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What would you want in a 5th Season?
I agree.

Well for focussing on Digimon, it is what I am doing in my story. There are only Digimon.

I think some informations about Veemon, Armadillos and Hawkmon's life could be really interesting.

Anyways, is your story posted somewhere?
Quote: Even Pokemon has some episodes focused on the Pokemon, but is there one digimon episode where it's focused on the digimon? No... erm... as far as I know. Come on. If they can make dough out of an episode full of 'Pi-pi-pika!' 'Chaar' 'Squirt'
Shit like that is why I don't watch Pokemon anymore. After seeing the first season, I thought it might be building to something, but it never did. This all Digimon writing could fly with little kids, but I think the 10+ age group, myself included, won't take it. You admitted that it had to be simple, and your example lines are quite simple, even if they're part of a larger plot. When it's told solely through the eyes of the Digimon, the human audience can't make a good emotional connection. From what I've read so far from your "example", I'm already bored.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
what they need is the human/digimon relation that's the real point of digimon isn't it kinda like how the point of pokemon is to get the all and the best pokemon with digimon it's the whole human/digimon interaction thing
Okay, I guess it won't work. It's just Human/Digimon is starting to get a bit old and tired in my opinion, so I just thought Digimon only would be interesting, them being able to fight by themselves. Plus, there has been three seasons of humans/partners, and one of humans only, so now, logically, could be digimon only.

If it's shown through 'the eyes of the digimon' as you say, well, since the digimon are influenced by humans, it would make it slightly more appealing to a human audience, especially if it was set in an extended period of time after the fall of MaloMyotismon, where the story is left last. They talk, they have personality, unlike a certain show beginning with P, and maybe it's time to try something new.

For A-Veemon's question, the story I wrote is on and is called Attack of the Necromancers, after the death-handling digimon that are trying to conquer the world at the time. You're all quite welcome to read it, because it's the base of my points here. It's 33 chapters though, sorry, I enjoy writing longer stories, far more satisfying. Oh, and the main character is Veemon, so I guess it's not for all.
it wouldn't work as a season but as a fic it would
Stormywiz I see where you're going with this but I think an all Digimon POV show might work better in the Frontier universe.

What I mean is during Frontier we got multiple explanations of the same event in the past (the fall of Lucemon) and I feel this could have spiraled into a whole new plotline. If say we get a prequal season to Frontier we see the rise of Lucemon to power followed by his inevitable fall to corruption. The Ten Legendary Warriors were shown in silhouette multiple times in what I assume to be their fused forms and this was a part of the overall plot that was disregarded for sake of time.

The last third of the season could be given to the three celestial digimon and Cherubimon's eventual decent into madness due to Lucemon's behind the scenes machinations. And the birth/creation of the Knights when Lucemon sees that Cherubimon won't get the job done when he fails to find and corrupt all ten spirits left behind when the warriors either died or were too weakened to carry on in their current forms. This followed by the last few episodes where Seraphimon is defeated and Ophanimon marshals her waning energy to call out to the human world.

Of cousre in the writing of such a season one would have to be very careful not to fall into the same trap George Lucas put himself in while creating the Star Wars prequals.

BTW Sorry I've been gone so long but I've gotten wrapped up in real-world life and other non-digimon projects but I fully intend to continue with the character overview I began awhile back. The problem I've been facing is coming up with decent descriptions for the new digimon I've created as well as trying to integrate some old favorites to make the season still feel like digimon.
Well, that's one dream shattered :( oh well. Anyway, I've heard something about a rumour. Can someone tell me what Dorumon and Ryuudamon are about? I think they are included somewhere in a digimon cartoon, but I am not sure if it is a season, movie, or something else. I just haven't heard about them before, and it says on many sites that they have partners. Maybe it is a new season, I'm not sure.
ah thanks for the link Stormywiz, I will check it out as soon as possible. I write long stories too, but I am too lazy to translate them to English so a release of it in English might happen in the second half of 2004.

Veemon is a good choise in my point of view
sorry can't yet search digimon chronical
Dorumon and Ryuudamon are the two main Digimon in a new manga series called Digimon Chronicle, it hasn't been released as a main manga only short stories with the Pendulum X Digivice