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The digital slaves [Open for every one join in any time ^.^]
Gazimon Fliched at the words "Some Viral type you are" It was the same words his village used, he was diffrent an they would never let him forget it.
the shopkeeper had spoken, "feed Her", He could tell she was a digimon of great pride, would she allow it? But in this place was pride worth your life. He hoped she would accept it.

eating only a small amount of food for himself, he brought the rest over to her. She was looking weak from the drugs before and he wanted her to have enough food to regain her strength. he brought some of it to her mouth, if she accepted he would be relevied. if not he wouldn't be sure of what to do next.
Gabumon Loverz
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
The shop keeper kicked him onto his back. "Thats yours I have larger portions for her since she is bigger and her metabalism is a bit faster. " he went away and came back with a platter of the crimsonmon's food handing it to him. "I make sure my merchandise is well fed. Boney slaves do not sell well." the shop keeper spoke. before walking off. He left the long chain that was around the gzimon's neck on him. he was not worried about him getting away since the chaines where strong enough to hold a mega and where not removeable unless you had the code. The shop keeper left the new arrival's room and shut the door leaving them.

Crimsonmon. "I'm sorry for my harsh words. It's best not to give into this place or it will make you have a m,ental break down. And being drugged makes it a lot tougher." her red eyes dimmed revealing shiny deep blue sapphire irises. She panted heavier now that the owner was gone. Her tuft of fur barely hid her hanging breasts. her chests raised a little as she breated in. A her fr was a little soaked with her sweat as she tried to fight the drug.
Gazimon walked over to wall, Giving it a strong punch. He hadn't expected to damage the wall more than he was just angry about the whole situation, and for being kicked.

He walked over to Crimsonmon, Her eyes had changed from before they were no longer red but a sapphire blue color as she still fought the drug.
he picked up her food and brought it to her mouth.

He made a promise to himself at that moment, if he ever got out of that place he would return for crimsonmon no matter what.
Gabumon Loverz
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
She winced a little as she felt a small painful twinge on the area the needle penetrated. She then look at the offered food and opened her maw accepting the male's kindness. Her eyes where full of unknown torment as she at the food that was so graciously presented. Her paws twitched from the drug.
Tribalmon blushes deeply as her breasts were suddenly touched though it didnt feel right she just let it go. The dragoness moves to the other side of Kurtz's neck continues to lick his neck as he wanted while her paws rub his shoulders softly.
Gazimon stood silent as he fed her, watching her wince and her paws twitch.

"do you want me to rub your arm, it might help the pain."
Gabumon Loverz
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
She nods blushing. "I have a favor to ask while your at the rubbing. Could you please rub the back of my hips near the back bone. I have a cramp there and it hurts a little."
"Mmhh... a-aahh... T-Tribalmon... k-keep going..." He gasped, loving her tongue upon his neck as his bulge continued to grow within his trousers, his claw very delicately starting to carress her breast just gently, his murrs evident to her work.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Sure" replyed gazimon as he slowly rubbed her arm near the needle mark. using his free he slowly began to rub her hips as she had requested.
Gabumon Loverz
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
She murred softly as the cramp with the pain in her arm dissolved away. Her tail swished softly as she closed her eyes murring again. Her tail went over and began to rub his hip softly. "Do you really find me beautiful?" she asked between her murring.