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Bleach: Last Stand.
"Then to the slums for some fun! Here!" Salem laughed as he threw a five point quincy cross to Katt and disapeared through the gate.

"Here goes n-nothing.."Rei said following and stuffing a small box into her coat pocket.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Hyouzen chortled lightly before telling them, "Alright then, lets see just how strong this Disuto is." The water dragon suddenly lunged towards the corrupted cacoon, his zanpaktoh attempting to pierce through the center.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"What's this supposed, hey wait!" Katt stuffed the object into her robes as she chased after the two, slightly surprised by her new speed.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hurry up Katt-hime or you'll miss all the fun!" Salem called back grinning as he shadow stepped to the roof of a warehouse, his movements looked like he was skates instead of running.

Rei stuck to the ground limping off after a group strange reiatsu unlike anything she had ever sensed 'Selam must be too exited to have notticed, I-I'm sure he sense them in a moment so there's no harm in having a look.' she thought as she neared their source wondering what kind of beings had such a strange and powerful reiatsu.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Okay... what do we do now then, SnowBall-san?" Lizzy said, standing up straight again, poking her tongue out while she held her arms on her back innocently.

(Real World: Abandoned Factory)

And as the blade went through the cocoon, disgusting sticky and purple matter oozed out onto Hyouzen's blade, the surrounding suddenly changing from the factory's previous layout into a pseudo-void made of black, holes appearing besides everyone all of a sudden.

Proto looked at the holes, bowing his head slightly as he narrowed his eyes, he bent backwards as a large white, rotten hand tried grabbing him, the Arrancar swiping his sword upwards, slicing the arm with his pale expression as always, however, out of every single hole more hands popped out, trying to grab each person in the void by either their arms or legs, all of them except for Hyouzen, who had attacked the cocoon. "Hyouzen-sama, I suggest you keep out from its radius, this smells of a trap."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Grrrh..." Vook growled, slashing arm after arm with both her swords, the task quite easy because she had two. "Why do they keep coming??" she thought, slashing one that had grabbed her tail, before shaking the arm off of the scaly appendage. "Damn, these things are nothing but annoying!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Hurry up?" Katt smiled a bit, suddenly appearing infront of Hiruma, she wasn't quite sure how she did it, acting mostly on instinct, but she had combined hirenkyaku and shunpo to move at almost light speed, "I was about to say the same to you." she smiled.


"You stay back," Shadow said, kneeling down near the door and starting to open it, "And be ready."

OOC: Yeah I have no clue what we're doing here. Sorry.



Mindy spun around, slicing off one of the arms that was reaching for her, "and here I thought this was going to be boring."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
((Basically the new charrie is on the other side of the Senkai gate that leads to a fairly hidden place in the human world. He is not exactly someone who would be welcomed in Soul Society thus the need for the gate.))

The door swung open with relative ease revealing the familiar white glow that all Senkai gates emit. However something was off. It did not seem like a normal gate, the glow was off and and odd sensation could be felt that caused those weak of will to want to shut it and walk away.
OOC: XD We have no clue, that's right.


"Oooh... look at the light!" Lizzy was on her knees, squatting down to see the light, whose glow apparently had no effect in her thanks to her ignorant nature, she reached with an arm to the glow, "Can I touch it?" she asked with a smile.

(Real World: Void)

The hands didn't stop, even after slain, two more would come out, starting to grab every Arrancar and Vaizard, including Proto, who even after deformating himself into white goo was still imprisoned by an extra dozen limbs. "What is this?!" the white arrancar growled, uncertain of the situation.

"You aren't welcome here, corrupt Shinigami and Hollow. Leave at once."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
I got a bad feeling about all of this. Shadow thought as he started to walk into the gate. He looked behind him at Lizzy, surprised that she didn't seem to share his same concerns, "Be careful," he warned as he continued cautiously.


"AH HEY!" Mindy growled, slashing at one of the hands as it grabbed her arm, only to have her sword arm gripped by another, "Grabby little things aren't ya? Sorry, hand's off till the second date!" she shouted, kicking up at the arm holding her sword hand.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad