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Bleach: Last Stand.
Rina stoped for a second "Eh? But I need your help and you are my subordinate so you would help me..." When she turned her head to look at Kazan, the intimidating expression on her face would make anyone scared to dead "...Right?"
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Kazan's eyes shot wide open as he saw the anger building in Rina's eyes and he quickly was standing, all of a sudden, "Yes ma'am!" he said, standing straight like a soldier would.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Katt grabbed his wrist, under normal circumstances she'd easily be able to crush it with her strength, but in her weakened state she was barely able to squeeze it enough to even cause pain, "Considering... the condition I'm in..." She coughed up a small amount of blood, "I'd say... I held my own... just fine." she growled.


"Yeah, guess just the two of us should be fine. Probably better, more people here the better protected it will be." Shadow thought aloud, walking to where the gate was located and walking through.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
After hearing her Salem grinned like always and let her go "Yes you did." as soon as her feet touched the ground Rei's arrow soared through the air and into her chest "I hope you get what you want Katt-chan..."
Lady Devimon's Minions
Captain Trent laughed a little and told Naibu, "I wouldn't worry. She seems far too distracted with that vice-captain." Following along the stone path towards his fellow captain's HQ, he told him, "Anyways, that sounds like a good idea after that drink. I usually only have the time to train with my own troops. It will be interesting to see what your subordinates are capable of."

(World of the Living)

" if only we could find him." Hyouzen walked away from Proto for a moment and looked around a corner, seeing a lower class Hollow milling about, waiting for some helpless soul to drift by. "Hmmm, not our target, but it should be easy now that we're close..." He smirked and suddenly lunged forward and grabbed the masked figure. "Hehe, every puppet master has to use strings..." He firmly held the neck of the creature, nearly choking it while he followed the connection between it and the hidden Disuto to a crumbling water tower.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: A slight issue I have now is that Digi_lord hasn't paid attention to Furry Persona at all, for a couple weeks now and I haven't seen him online either. Are we going to meet a character at all, Shadow? lol


Lizzy giggled, "Yup! Let's go and kick their butts!" she said, cheering, "Uhm... who are we fighting when we go down there again?" she asked with a quizical look on her face as she followed Captain Shadow down the stairs.

(Real World)

"Impressive... he's able to track the reiatsu of a Hollow, of all things..." Proto followed Hyouzen, but it didn't take much time for him to start feeling certain bursts of spirit pressure in the distance, probably caused by the Disuto cloning itself. "I doubt you'll need that toy" he re-affirmed himself, pursuing the reiatsu as it bursted all over, surely it would attract more attention sooner than later.

OOC: Mindy and Vook can react to it too so they don't idle for so long.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Teehee, too easy." The silver dragoness giggled, the stone in her hand softly glowing from the spirits she had absorbed with it. "Wish there was something of actual challenge around here..." she thought, her ears perking up as she also felt the bursts of energy, turning her head towards it's direction. "Well speak of the devil!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: Good point DMX. Well if we combine both of our brain power we should,

Mindy: Have a combined intellect of a ham sandwich, HA! Sorry, had to do it.

As I was saying, if we combine our RPG intellect we should come up with something.


"Not sure if there'll be fighting, but we'll find out soon enough." Shadow reached the bottom of the stairs, infront of them stood a large gateway, inside of it was a swirling vortex of energy, "I'm willing to bet that's where we need to go, you sure you're up for the journey?" he asked, "I mean, you did just recover from a claw through the chest."

*Real world*

Mindy smiled as she sat in the corner of a room, listening to the music that the people in it were playing, "These humans make the best music," she smiled, tapping her feet to the beat. Her head lifted up, looking as she felt the reiatsu, "Wow, someone's really pouring on the power." She thought as she stood, her curiousity piqued, "Too bad, music was getting good too." she sighed as she suddenly vanished, moving rapidly out of the house and to the rooftops, "Let's see, where are, gotcha!" she smiled as she vanished again.


There was a brilliant flash of light as the light struck Katt, blinding everyone in the room momentarily. After a few moments it passed, Katt was standing again, her black shinigami robes a bright white with light blue trimmings, on her hip hung her blade, and on her left hand glowed a bow made entirely of blue spirit energy. Katt examined her body, at a total loss for words, she could feel the power surging through her, more power than she ever had as a shinigami, "This... is a quincy's power?" she thought aloud.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Salem whistled as he looked her over then tossed a stack of money to Rei who failed to nottice let alone catch it "Well technequaly your only half Quincy, and we really don't have an official name for them because counting you only three have been known to exist." He said as he help Rei find the money "Thou I always liked the sound of kago, 'Divine protection' just sounds right you know?"

"I-it does sound nice Salem! A-and Katt-sama looks lovely!" Rei smiled looking at the new Katt.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"'s almost like he wants us to find him..." Hyouzen suddenly grinned widely as he declared, "Oh, I see, he wants to trap us...this should be fun." With a second thought, he crushed the lesser Hollow with his bare claws, its limited power feeding the gem. The vaizard dragon continued on towards the source of the erratic spirit energy coming from an old warehouse that showed signs of age and neglect. "Heh heh, what a pitiful dump...oh well, lets see what's behind door number two." He sudden forced the locked warehouse door off its hinges with a firm yank.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions