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Pok'emon Rp Tigerlily and Marrie's!
The Umbreon moaned loudly feeling her milk continued to pour into Hunk's mouth, the pleasure was so intense making her release gallons of milk into his hungry mouth.


Suddenly the Tigermew ear's perked and did a flipped afterwards. "You mean it!?!" She giggled hip hopping across the floor until sudden she transforms.....into a busty anthromorphic ho-oh with perfectly g-sized breasts. "Hehehe!"


That worries her abit since, he's a fire pok'emon and she didn't like him getting hurt. "Are you alright?" she asked in concerned.
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And Hunk continued non-stop, drinking relentlessly as he pushed the umbreon towards himself as he engulfed more and more of her tits into his maw, putting inreasingly amounts of pressure onto her milk glands.


"Huh?!" Maru startled, leaping away from the large, obscenely busty phoenix morph. "What... what are you?!" he growled, not sure if it was friend or foe. "Where's that cat?!"


Chad shook the liquid off his body, "W-wow... you had a lot inside!" He said, trying to keep the milk from touching his tail, "Uhm... how do you keep so much inside?!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Moonlight moaned louder and louder, as the intense pleasure increases as he continued to drank on her breasts, which continued to flow immensely into his mouth, and the strong sexual heat from her continued to go in his nose.


Tigermew blinked, "I'm Tigermew..." she turned to her normal pink cat, "See!" And then she transformed back to the busty ho-oh. "I know how to transform like ditto! Heehee!" She giggled.


"Well I'm no miltank that's for sure!" Bunny giggled at him, "But I really don't know myself, maybe it's because I was borned that way."
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The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Feeding onto the lust for energy, Hunk flipped them over, him mounting the umbreon like a dog as he pushed the head of his gargantuan cock to her pussy. "Grrrh!" the enormous feraligatr growled as he began to push into Moonlight ferally.


Maru blinked at the explanation, blushing, but looking away in a mix of embarrassment and faked nonchalance. "That's a weird form you picked. Anyway, let's go!" he said, still not looking at the large phoenix's breasts as he jumped and took flight for the plains.


"Or maybe your parents were a Miltank and a Lopunny..." Chad thought to himself, laughing nervously at her joke. "Y-yeah... well... I uhm... it was fun."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The dark canine moaned, "Ohhhh.....Hunk...your so...big..." The a mixture of pleasure and pain started as she felt the huge cock going inside of her, spreading her pussy lips as he dig in.


The rainbow bird giggled, "Alrighty where you are!" Taking off faster than Maru and then stopped at him. "C'mon you slowpoke! I can't wait all day!"


"Thanks I'm glad you enjoy it Chad<3." Bunny kissed Chad's cheeks and then the her ears perked seeing Sci walking tiredly. "Sci? What happened to you?"

"Beaten up by a Salamance, is there oran berry I could eat?" The Scizor looked around.
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The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Rrrawr! Take it all in! GRRAARGH!" Hunk roared, humping wildly as his thrusts began to speed up uncontrollably, precum starting to exit violently.


Maru blinked, but decided to take on the rough. "Rawr!" he growled, following after the the phoenix with all his speed.


Chad gasped and jumped in front of Bunny. "H-hey!" he said, still in his afterglow. "You better not be scheming anything bad now!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The umbreon moaned as she felt the cum flowing inside of her, tremedous amount of seeds gushing inside her vaginal region. "Ahhhhhh...."


The giggling ho-oh does like she always does doing flips but then she flew by the Salamence side, "So what are going to eat?"


"Of course not! I just need oran berries..." Sci's body began to worn down by exhaustion.

Bunny couldn't help but feel sorry for Sci. "I think we should help him."
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Rrrgh! Ohh take it all!!!" Hunk roared as he came as powerfully as a crashing waterfall, his cum depleting from his sack as it emptied into Moonlight extremely fast.


"Probably a Stantler or two, maybe more depending on how big or small they are." Maru explained, "What do annoying morphing cats eat?" he asked, half-curious.


"Uh..." Chad blushed a bit after Bunny offered help, "Okay... fine... but there were Pechas around here only. Where could we go for them?" he asked.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Ahhhhh yesss...." The umbreon moan in pleasure feeling the tremendous amount of cum exploding inside of her; feeling her womb with cum, her body then began to ache with tiredness and making her breathe hard.


Tigermew shrugged, "Well I do love a buncha coconuts, but other than that I can pretty much eat anything! Hehehe!" She giggled.


"Well they're not too far and it's just the north from where the stantlers are." smiled Bunny. "You just rest here Sci and we'll bring the oran berries for you."
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Finished totally thanks to his lack of rest and still aching wounds, the large Feraligatr collapsed irremedially, fighting to even keep awake. "Th-that was... awesome..." he gasped in bliss.


"Perfect, let's head onwards!" Maru said, his wings flapping as he gained alture and started flying over the dense and thick forest to an area he was sure to find living prey.


"Hope they don't get mad..." Chad mentioned, "Hear they are very territorial and... intimidating..." he gulped a bit, but nodded to Bunny. "I don't know this area a lot, so can you be the guide?" he asked the lopunny.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad