boy said, Alex shaking a bit as he still wondered how Tia had managed to find him so fast.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Go ahead." Dave said. "I was wondering how our fursonas are coming into our world." Dave said, quickly turning on his cell.

"So, I ain't the only one where." Dark said with a smirk. "To bad that Garnet chound't come." Dark thought.
[Image: 34snomc.png]

[Image: DarkChibimon.png]
Gabumon Loverz
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds
Invitation. Invokation. Confirmation. Erimis took a seat next to Dave, keeping his eyes on the Fursona all the time.

"It's good that I, can finally discuss why, our Fursonas have appeared, causing our fates to be steered, in a different direction, upon the reflection of our souls. I am Erimis and my Fursona is Nothus Viper. He is out right now, but he should be back eventually. So, I can't help but wonder, when did you realize that your fursona had come to life?" Erimis asks. 'I hope Nothus isn't getting into any trouble,' he thought as he talked.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

OOC: Oh, I forgot! Sorry, I see fifty posts per page!


Reaching his apartment finally Ray looked around. He had no idea he was being followed, but he did feel a little down when he found his little apartment empty. He did find his laptop turned on and the page with Prowl's (incomplete) profile was still there from when he was tinkering with it last night. With a slightly disappointed sigh, he went over to the balcony and slumped down on the chair he put there to watch city streets at night.

[Candy's Place]

Candy slapped a piece of frozen meat down on the table, making Prowl jump a little.

"What's this for?" Prowl tilted his head at the meat. "You're not gonna' make me eat that are you? It's raw. Not that I mind, I'm starving."

"Its for your head ya' big mutt." Candy muttered as she run some water under another piece of frozen meat.

"My head's fine, I've got regenerati- OW!" Prowl yelped as he touched his head. "At least I was supposed to..." He groaned and pressed the cold meat against his bruised head. "Ahhh... that hits the spot..."

"Mister Prowl?" Julius asked shyly. "I have this... science homework, and I don't know-"

"Science?" Prowl interrupted. "Lemme look at it, I'm not bad with homework! ...I think." He added while Maggie tried to make a grab for 'Scooby's' tail.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers

Nothus landed on top of the apartment building that the human had entered. He thought very long and hard about what he would do in different scenarios. However, his thinking was interrupted as the human reappeared on a balcony down below. He gazed down intensely at the human and picked up that he was disappointed.

"No Fursssona, eh?" Nothus says out loud, thinking that the human couldn't see or hear him. "A damn shame."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Other waitress cleaned up and pick the money that Erimis left on the table. Meanwhile, Mika return back with the order and setting it in front of Dark. "Here's your order, sir. Anyway, let's start the discussion." Mika then sitting besides Erimis, began the discussion to clear the misunderstandings of the appearance of the Fursona.

"Actually, this things emerge a past few days when the storm strike our city. The storms happen almost every day till the worst thunderstorm strikes the internet lines. I'm pretty sure from there, some of the users' computer may affected and seeing other creature, or in easy word, their own Fursona instead of themselves. The data of their Fursonas may crossed from the fur forum to the creator. I realize this paranormal once I able to make a contact with other person telepathically." She explained in vivid details since she also expert in networking management and computer literate.

"Anyway, my name is Mika, one of the role-players in fur forum. I bet one of you recognize my post." She added with smile.

(Outside - beach)

The green dragon now reach her favorite destination, the beach. She went to the spot which normal people unable to access and landed on top of the big rock. Her artificial wings disappeared, slowly strip her pajamas and dive into the crystal-clear ocean water.
Find me at and
[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
Kurtz, giving a soft wag of hisd own tail, smiled seeing Yoosei so enthusiastic about meeting him- coming closer to his home by the moment. "Same here, Yoosi. Same here. And, we're almost there," He smiled, starting to walk towards a set of apartments in the distance, getting closer by the moment.


Rushing over to the dorms, and her long red hair flowing behind her, the young chief of the Police raced towards the dorms. She had taken off her uniform and dressed in her more skimpier, revealling outfit- dressed in both a bra and shorts, with a white belt around her shorts. Reaching Dorm 1-9 quickly, she entered, seeing Kyosan sitting down in a chair already in the room. "Waiting for me, huh."

"Of course. Others may be scanning out for people. There's other furs here too, like you suggested." Kyosan smiled softly, Yoko giving a small smile herself.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
[Ray's Balcony]

Startled from the sudden noise from above, Ray yelled as the chair tipped over backwards and he landed with a short grunt onto his back. When he opened his eyes, blinking the blurriness away, he came face to face with Nothus. "AHHH!!" He yelled. "You're not Prowler!! At least he's not supposed to be some sort of scalie... AM I THAT BAD WITH DESCRIPTIONS!?" He exclaimed, mostly to himself.

After a few moments of self loathing, he calmed down. "Hi."

[Candy's Place]

Prowl's stomach growled loudly and he groaned a little, clutching his well toned midriff. "I'm emptier than the deepest, darkest depths of the blackest black holes in center of the emptiest of universes!" He half exclaimed, half muttered playfully.

"That's dark and depressive." Claire said approvingly. "So, what was your name again?"

Prowler perked his ears up and nearly jumped again when he came face to face with the goth-chick. He admitted she was pretty hot, but was too young for him. "It's Prowler," He introduced himself. "Prowler Dharke."

Claire sighed. "Oh Prowler Dharke, such a shady and sad name thou hast. So dark, so deep, is thy name true to thine nature?"

The Coyote blinked at her. "Wha?"
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers