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Steam World (A Crimson & Tigerlily RP)
"That's quite an appetite you have." A sweat drop rolled down Jedrek when he saw the hyena plow his way through the massive order he had received. The shadow dragon then chuckled lightly, and decided to focus on the food he had ordered, enjoying the juicy steak he had ordered. "Mmmm, pretty good. How's your tuna sandwich, Livian?" He looked over towards the lovely dragoness and smiled pleasantly.

"It's always nice to have options." Hyouzen grinned, impressed with Foria's weapon. "Heh, it's sort of the same story with me. I'm a gunslinger and wanderer myself." A sigh of relief left the water dragon as his and Foria's food arrived as well with the hungry lizard eagerly having himself a large bite of barbecue chicken. "Mmm, not bad. So, want to trade stories? I bet you have some interesting tales considering the world you come from."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
The young dragoness shook her head to keep her from being groggy. Her gentle claws clasped on the dark dragons arm; removing both off as she neatly folded the napkins around it as taken bit of bites nodding back. Her manners are tolerant because she was raised from a royal family. Her sisters and a few of her brothers have good table manners. While the rest of her brothers would often scarf down the food considered without chewing.

The canine ordered hot spicy chicken and artificially flavored tofu garnish with green onions and leek. She was started, feeling uncomfortable talking about her life. Foria suddenly ignored Hyouzen as if the conversation had never occur.

"Yea, you don't want to get too deep in her life. Touchy personal stuff." Soljowl commented, while talking with his mouth full.
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The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Jedrek nodded back towards her, noticing that she was a bit worn out. Poor girl, she must not have had a chance to rest since coming to this world. Speaking aloud to her, he asked Livian, "Are you tired? I could get you a nice room for the night if you need some rest." The debonair dragon slowly finished his meal and then gently cleaned his muzzle with napkin on his lap.

Hyouzen cringed, feeling a bit foolish for upsetting Foria. The water dragon nodded and told her, "Sorry, I didn't know. Is there something else you'd like to talk about?"

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Livian nodded, still not fully awake. Hers powers were hard to keep under control that it is starting to wear her out. "I'm fine just tired from the travel." the dragoness meek.

"Still having problems with your powers Livian?" Foria shook her head. "I thought you we're fine when your father put you through training."

The female world traveler hesitated. "Yes...but, a thanks for the wind I could gradually wean them in some state." She finished her bread. Her head once again resting his arm.

Foria sighed, no wondered her family are worried too much on her. The naive girl couldn't be strong enough to handle her powers if not careful. The dragon's trait combined with two powerful figures(Linvar used a dragon's ring in order to given birth true dragon) has becoming a hassle. If Soljowl is right. Then those huge armor knights will take her to someplace they don't know about. Sure the dragon ring is successful, but giving birth to twiplets either one will be the weakest, while the two remained stronger.

However, Livian being a middle child; looking fragile. She remained powerful than her two brothers. Probably surpassing in strength as her father. If given birth to a child with the person who consumated her; the powerful genes were passed down to next the next powerful generation. Which is probably why those ancients wanted her!

Foria chided abit, they have to get off the planet quickly. But, it's best to have Livian rested in full strength, for now. Foria had finished partially of her lunch. Might as well keep the conversation going with Hyouzen. "Me and my sister lived together under the same house for atleast maybe seventy-eighty years. Been for each other since one thousand one hundred years."
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The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hyouzen nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed as he explained to Foria, "That's incredible, though it's kind of hard for me to believe. Most folks from my world are lucky to live to be one hundred."

"I didn't realize your powers took such a toll on your body." Jedrek looked towards Livian with concern, before suggesting, "I'll find you a place to rest soon." The shadow dragon looked towards Soljowl and Foria and asked, "It may not just be her though, this world's magic has been dying for some time, so I can't say what effect it may have on magic users from another world. Are you two still able to travel between worlds? We should get her back as soon as possible."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I seen it all, my sister had to hide her skin, me I'm free to roam around. Due to the fact she's different from any dragons. She's being hunted even a few times our kind during those events. They had toned it down now." Foria break a piece of bone in half. "But let's just say she still wouldn't feel safe being outside alone."

The hyena gobbled up the bones, as he took the geasy leftovers off her plate. Licking his fingers. His dishes piling on top on another almost looking like it's going to fall. He brought out huge hefty bag spilling gold coins on the table. "What's the hurry? Might as well let her rest for a day, and incase you haven't heard the news; the magic people had been massacred here."

Livian was too tired to react, though it did surprised her as she heard it crystal clear from the bandits mouth. What if Soljowl really can't transport them to their world? Of course, the hyena had brought attention as nearly everyone gaze at the bag of coins. Most in disbelief of how a poorly dressed theif managed to get that amount of money?
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The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hmm, a fair amount of money. Either he's a really good thief, or he saves a lot of money eating zombies. After his silent thought, Jedrek declared, "She should be safe here, especially now that you two are here. Besides, this is a different world. Even if she had been hunted down in your home world, it would be very difficult for them to reach or know where she is least I would imagine." The shadow dragon felt a little lost in all this. After all, he was but a gentleman thief in a world with very little magic. He looked over to Livian and smiled, and knew that if nothing else, he wanted to protect her.

"Bah, happens all the time. Someone is a little stronger or looks a little different, and the mob raises a stink. Damn racists." Hyouzen seemed upset about hearing how people had tried to hunt down Livian, but tried to keep his cool. He looked over in Foria's direction with a firm expression, telling her, "Yeah, we'll help you keep her safe, until you guys are able to return home. Maybe a couple of us can go look for the town's magician, while the other pair helps watch over her in the local hotel."[/i]
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Are you deaf?" The hyena inquired, as he growled at the people who had their staring eyes gaze into the hyena just because he brung out his gold that was questionable enough of his characteristic. Foria slapped him upside the head for insulating a young blue dragon. He immediately had his head nodded furiously apologizing to the reptile.

"Okay to make myself clear. The entire magicians had been swamped, wiped out. Dead as a door knob. Even the people they known and families."

Foria nodded, feelings distrauct from having her past memories occurred to her head. "I'm afraid Soljowl is right, I was there reading the bulletin board. From my friend's experience, it was a clean deaf, magical properties had been drained. And there are no evidence where it came from besides there marks that had untraceable marks and scent marks. We do believe that there is someone who-"

"They, and the death came out the same time killings. Making it seemed impossible for one murderer to go around in less than 0 second, unless they're able to stop time. Since the magic here barely thrived as you say. There are limits. But they are clever enough to had it planned to make it difficult for someone to see it one person who is actually different from another. From my case...they are trying to trap Livian." His fingers tapped.

Livian stopped her rest. Her keen ears heard everything, but why are they after her? "Why?"

The hyena sighed, "I'm afraid I won't tell you until we find ourselves a place to stay for a day. Least we revealed the very nature of it."
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The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Jedrek found that worrying. The shadow dragon knew that magicians were few and far between, but he didn't realize someone was actively killing them. "Good idea, let's find a safe place to talk and we can figure out our next move." He stood up and then politely held his hand out to Livian to help her up.

"First thieves, now murderers. Life sure isn't boring." Hyouzen stood up as well, feeling a bit edgy knowing that there was someone out in the city that would hunt the otherworldly travelers. "Don't worry, if they come, we'll stop them. Simple as that."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Livian clasped his hand, her body shook from the feeling that she was the problem. She felt this was all her fault, if she haven't inherited her powerful stem from both her family. None of this would happen to the innocent folks. They went inside the hotel they founded decent enough; as the hyena set them their rooms. "It's, it's my fault."

The wild african canine glared at her. "It's not your fault. Those beings are up to no good. Fairy tale or not. They are certainly a force to be reckon with."
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)