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Casual Rex (private for Fox and Casey)
"I uh..." she said, blushing and looked away, "I still am. I never... I coudln't really do anything with Casey I guess. I don't know if I can now... I don't know how it works anymore." She listened to her friend, and was prepared to ask her a few questions regarding som of the things that she had said but in she decided instead to lean over and answer the phone. "Hello?" she said, and fell silent when she heard Casey's voice on the other end. She listened to him and looked blankly in Jasmin'es direction. "I don't know..." she said at last, "I have to... think about some things. We can talk about it some time but not on the phone. I, uh, I'll talk to you later." She hung up the phone, and sank back down into the water troubled.
Jenny growled playfully and ran her claws lightly along the other girl's slit as she rubbed her tongue firmly over her sensitives. She lapped at the juices taht were already flowly and reverberated with pleasure feeling her own body attended to. "Cheap knockoff" she said, "Doesn't matter. You're paying me back nicely." She shoved her tongue into the younger dino's tail hole and rubbed her slit with her finger tip. She thought she heard casey coming but as seh started to look, carmen's legs closed over her head. "And no" she said, "Johnny didn't get anything. I'm saving it for someone else... someone I really love." She said it loud enough that she knew Casey would hear.
Jasmine sighed already figuring on how called. She slide over to her friend and hugged her tightly. "whats wrong you didn't seem to thrilled about him calling?" she asked. "What really bugging you if you don't mind me asking?" she asked in a worried tone. she really wanted to know what her friend was thinking since cared deeply for her.
Casey sighed while he hung up, his eyes started to water as he went up the kitchen steps not wanting to interrupt the to mating girls. He went into his room silently and closed the door. He began to weep as he flopped down on to his bed. He just felt like an idiot he should have done anything or even thought that Renee was in trouble then she wouldn't consider him a freak.

Carmen moaned loudly while Jenny licked and rubbed her sensitive slit. "Deeper," she moaned wanting Jenny to push her tongue into her tail hole. Soon she let out a loader moan as her body started to twitch and convulse in her first orgasm of the night. she continue to ride out her first orgasm as she started to approached her second she oculdn't believe that Jenny was even good at sex for a virgin.

Phillip walked into the house through the garage. He walked into the living room and saw that what he thought was Abagael Jenny's mother mating with his own daughter. He licked his lips as he disrobed and folded his clothes. He watched as his daughter rode out her first orgasm. He knew that Abagael was not longer mating with the may David who was also the mayor and took him and his mate as a full time lover pretty much. The veloceraptor walked were he was behind who he thought was Abagael. He mounted Jenny from behind his cock resting between her butt cheeks, he leaned over and whispered "Hey hon how are you tonight? I didn't know you wanted to be with Carmen. Yet know what I really love to see is our daughter eating you out and for her asking daddy to fuck her all the more, Abagael," he murred his tongue clicking as he licked her neck. He was only half veloceraptor and t-rex, yet since he appeared to be a veloceraptor he was labeled as one. The mayor was impotent and since Phillip was a friend of they asked him ot fertilized Abagael's eggs. Only the four people knew that Jenny was actually Phillips daughter, David, Abagael, Allison, and him. He was glad Jenny didn't look anything like raptor that way David could claim her as his yet he did wish she had more raptor looks like he had.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"I" she said quietly, letting her friend hug her but feeling standoffish, "I don't really want to talk about it." She hugged her back and sighed lightly, not because she didn't want contact, but because she had serious thinking to do, and she wasn't sure if she was ashamed of herself for having to think so hard about it.
Jenny pushed her tongue deeper through the younger dino's ring and swirled her tongue around inside her. She stroked her sensitivity and pushed a paire of fingers into her eager, soaking slit. She rubbed her vigorously, feeling the tinge that told her she might climax herself, and delighted with the quickness at which Carmen was already climaxing again. Suddenly, she felt something behind her and froze. A powerful male voice calling her by her mother's name. She looked behind her and saw the chief of police. "I" she gasped, tryingto pull away but unable to move her body because she was so aroused, "I'm not abigail!"
Jasmine nodded in understanding, "Okay.... I guess," she sighed along with her friend. Then she got a bright idea. "Got any questions for me anything you want to know or anything about all this?" she asked hoping to keep her friend from getting down in the dumps.
Carmen couldn't hear what her father was whispering to Jenny. Yet seeing her father's cock she leaned up and began to lick the pass as she got a pleasing murr from her father. Soon she was licking Jenny's privates again as well.

Phillip groaned some as his daughter began to lick the base of his shaft. When Jenny said she wasn't Abagael he stayed there a moment thinking for a second letting the fact that he was holding his eldest daughter in his paws. He didn't want to let her go. "Shss it is okay Jenny just don't tell your mother you know that I am your father, she would kill me," he whispered in Jenny's ear. He sighed as he kissed her cheek in a fatherly manner and got up slowly and reluctantly.

"Aww dad I wanted it you to mate with us," she said not realizing that why her father was getting up and letting them be. she pushed Jenny off and crawled over swishing her tail looking like a raptor on the prowl.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"no, that's ok" she said with a half-hearted smile, and hugged her tighter, "I'm just... trying to figure some things out. It's not really about... That. It's more about me." She sighed, and bit her lip a little, then decided that she owed her friend honesty. "I don't know what to do" she said, "This is so strange. Casey called... he wants to get back together but I'm not sure. I love him, but... you know. He's a dinosaur and I don't... know if I can handle that. I'm just so confused. That makes me horrible, doesn't it?"
Jenny sat rigidly as he spoke to her, wanting to react, but held in place by her lust. She shuddered as she felt his cock resting across her ass, and her unbeknownst sister licking her aroused slit. Her mind returned to her a good bit more when she heard him say that he was her father, and the heat of lust fought with the heat of rage in her chest. She felt herself pushed from the younger girl's body and fell roughly on the floor. She turned over, and sat on her rear staring slack-jawed at Phil, wondering why he would say such a thing. She also realized that Casey was no where to be seen. She was outraged that the velociraptor whould push her away, but the absence of her boyfriend (and maybe brother?) made it seem unimportant. She got up, and sighed, then began looking around the house for him. She stood outside the door to his room wondering what she should say, or do.
Jasmine smiled and hugged he friend all the tighter. "It is okay Renee and no it doesn't make you horrible," she said kissing the human's cheek. "It just means you got to deal with a bit more than most girls instead of just choosing who you will date and so forth you got to choose what species you want to go out with as well," she said simplifying it somewhat. "Now give him that second chance Renee and see if it can work out between you two," she suggested
Casey as sniffling as he continue to cry at what he that was Renee's rejection. He soon slowly stopped as he laid there sniffing her hoodie that was drown over his pillow. He enjoyed scent, "I love you Renee and wished you wanted to get back to gather with me...," he trailed off shaking his had some.

Phillip watched his youngest daughter continue to crawl towards him in a seductive manner. He appreciated her efforts would like to mate with her but at the moment he needed to talked to Jenny. "I need to talk to Jenny about something really important be back down in a moment hopefully with everything intact," he stated as he then walked up the stairs leaving his youngest daughter wanting. He walked up the stairs and saw Jenny. "We need to have a talk Jenny you me Allison after that you can do what ever you want with what we tell you is that okay?" he asked. He walked pasted her and opened his and Allison's bedroom door.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
I'll call him over later" she said quietly, "I'm just so afraid... I'm afraid I'm too weak to handle it. What if I can't, and I hurt him?" She sighed and hugged Jasmine tighter. "I mean, I don't know what to do... I still don't know much about you... guys. I don't know if I can please him right, I... I mean... if we get married will I... lay eggs? Could I give him children at all?"
Jenny listened to him through the door, and felt tears raise in her eyes. She hung her head, and sat down by the door for a few moments until she heard Phillip's voice. She listened, and thought about screamingat him to leave her alone, but she choked it down. She walked over to him, her cloths still hanging in shreds over her body and sighed. Sure" she said, following him into their bedroom, "What do you want?
Jasmine nods in understanding her situation some what. Then she remembers something from her father's AA meeting, "look just take one day at time and ask your today can I handle boying with raptor boyfriend. Then do the same the next day soon you won't have to ask yourself that," she said with a smile rubbing Renee's back then undid her top and pulled it off. "Got your top... and besides your a virgin your not supposed to be good in bed yet," she said with a chuckle waving her friends top around like a flag.
PHillip sighs deeply as he sat on the bed next to his daughter. "Um Allison she knows.... I thought she was Abagael and she was making out with Carmen. I got on top of her said... Hey hon how are you tonight? I didn't know you wanted to be with Carmen. Yet know what I really love to see is our daughter eating you out and for her asking daddy to fuck her all the more, Abagael," he stated once more and sighed. "Then I whispered once one more in Jenny ear and said: it is okay Jenny just don't tell your mother you know that I am your father, she would kill me," He said finally. He knew most likely his mate would royally get onto him for being horny old raptor. He couldn't help they were known for the high sex drive.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Renee laughed and covered her chest with one arm as she snatched her top back. "Stop it!' she siad with a laugh, "I'm trying to be serious." She sat down and put her top back on with a sigh. "Ok" she said, "Alright, I'll... I'll call him over. You'll have to make yourself scarce. If I see him face to face I'll know for sure. I love him. I just have to see him and I'll know for sure." She picked up the phone and dialed it. "Hi casey?" she said, "it's uh... it's renee. can you come over? I need to talk to you."
Jenny sat quietly. She didn't rally believe any of it. "Why shouldn't I tell" she said, "I know this is bullshit. My dad is the mayor. He's a great man." She was angry, and frustrated from her earlier interupted sex"

Allison sighed and put her hand on his. "Well" she said, "it sounds like she doesn't believe you anyway. We could just tell her you were kidding." Alisson looked the girl over and smiled. "Mabye give her something for her troubles."
Jasmine chuckles, "Nope can't do that I got to chaperon you to love birds. I mean what if you to started making out after getting back together someone got to be there to make sure this stays out of the bedroom. Also if I can't do that then at least I get hear you two having inter-species relations," she said with laugh sticking out her tongue and grabbed a towel off the rack and began to dry off. "Also is it today or tomorrow they begin their trip I can't quite remember?" she asked as she finished drying off.
Casey sniffled some and sighed as he answered his cell phone he knew it was Renee he figured she was calling telling him she never wanted to see him again. He sniffled into the phone as he answered it, "Hello...," he trailed off not sounding like himself, "I will get over there in while...." There was a bit of a sob as he hung up the cell. He got up and started gathering up the stuff that was Renee's so he could return the items to her. After while he picked up the bundle and headed out the door and got into his car. He drove to Renee's place and saw Jasmine's and Renee's cars under the car part.
Phillip sighed and shook his head, "Yeah it is a lie," he said half halfheartedly it wasn't even the least bit believable. He remembered all the times he been to her recitals and listen to her play at the other end of were her mother sat usually since her Dad couldn't always make it to them. He remembered all the times he would try to out do David on the gifts for her birthday there were a few times his gifts were better than David's. Like at her last birthday in the glove box of her new car was a letter saying she wouldn't receive any tickets unless she was caught speeding thirty miles over the speed limit, that included parking violations. "If there is anything you want you can ask of me Jenny and I do mean anything," he said it was half hearted like the lie he told her a moment ago.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz