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Think of an erotic dream you've had lately - what was it like?

I'm only saying this because last night I had one.

It started off in the Victorian age on the American East coast (It could've been in Maine, Vermount, or even the Carolinas). I was an important figure. I don't know if I was a rich American landowner, or a European Marquis or what... but all I know was that I was important to go where I was going.

I was in this elaborate Victorian style house (The house is what gave away the time period) on a sort of fancy lot with trees and flowers and such, and the interior was richly decorated. I remember it was early morning, but the sun was gorgeous outside.

Inside, there was a harem of young women, and one particular caught my eye. She was a young black women with very short black hair and hazel eyes. She wore blue silk pajamas, and had blue glitter lipstick. I stopped to talk to her and her friends for a good while... just little idle chit chat about the days over a cup of tea. Soon enough, she gave me a tour of the mansion.

We walked about upstairs, and I left her side for a minute to visit a room that caught my attention. On a bed with a red silk cover, I saw a variety of sexual toys. I turned round and looked for the woman, who was standing next to her white friend with long frizzy red hair and black garter-like pajamas. I said "Come, check this out!" and led her back to the room.

I looked to the bed, and all the toys were gone, and instead there were those fancy dolls that are all handmade and cost hundreds of dollars sitting on the bed. I didn't understand it, and stood by the bed in disbelief as the black woman lay herself down on one end of the bed, as her friend closed the door and then circled the bed to the other side.

The black woman spoke.
"It was my birthday last week"
I crouched to one knee
"I got a gift pitbull as a bodyguard" she continued
I looked at her; "Was that the only thing you got for your body?"

And at that, I leaned in a kissed her blue glitterred lips and rubbed her shoulder, slowly stripping the shoulder of the silk blue pajamas off her, exposing her delicate feminine shoulder.

That's when the black woman, her friend, and I entered into a menange a trois. Of course, when the actual sex went to happen, I woke up and had a major tent pitched in my tent. That's the way my erotic dreams are - I never get laid. I only get the events leading up to it.

All today I've been thinking of that dream, and the woman with her incredible blue glittered lips. I mean, there was something so incredible about this woman that was... perfect. Her skin, her hair, her eyes, her vivid lips... which I mention because they stood so much out in my dreams like the moon in the sky at night; an unignorable beacon.

I'm a firm believer that dreams hold some sort of meaning in our lives, and I also sketchyly believe in past lives.

Was that dream a memory from a past life in the Victorian era, some sort of cryptic message to me in this life or a vision of the woman of my dreams?

Bah...discuss, and tell me your dreams.
Bah. I've never had an erotic dream before...

Well, I had one, but I didn't like it 'cause I was sodomizing my mother and that was years ago, and details are sparse.

Pheh. Most of my dreams consist of really weird stuff, like holding a fat guy upside down by his ankles, Bill Clinton fighting off a giant penis attacking a city with his own giant penis, me as a 32-bit polygon trying to find the right button combiation to get my clothes off...shit like that.
I've had erotica dreams from time to time it's almost always softcore. A couple days ago, I had one, I was swimming when I say Ash, Misty, and Brock come in. They wanted to go for swim but Ash forgot the swim suit and Misty said something like "Why bother, you don't have anything I haven't seen before" and they all went skinny dipping.
Alot of them are me & (or): Cornflower, Jess squrielle, Lola, Fifi la fume, Bunnie Rabbot, Sally&Alicia Acorn, Hersey, Amy Rose, Krystal&Katt, Barby Khola, Fiona Fox, Maid Marion and probably a few others I can't remember, each one has their own semi-story to them but it'd take some time and effort to remember them all lol.

milk me!

I've had some wierd ones, like where I was sitting on a bed with Miyako (yup, that Miyako) and I had the feeling that we were about to do something, but nothing really ever happened.

