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Digital World War.
OOC: I know there is not a big mass on every day. But this went unposted for 7 days. wtf.
OOC: Unfortunately that happens, if one person just stops showing up whoever he's interacting with stops then whoever they're with stop, like a ripple in a river. Here's hoping we can knock some life back into it though.


Zyphermon flew low over the city, her eyes darting around quickly, Here digi digi digi, come out to plaaaaayaaaa. she grinned under her dark mask.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
(I've been waiting for Salem to post since my character was directly interacting with him.)
((Sorry sorry, got a little busy on my end.))

(11-11-2009 01:42 PM)Gogglehead Wrote: (Sorry about not posting much. I was waiting until everyone else had. Should I not do that?)

Circemon jumped back but was cought in the debris thrown by the explosion and thrown back landing besides the truck. She evolved to Perfect? Even with surprise I can't take down a Digimon of that level. After taking a breath she jumped to her feet back flipped on-top of the bus.
"We have to go." She said to Salem and tried to take him by the wrist to lead him away knowing his attack had little chance of success. She casted more illusions of Salem and herself fleeing in varius directions while she tried to drag him to the apartments,

From the window above Max held out his D-Hack out.
"Lilymon. Her level is high. And Zephyrmon. A Hybrid?" He remarked confused. He quickly began backing food and other items into his backpack knowing he may have to leave in a hurry if they chased the right Circemon.

"Oi...mind tellin me where your taking me miss?" Salem asked as he calmly allowed Circemon to drag him off, as much as he hated it he knew he didn't stand a chance against those people and that he owed this stranger.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"My partner is in this building." Circemon explained entering the elevator. As they reached the top floor Max was already waiting for them carrying a backpack.

"They seem to be searching for us. Thankfully they're looking on the ground. We'll have to escape on the roofs." Maxwell explained as he lead them to the door to the ceiling.

"By the way, what'd your name?" He asked the stranger while typing a message to any close chosen children not affected by the darkness in the area.
OOC: Well it's like this. If I leave Dark gets pissed at me for leaving. If I don't he doesnt post. So this leaves me with nothing to do. *Waits* Well. I guess I'll go watch Aeon Flux while I wait.
Dave takes a few steps back. "Well, I ain't much of a fighter anyways." Dave said.

Dark got hit the shoulder as he try to roll out of the way of the attack as he sents another DarkVee-Laser attack at Angewomon.
[Image: 34snomc.png]

[Image: DarkChibimon.png]
Gabumon Loverz
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds
OOC: Hey guys. Gonna be done with this for a while. I got holiday stuff to work on. But Ill post to keep up for a little.


Angewomen dodged the attack. She sighed "This isn't getting anywhere."

I chuckled. "If you rely mostly on your Digimon I can't even imagine why you wanted to be evil. Although." I glance at Dark "I could make it to where you would learn how to fight. For vengeance....." I said smiling underneath my mask.
(I'm thinking of putting this on hiatus till after the holidays. What do you guys think?)
Lady Devimon's Minions
(I think that is a good idea)
[Image: 34snomc.png]

[Image: DarkChibimon.png]
Gabumon Loverz
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds