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Erotic Dreams
btw unknown junpei :?: person? place?
junpei the guy from the 4th season of digimon he was the thunder digimon blitzmon(beetlemon)
oh ok

no wonder i didn't get it i missed seasons 2 and 4 completely
you missed a lot then, a whole lot
then i best not mention that i saw like three episodes of season one and one and a half of one from the third season -three guesses who i saw in it that i liked :D
hmm uh... I know this don't tell me I know this... guilmon! no that's not it lol
This is really sad, I really, really want to have a yiffy dream... but whenever one starts, something horridly annoying wakes me up T_T.

Well, my favorite "almost" dream was sort of a little add-on in a series of dreams I already have. It's a bit complicated to explain. I sort of have the same kind of dream every once in a while.

It's usually my demon form, somewhere, usually in an area I've been before, but mixed with whatever video game or movie has been rotting my mind lately (usually both), and each is sort of a little episode add-on like a demented anime series.

It originally started with my one where I was at the mall, and the entire place was filled with the fencing and such from Ricco Harbor in Super Mario Sunshine (the ones you climb all over). Well, all the entrances were blocked with flaming debris and bodies and bloodspray littered everywhere and the entire place was full of these odd raptors, and I was in my demon form (me human-ish, but with fox-ears, tail, claws, and a kick-ass outfit). But either way, I needed to get past the raptors and all the way up to the big green pipe at the top of the other end of the mall, and I ended up climbing up and tearing through raptors.

The second was at a restarant/bar mixish place my parents used to take me for lunch once in a while (mm... buttered rolls). with more raptors and bloodspray.

Well, during the fourth or fifth dream in the series, it ended up with a VERY fluffy wolf-dragon creation I drew a few months ago in it and I was in some kind of forest area cave-inside of tree thing (complicated) and I was pinned and right about to get yiffed.... THEN THE PHONE RANG!! >_< DAMN SOLICITERS CALLING AT 8AM ON A FRIGGIN SATURDAY!!! THOSE BASTARDS!!!I was about to get happily raped by a silky-soft, fluffy, warm, cuddly wolfy dragon when some damn asshole has to call and wake me up out of the most wonderful dream I had in months!

-_- Sorry for ranting so much... I'm prone to frequent chronic nightmares and don't get enjoyanle dreams often... *sobs*
well... you at leats hit the top three list :\

1.) renamon (DUH)

2.) Veemon

3.) Guilmon

keep in mind this is just what i saw and there a prolly others i'd like but rena is my fav no changing from it
This is really sad, I really, really want to have a yiffy dream... but whenever one starts, something horridly annoying wakes me up T_T.

like an alarm clock or perhapse a base ball? been there

It's usually my demon form, somewhere, usually in an area I've been before, but mixed with whatever video game or movie has been rotting my mind lately (usually both), and each is sort of a little episode add-on like a demented anime series.

nuthin wrong with that :D

It originally started with my one where I was at the mall, and the entire place was filled with the fencing and such from Ricco Harbor in Super Mario Sunshine (the ones you climb all over). Well, all the entrances were blocked with flaming debris and bodies and bloodspray littered everywhere

ok this ought to seem odd but i like your dreams so far :)

and the entire place was full of these odd raptors, and I was in my demon form (me human-ish, but with fox-ears, tail, claws, and a kick-ass outfit). But either way, I needed to get past the raptors and all the way up to the big green pipe at the top of the other end of the mall, and I ended up climbing up and tearing through raptors.

*does the classic mario theme music*

The second was at a restarant/bar mixish place my parents used to take me for lunch once in a while (mm... buttered rolls). with more raptors and bloodspray.

blood and butter rolls= BITCHIN... thats like pornogrophy... and BISCUTS Twisted

Well, during the fourth or fifth dream in the series, it ended up with a VERY fluffy wolf-dragon creation I drew a few months ago in it and I was in some kind of forest area cave-inside of tree thing (complicated) and I was pinned and right about to get yiffed.... THEN THE PHONE RANG!! >_< DAMN SOLICITERS CALLING AT 8AM ON A FRIGGIN SATURDAY!!! THOSE BASTARDS!!!

rofl sry just good to know that these things dont just happen to me :D

I was about to get happily raped by a silky-soft, fluffy, warm, cuddly wolfy dragon when some damn asshole has to call and wake me up out of the most wonderful dream I had in months!

yeah? be gald it wasnt a frickin base ball!

-_- Sorry for ranting so much... I'm prone to frequent chronic nightmares and don't get enjoyanle dreams often... *sobs*
Quote:I'm from the american south (while not southern at all) but that may take awhile I need good photo software and I am a nice guy just weird and if I ever got to go on a big trip with some people you might can come with me and I'd try to get wise, AV, and another from this board plus two others and maybe my cousin to go too I know a guy who speaks japenese we all could go there.

You must mean from the south of the US, right?(I'm from the American south, that is, South American)
...who's not weird here? After seeing Casey nothing else could surprise me... He's weird, all right.
Maybe your cousin and me can celebrate our birthdays together in Japan,and you'd be there....(man, that idea would be so cool...but so far away...) I know Japanese too, BTW, though not as much as English.

(arizona to be blunt it rains once a year,

Might want to try Buenos Aires. The air wetness (I don't know if that's how it's said in English)is always close to 100%. Basically, what we breathe is half air and half water. Foreigners or people from the sticks usually fall ill from tuberculosis in the first year....however, I wouldn't trade it with your place.
its easier to cook things by throwing it out on the pavement than use the oven *wouldnt recomend it though*
Niiiice. The only thing I hate more than heat is the sunlight.

white people are the minority,

*anime sweatdrop* looks pretty much like this here's uptown...What are the non- Caucasian?

every ones constantly trying to pick a fight to prove something *or because they're drunk*
That explains your obsession with weapons, I guess *cold sweat*

, the place suck simply put and i hope to move out of this rat hole shortly.)
*frowns* What are you waiting for?!

Quote:as unknown explained a show called .//hack he is a bit wierd *like myself* and a player killer *rather good show might want to look into it
Yeah. Anything in the net? If I wait for it to come here...
Quote:any way i can sind you a pic would post it here for all to see but no url= no dice..
Me too... I wouldn't mind sending my pic to the ones I know their faces, but I don't wanna give some stupid trolls around I know the pleasure of knowing my face.
Quote:fat no, wierd... kiiinda but then again whats normal?
No kidding, you're weird.
And...normal? Normal is me.....
*whistles away* See ya....