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Matter of Trust: The World Ends with You RPG.
OOC: lol, it's alright Mian, I guess I'll have to contact the remaining ones.

And Shadow, you cannot get to Cadoi like that, there's a Wall in your way, remember? You can't get through until a Red Reaper clears it.


Karomaru looked at Daisy oddly, he immitated her and suddenly everything changed blue around him when he put a finger on his Pin. "Ah, what the?!" he freaked, and saw the large Noise marks heading over to Daisy. "Oi! Careful!" he ran towards his partner, and then tackled her head-on to get her away from the marks.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ritsuko continued to pound the Noise-infected people. There were surprisingly few and eventually, there were none.

"Hey, Sona!" Ritsuko called out. "I don't really think that this is working. That damn wall is still in our way, and we're running out of Noise to demolish. Plus, you're not helping me. Come now, silly boy. I'm a lady. It's expected of a proper gentleman to help a lady." She laughed at him. She turned around quickly and punched the head clear off of another Noise-infected person.

"Phew, that was a close one," she muttered. "But still, what are we supposed to do?" She started thinking some more about when the wall disappeared yesterday.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Sona looked up at Ritsuko as she talked to him. "I've been in thought. Didn't the message say that the possessed would be in Cadoi city, and not here?"

Up far above them where he couldn't be seen, a figure watched. 'Wasting a player's time is always fun to do.'

Name: Genkaku Kumori
Age: 26
Gender: male
Physical Appearance: this
If Reaper:

Elemental Affinity: Shadows/illusions
Techniques: Dark cannon (Fires a blast of shadow energy by flapping his wings)
Illusion Veil (Cover himself with several layers of illusions, making him virtually impossible to spot)
Shadow Blade (forms a deadly sword out of the shadows)
Mind Rend (Uses illusions to damage one's mind)
Teleport (teleports)
Noise Preference: Decoys and Snakes
[Image: FANTASY%20-%20IMAGE%20-%20Girl%20Warrior...ragoon.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
'Karo, what-' Daisy gasped, as she sprawled under Karo from his tackle.

'We're MEANT to fight them! It's the only way we can proceed! Look, here they come, just let the marks touch you, okay?' The girl said patiently, a small smile on her face as she scrambled to her feet.

'Yeah, yeah, it's cool, we gotta get rid of it!' Mian said. He scanned and drew the attention of the nearby Noise.

'Ready to fight the Noise? If we beat them, i think we can clear the wall!'

all i ever wanted was the world.

"Hmm, I've kinda been wondering the same thing," Ritsuko replied, placing a finger cutely to her lips in thought. "So, we've been fighting all of this Noise for nothing? I mean, what are supposed to do about this wall? I know I've about ENOUGH of this damn thing!" She shouted and punched the invisible barrier with all her might, only for it to not be damaged at all.

"Some fucking game this turned out to be," she muttered, her voice tinted with depression and a drop of sweat forming on her forehead. "It's not like we have forever...," she said as she checked her timer. There was still quite a bit of time left, but in a game like this, every second counts.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

"Yeah, I'm ready," Shadow said as he pulled his small knife out of his coat.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: No prob, and wow, that's a cool way of twisting things araha! Good one!


Karomaru was in doubt, but she seemed to be in pretty much collection and calmness, not to mention she probably knew much more about what they had to do than him. He stood up, helping the girl he had tackled down on her feet and nodded, "Alright... let's..." he said. The marks started to approach them faster, and soon they would touch their bodies, Karomaru shut his eyes tight and braced himself.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Thanks.

Sona walked up to Ritsuko and put his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll figure this out. Just don't you dare go emo on me." Immediately after saying that he started to look around the area for any clues to what they needed to do.
[Image: FANTASY%20-%20IMAGE%20-%20Girl%20Warrior...ragoon.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
What Sona said made Ritsuko laugh. "Wow, now that is something I would never do," she said. "The emo way is not the way for me, my dear. But you're right. There should be some way to get past this wall here, but what..."

She pulled out her Player Pin and gave it another tap. Other people's thoughts rushed in her head. She almost fell to the ground, but she held strong. She searched and searched, but could find nothing useful. There were no more Noise marks, so what was she even fighting? She put the Player Pin back into her pocket.

"I don't understand," she said. "This is some game. Kinda reminds me of a real RPG..." Then, something triggered in her mind. "Maybe someone else has the key to getting this wall down!" she shouted suddenly. "When I used to play RPGs in the RG and I couldn't get past somewhere, I usually talked to everyone until I found the key. Someone or something around here can help us get this wall down. We just need to find him or her..."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Daisy felt the familiar sensation that an encounter with Noise usually induced. She opened her eyes and found herself face to face with a bunch of brightly coloured frogs, half of their bodies made out of what appeared to be graffitti, or some kind of spiky, metallic art.

'Cha! You're gonna get served! Let's go Karo!' Daisy shouted, flicking out her skipping rope and launching herself at the nearest frog.

Mian grinned at his partner as the frogs appeared.

'This'll be easy. C'mon!' He said, closing his eyes, a pin on his bag starting to glow.

'Candle Service!' He shouted, opening his bag. A flurry of flames spewed forth, spraying the frogs.

all i ever wanted was the world.
