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The Very First Dickgirl RP!
OOC: sure, fine with me nori-hime... well... you start us off here(I have no Idea what we are supposed to do...
I whisper backstage, "Ishana, in the finals, the ten finalists get to dance alongside a professional geiko geisha. Also, you get to pick a couple of songs to dance to. BTW, I picked a couple of Gwen Stefani numbers to wiggle my butt to. What did you pick?" I winked at my white facepainted friend and lover to be.

BTW, I picked "Rich Girl" and "Wind It Up" by Gwen Stefani as my dance numbers.
OOC: norkia... your talking to someone who listens to songs from guitar hero...not a day goes by that people are shocked with my choice of music(I'm not that much of a music lover, but there are a few songs I "like")

IC: "thats for me to know and for you to...find out, love." Ishana gave a sly wink towards Norika. "Besides, it'll be fun if you watch and wait."
"Psst, you're up first," I said. 'Besides, we're the last two contestants."

Will Ishana dance her heart out?
"ok then." ishana said, as her name was called out. she walked up to the stage and waited for the song to start.

ooc: can it be any kind of dancing?
Ebon have a nod to Vook before noticing movement backstage of the Kimono contest "Mmm...goodie looks like its starting, hope their sexy looking." she said trying to see backstage to catch a glimpse of one of the girls.
Vook was blushing some. "yeah..." she managed to say, looking towards the stage.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: Coming soon: if we can get someone to do it: MASK: The Live Action Movie. And also soon, MASK: The Musical!
OOC: Nice geisha dance, but contestants in the final ten can improvise some of their own moves, I'm gonna put in some belly dance shimmies and other hot moves in my harisen dance.

I look at Ishana, hoping she doesn't klutz out as the music begins. I'm still looking forward to a hot date after the contest. (And maybe a quickie with me so you can show me how good you are when you make love to me. BTW, permission to play with your cock as well?)
OOC:ok then. yes you can play with it...Also I too, am getting bored....maybe we shoulda had a quickie =(

IC: Ishana got up and began to dance. Once she was finished with her dancing, she walked back behind the stage. "Ok, did I do good?"