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Damn I talk too much!
That seems to be the idea girls have, Raze, but it makes no sense to me. I mean, guys should be considerate of their significant other's needs, yes, and vice versa too, but we guys are not psychics or mind readers. "If we have to tell you, you don't deserve to know" is your statement. A guy's (unspoken) answer is usually "Good, because if you don't tell me I WON'T know." And since he won't know what the heck is wrong, he's not going to do anything to try to fix it. If he doesn't do anything to try to fix it, the girl gets even more frustrated and it builds up, and the relationship starts to go sour. You're mad at him for something he doesn't know about, he's frustrated because he doesn't know and you won't tell him, and, well, who knows after that?

Sometimes stuff like that starts with what I think are pretty dumb things, and please don't be mad at me for saying so. For instance, the question "Do you think I look fat?" No girl I've met has ever asked that question with the intention of getting an honest answer. No matter how much the poor guy tries to sugar coat it, tries to be considerate of her feelings without lying (which she'd inevitably be mad at later when someone tells her she DOES look fat), if he does not say "No," she's mad at him. Why? "He was supposed to say 'no, you look beautiful!'" Of course, she wouldn't tell him that, which starts up what I outlined above. Sometimes even things like "Doesn't this dress look fabulous on me?" "Oh, it's nice, I like it." spawns into "Nice? Just nice?!" and silent treatment and cold shoulders from the female entity. If she wants an honest answer, she should ask a question like "How does this look on me?" "Would you work out with me at the gym? I think I'd like to trim up a bit." An answer like "It looks great!" would work for that first one, wouldn't it? Or "Sure, we'll work out together!" or "Trim up? You don't need to do that at all!" for the second?

lol Sorry all of that was so wordy. It's hard even for me to explain what I'm thinking.

A friend of mine told me once that "flawed logic is flawed." I know, that's not very profound. Still, it kind of makes sense if you think about it for a while.
Lol sonic, you make me laugh a lot, it's about time you figured out that vicious cycle. Have fun fixing it now.
Fixing what?
The Reclaimer Wrote:Anyhow, if you have to tell us we don't deserve to know? That's gotta be why 90% of divorces happen.
I think money, children, and infidelity would be closer to 90%.

SonicHowler! Wrote:lol Sorry all of that was so wordy. It's hard even for me to explain what I'm thinking.
You did a very good job there explaining inductively what the problem is. If I ever run into that situation, I would actually try that strategy, running through every hypothetical answer and the potential retorts and counter-retorts until the question is never asked again by any woman ever.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
And that's why you need to find someone who's just like you (to possibly prevent this from happening) or completely someone opposite to you. (maybe only someone like that might be able to take your personality thought process, like that)
(12-20-2008 12:26 PM)Wisemon Wrote: I think money, children, and infidelity would be closer to 90%.

Children born unexpectedly leading to a "oh we're gonna get married scenario", but I would say that the money and infidelity would stem from all that comes from not being happy due to the resentment I stated earlier, would be a good chunk of the 90%, rather than just dirtbag people who cheat to cheat and so on. I mean, I just see it all as stemming from not communicating and thus being unhappy.

Believe in yourself! Not you who believe in me, not me, who believes in you.
Believe in you, who believes in yourself!
- Kamina of the Dai Gurren Brigade
(12-20-2008 09:28 AM)SonicHowler! Wrote: Fixing what?
Obviously you didn't listen to my point of view very well. Read it over a few more times and see if you cna figure it out.

Also I think Wisemon is right, those are the main reasons for divorce.
Not too much to go by there. I can't change the minds of every woman in the world, so fixing the "vicious cycle" is out of the question. What else is there to fix?
Sigh, like I said, look at what I typed...I don't want to sound mean but you're not listening to well...
It's sarcasm sonic. She's saying have fun "fixing" it, because it will never go away and thus unfixable.

Believe in yourself! Not you who believe in me, not me, who believes in you.
Believe in you, who believes in yourself!
- Kamina of the Dai Gurren Brigade