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My Digimon run down...
They were using him to make fun of Westerners, particularly Christians. An Angel-type was a huge-ass fascist. Thus, the statement was that those who are greatest in Light-ness are in fact the most evil, because they consistently force their Light-ness on everyone else.

I'm just smart like that.
Well, actually I do believe the reasoning is a bit different. Yes, it was an angel, but his name was lucemon which I imediately asscociated with Lucifer. Another name Satan has been refered to since he is a fallen angel.
actually is "luce" italian for "light"

Lucifer was supposed to be one of the most beautiful angels, but his mind got corrupted and he wanted to put himself on the same level as god himself is. so god banned him and Lucifer turned to the devil.

I think something like that was it so far I can remember from the religion stuff I heard once.
Although I belive the connection to that is as valid as the italian word for light explaination. Seeing as he turned out the way he did.
Anonmon Wrote:They were using him to make fun of Westerners, particularly Christians. An Angel-type was a huge-ass fascist. Thus, the statement was that those who are greatest in Light-ness are in fact the most evil, because they consistently force their Light-ness on everyone else.

that just makes me love the cute little morning star even more.
I haven't done much aggresive research... heck I hardly ever do. Mostly more on season 3., is the site I've gone to get fansubs... since they made most of them. I recently/finally downloaded the third and fourth episodes (all they have are the first four done of season 3), and... I'm not finding alot of changes. Besides the conisitent complete change of the intro and outro (which every company seems to do anyways ), there aren't too many drastic edits. The only major edit really is Renamon leaving scratch marks on Gargom's eyes. I also ran over to one site and learned that Guilmon and Caulmon made six pointed star on the field and not just some scribbles. Then again, I think I heard that one already. But now I have a pic of it :roll:

For some odd reason. Okay I know why but I don't feel like saying/spilling/admiting it. I have all the digimon episodes on my computer and movies. Some are subbed and have good quality while the dubbed are rather poor at times.

While I'm talking about sites here are two:
Yeah those are good sites I liked being able to torrent stuff.
I was thinking a bit more about saying my favorite digimon was Renamon. Now, I'm still staying by it, I just had a few thoughts pop into my head that made me think about Renamon... more or less. See, I only said I found her attractive. Which is an okay reason, I guess, to say why someone would like something, but it is a bit vague. I think I like her beacuse of the whole spiritual stuff she was inspired off of.

The first thing I'd easily admit to liking is the yinyang symbol. Now I'm not a buddist nor do I wholly believe the symbol to be truth, but it isn't wrong in some regards. The yinyang just happend to be one (of two as far as I can think of) of my favorite symbols.

As far as colors: yellow is okay, but I do like purple. I like wearing purple shirts though I only have two so I rarely am wearing it. I mostly wear blue or green. I rarely wear black, but my blue shirts are rather dark.

Then she has the whole spirit fox thing going. THough I will admit I didn't care too much for the whole spirit fox lore beforehand. I think the closest thing to seeing it was pokemon with Ninetails. That was one of the pokemon I liked. So, I guess, when I first saw Renamon she peeked my intrest into the legend. Well, I haven't done much research on it. Just enough to know some of the personality of them. Kyubimon was more or less the same thing, but that form made the connection for me really clear. Taomon? Please, I saw right through that representation. Sukyamon, not in the name like Taomon, but all of her "effects," moves, and the staff especially made the one obvious.

So, what about the other digimon that were inspired from spiritual entities. Well Patamon and his line is cool, but my brother likes him. Not to say there is anything wrong with both of us liking him, I just use that as one of my reasons. Though it is strange that he likes Patamon since our family has labeled him the vampire of the family. Now he doesn't dress "goth." He just has intrest in it... them. He also works the night shift and has a pony tail. (more of the computer programer type). Along with the fact that he is tall, skinny, red hair, and kept on biting his girlfriend (they broke up but that wasn't the reason why).

At any rate, I'd like werewolves more then vampires so maybe that is why I'm more inclined to the more animal digimon. So you may be asking yourself why not Gabumon. His weregarurmon form screams werewolf. To be honest, that was the only thing I liked about him. Metal Garurumon really turned me off; of course, I know that digimon are not confined to that form so he was my favorite till Renamon showed up.
Huh well that makes sense. You had good reasons for liking renamon.
Renamon does not look like a rabbit! I had to restrain myself a bit as a friend of mine made that comment. As I've said in another post I'm using her as an avator in facebook, and when he saw it he thought it was a "rabbit thing." I'll just take for granted he didn't get a good look at it since rabbits don't have long tails. Nor has he really seen much of this stuff. I'm having to teach him how to play street fighter. He's rather difficult to teach so I just sit there compliment on some of his improvements as I kick his butt.

Rabbits aren't yellow either, but neither are most foxes.