Others have been much less "erotic," but perhaps more stimulating. Basically those consisted of me and various boys/guys I know/vaguely know and feel some attraction toward, and lots of humping. Not sex, just humping, sometimes with clothes on. Those usually end with me waking up and realizing it's time to change the sheets.

Actually I haven't had any of those in a while. It would be nice though.

Oh, and I'm bi. This post might have been confusing if you didn't know that...but now you do.
Hmmmm well, it's been at least two years since I had a dream of this sort. Probably cause I'm stuck in a school where we are all males. None of my dreams ever got anywhere. As quicksand_boy said, about having a feeling that they were gonna do something but never got anywhere. They usually went that way, I got real close but then BAM I wake up and never ahve the dream again. I think once I woke up feeling myself but I don't remember the dream. Most of my dreams consist of some mysterious adventure that never ends and that I have at least three times before they go away. Like that one with the dinosaurs . . . usually I got eaten but by the third time I escaped and never had the dream again. Oh sorry, this is about erotic dreams. Sorry 'bout that. Back to the topic at hand. That is an incredibly detailed dream, The One Caron. That is really very interesting not to mention arousing but the detail is simply astounding. Wow.
Hmmmm.....instead of telling which erotic dreams you had,it would be good if you say what do you do to have them.
Sheesh,as you can guess,I never had any.Drat.
I believe I've only had one erotic dream in my life. I believe it took place when I was 14 years old. In it, I saw this beautiful, voluptious woman advance towards me. She was naked and apparantly dripping wet as if she had just gotten out of the bath tub. The light, it reflected marviously in her hair. As we got closer, she grabbed my mouth and we both began to French kiss. Then suddenly she opened her mouth wide, revealing a set of fangs, and plunged them into my neck. :shock:

The dream left off at that point. :) :( I think it was all brought about because I had seen the movie "Lifeforce." >_>
LMAO!! I think I remember that movie. Is it the british one where a Succubus is stealing everyone's energy?

Anyways, I have weird dreams, not really erotic. The only good dreams I've ever had were with Flamedramon, Blackwargreymon, Yolei, and Izumi (not all at once, I would be scared then). The one with Blackwargreymon AND Flamedramon was my favorite. I'm not a fan of elaborating on stories like this when my memory is shot from being sick for 2 days, so if I remember it, I'll post it. You can pretty much guess what happened.
I've had several, and as far as "what you do" to make them happen, nothing. They tend to just come, sometimes in really wierd circumstances...

I have crazy dreams. One of the worst nightmares had a carnivorous rock chasing me, one of the wierdest, IMO, was one in which I turned into a woman, and...

A few months ago, I had a dream that was set in one of my fictions -- the world is one I called The World of Shadows when i envisioned it, and I was the main character, who celebrates victory over the dark regimes by sleeping with his wife... but in my dream, his wife was replaced by one of my cousins; adopted line of the family, but I'd never thought of any of those girls sexually before that. The ironic thing is I'd never had a vivid sexual dream before that, and now I've had a few vivid erotic ones since.

Most recently, within the past week I dreamed of my first crush... If you've ever seen a show where things are mirrored from their normal locations (there was one episode of Sabrina that used that, I think), it was just like that -- her house was on the wrong corner (as if the street had been reversed), and she was completely different from what she used to be like... She was into games, and actually looking forward to an online game, and we got to talking, and we were sitting in a house (after a ride in a car with her mother and step-father, though she doesn't have a step-dad) not hers or mine. IIRC we were doing some kind of volunteer project (or maybe just repairing the place) and some book showed up (people say that you can't read in dreams -- well, I can; it was Genesis (In the beginning and all that) as an opera) and then we were making plans for a date, and then she started making out with me, and... then I woke up. Or rather got up, because somehow I had the dream in that period where your not awake, but not really asleep... not daydreaming, but something more.

But I'm weird, so what do I know, except my dreams... the few I have always being between Sleep and Wakefulness, I have great memories of them and they're vivid as hell.
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