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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
"That's one of the things I like about living in the country, I usually try to fight in a cornfield, usually the only thing lost is corn, and the life of whatever freak of nature, science or whatever that tries to do harm. But I get where you're coming from, man, that's very noble work, if a bit mundane." Jack said in response to Paperman's opening tirade.
OOC: Y'know, I have to admit, Herr Mullen, that I thought your character was meant as a parody when I first saw your profile post. But now that I've read your latest post, I realise actually that its really a simplisticly brilliant idea you've come up with ^^;

Chris smirked and nodded. "Too true..." he said, letting his arms hang limply at his sides... almost too limply. He then lashed out with them, now semi-liquid tendrils of metal, trying to snare Onaga in their snake-like grasp. 'I have to get this wacko away from here. If he has even half the power I think he does, then a lot people could be in danger... not to mention the massive collateral damage that might involve.'


Katrina watched the fight between Chris and Onaga from her hotel balcony, having taken a shower and slipped into a bathrobe since Ragweed left. "Hmm... wonder what's got his aluminium panties in a bunch..." she muttered as she continued to watch. "The other guy doesn't look so bad to me..." she smirked, drumming her nails on the railing.

OOC: A new challenger appears!

Name: Conrad Declan
Alias: None. (prefers not to use an alter-ego)
Age: Unknown
Species: Cyborg. (originally human)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi
Appearance: In disguise, he looks nothing like nothing more than a young scientist with a pale complexion, shoulder-length blonde hair and bright green eyes. In reality though he his a heavily-modified cyborg, almost as much machine as man. His arms are completely mechanical, built with a smooth rounded shape and painted with a black, matte finish. The rest of his body is dressed in a form-fitting jumpsuit with metal plates protecting what organic parts of his body still remain.
  • Superstrength Class 5 - Able to lift 5 metric tonnes over his head, and throw it approximately 25 feet.
  • Human Machine - Conrad becomes exhausted at about one third of the rate of a normal human.
  • Bulletproof - His metal limbs and plated bodysuit make Conrad immune to firearms of pretty much any calibre.
  • Infect - Conrad's enhanced brain and nervous system allows him to interface with computers, machines, robots and electric locks, breaking into them or reprogramming them in whatever way he sees fit.
  • Disguise - Conrad's superstrong artificial limbs can be replaced with ones with normal human strength, which are coated with an organic substance designed to perfectly duplicate human skin.
  • Computermind - Conrad's brain has been augmented with computer parts, making him more intelligent, able to think faster, and partially immune to psychic attack.
  • Minions - Conrad mentally controls an army of lesser robots which he uses to confront enemies first. He rarely engages in battle himself, and even then uses his strength as a last resort.
  • Perfectionist - Conrad prefers to keep things planned out well in advance. If caught off-guard, Conrad thinks poorly 'on his feet'.
  • Electricity - Conrad's mechanical parts and electric brain make him especially vulnerable to electrical damage and short-circuiting.
  • Tank - Conrad is slow in terms of full-out running speed, despite his strength.
  • Bad Help - Conrad's robot minions aren't particularly bright, fast, strong or accurate. The only thing going for them is their sheer numbers.
Other: You'll find out why Conrad's inportant soon enough.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Seeing that Ragweed had left Onyxia saw a large dumpster behind her, she did a small backflip to get into position then with a strong kick she sends the dumpster flying through the ally.

"AHH!!" The policeman rolled out of the way of the crashing dumpster.

While the man was distracted Onyxia took flight again going after her new mouse aquaintance. But her flying only attracted more unwanted attention as more police officers was chasing after her "Annoying creatures these are..."
Ragweed saw her come out of the ally, and stopped running. "this way!!" he shouted, then started running down the street.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Onyxia dodged left and right of the shots fired hearing Ragweed she did a little barrel roll before she turned down the street "I could fight them but..that would leave a bad impression.."
"i know! we need to find some place that they wont think to look! mabey a high rooftop, or something like that?" he said, swiftly jumping over things on the sidewalk.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Mundane? I don't think you've ever been to an office party." Paperman watched the two chaps duke it out a little further. "You know, this really is pathetic." He slipped into silence a little longer. "What you have here, is a guy who's been phycologically and biologically disturbed," he said, indicating blade-arm-boy. "And there you have a guy naturally blessed with powers. What this really is, is just a villian expressing fustration about his life in the only way he feels he can express himself: violence. Then you have the hero who is simply dueling him as an ego trip. This isn't about right and wrong, it's about prooving his worth. Same for the other guy. They are both fustrated with the lot life has given them. You say my work is mundane, yeah? That's what everybody, superhero or not, thinks. Office work is boring. How can anyone seek to succeed within buinesses and organisations that care nothing about their workers? Well, not succeed, but be recognised as a real personality, a person, rather than a means of production? Everyone hates it, except those at the top and those who really believe that they can claw their way up there. But what you see in front of you is not a battle between good and evil: it's two sad and lonely guys beating each other up in order to show off their powers that they may be recognised. All this secret identity stuff? It's an ego trip, a second life in which they are the msot important person in the universe. I've met heros in my time, and do you know what most of them were? Journalists. How conceeted is that? Go out, become front page news, and get a job where its going to be sung about most. That's sad. Really, this is all about ego. I was a little like that, once." He paused in the middle of his speach. "I was not... wise, at that point in my life. You know, down the gay bar drinking myself stupid and shouting "I am a superhero, sleep with me." I'm teatotal, now. I don't want to go into it. But I realsied that heros and villians are not the forces of good and evil. They are individuals, all of them. All of them just seeking to make a dent on the world in the easiest way they can. With their powers." He watched them duel a little more. "Sad."
Jack immediately clammed up, he didn't mean to trigger another rant, from this guy, only small talk while the fight was going on. He did understand where he was coming from, after all, regardless of powers or appearance, superheroes and villains are after all, for the most part, human (save for the aliens and various creatures of the countryside he fought). Hopefully his silence will prevent any more bitter sounding ranting from this Paperman. Regardless of truth, it made him feel shallow and guilty, intended perhaps.
Alexia closed her eyes tightly, covering her ears with her hands as she curled up into a ball, and tried to forget what was going on, drowing out the large man's screams with her own tears.

The large man screamed as the claws dug into his skin, blood rushing from the wounds as he desperately pulled on the mechanical arm.
Hearing Ragweed the dragoness swooped down to scoop up the speedy mouse then ascended up onto a rooftop where she landed. Onyxia held him in her claws smiling.