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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - Printable Version

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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - Calibremon - 05-06-2007

In light of Spiderman 3 taking flight upon its massive gossamar wings of Suck, I wanted to create a superhero/supervillian RPG to take that bad taste out of my mouth.

In this story, multiple 'wormholes' have opened up, causing several parrallel instances of 'Earth' to link together, focusing on Earth Instance 1 (Normal Earth. The one where nobody has superpowers). the heroes have traversed to Earth 1 to find the source of the wormholes, hoping to seal them forever before they can be used for evil. The villians, on the other hand, hope to exploit them for evil and profit.

So! You can use existing characters from any comic book series, or you can create your own. PLEASE No magic, demons, or other supernatural stuff. JUST superpowers. ^^;

Name: (Character's Real Name)
Alias: (Character's superhero/villian name)
Age: (Do I HAVE to explain this?)
Species: (Human, Furry or w/e)
Gender: (M/F)
Orientation: (Gay/Str8/Bi)
Appearance: (What your character looks like. If their powers change their form, describe it here too)
Abilities: (ALL of your character's powers. Be specific as possible, please)
Weaknesses: (Character's weaknesses. Please have AT LEAST one)
Other: (Anything else you want to add)


Name: Christopher 'Chris' Fraser
Alias: Die-Cast
Age: 18
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi
Appearance: In human form, Chris wears a denim jacket, blue jeans and a black tank-top. His hair is cut short, and a sandy-brown color; his eyes are grey. He stands about 6'2", and weighs a staggering 500 pounds. He is actually quite thin, but his powers make him extremely dense.
Abilities: Chris is made up of an organic metal, whose properties he can alter at will. As such, he has the following powers.
  • Agelessness - Chris does not age like normal human beings.
  • Liquid Disguise - Chris can alter his metal body, then return to human form, either as himself or disguise himself as anyone he can picture clearly.
  • Amorphous Form - Chris can stretch and reshape his metal body at will, forming anything he can think of.
  • Solidify - Chris can alter his density, becoming anything between a puddle of mercury to solid titanium.
  • Bulletproof - Chris' dense, metal form makes him able to withstand almost anything up to a live grenade in the chest.
  • Weaponform - Chris can form any weapon he can think of, provided it can be made of metal parts and powered by electricity. He usually favors melee weapons, railguns or stunguns.
  • Reconstitute - If any part of Chris becomes dettached or severed while in metal form, he can reattach it with little effort.
  • ElectroMagnetism - By altering his body's magnetic properties, Chris can generate electricity to power his railgun and stungun weapons.
  • Osmosis - When Chris converts into a liquid metal form, he can pass through any space a liquid can. The smaller the space, the slower he moves through it.
  • Water - Chris cannot swim. At all. Not because he doesn't know how, but because he is simply too dense to float.
  • Magnetism - For reasons not fully explainable, Chris is completely magnetic, even in human form.
  • Electricity - Chris' metal body conducts electricity even better than a normal human's.
  • Thermal Shock - Chris' metal body will crack and shatter if exposed to intense cold and then intense heat in a short period of time.
  • Heat - Chris cannot maintain a solid form if he is exposed to intense heat for prolonged periods.
  • Cold - Chris cannot liquify if he is exposed to intense cold for prolonged periods.
  • Human Mortality - Chris is, for all intents and purposes, a normal person when in human form, with human weaknesses.
Other: Chris is a bit of a pervert and a lecher, using his powers to cop a feel when he thinks women aren't looking. He is, however, essentially a good person with a strong moral code.

Name: Katrina
Alias: Succubus
Age: 19
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi
Appearance: Dresses in what one might call a 'goth' fashion sense. Wears a black leather corset with blood-red lace trim, which accents her already ample cleavage. Wears an insanely short black mini skirt as well, and a black coat over that. Her canines ('eye' teeth) are unusually sharp, alluding to her 'vampiric' nature.
  • Narcotic Bite - Katrina's bite secretes an addictive chemical that causes people to be drawn to her the more she bites them.
  • Bodylock - A sort of mind control, Katrina can cause a person's entire body to lock up and become unresponsive. With sufficient willpower though, this ability can be broken.
  • Moodswing - Katrina can alter the hormone levels of anyone she touches, causing them to become angry, depressed or even sexually aroused. Effectiveness depends on the individual's ability to resist their own hormones.
  • Mindshadow - If Katrina locks eyes with a person, she can read their minds; usually she just dives in and probes around for their darkest sexual fantasies. Onlty way to resist is to avoid Katrina's gaze.
  • Self-Image: Katrina is a narcisist; she is very, VERY full of herself, and any insult or damage to her appearance will send her into an irrational rage.
  • Combat Prowess: In terms of combat ability, Katrina is pretty weak.
    Other: Carries a cane. The knob is a silver skull with rubies set in the eye-sockets. The cane actually conceals a wicked-sharp rapier, Katrina's only weapon.

    Katrina is a serial rapist.


    "Get back here you bitch!" A young male voice rang out. A candy-red convertible skids into a turn in the middle of the intersection and takes off, driven by cackling, raven-haired woman.

    "Catch me if you can, Tin Man!" she cried, flooring the gas. Right behind her was what could only be described as an elastic blob of metal, bouncing down the street in a slinky-like fashion after her. the blob nearly slammed into the girl as she stopped the car suddenly. The blob unfurled into an average-looking young man, save for the fact he was made entirely of metal. He stared at the same thing the girl was: a rift that had just opened up in the middle of the road.

    "This another of your tricks, sex-witch?" he asked. She looked over at him angrily.

    "You wish, pencil dick" she said, before revving the engine. "But it looks like fun... I hope it leads somewhere fun..." she said before driving her corvette through the rift, with the metal man chasing after her.

RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - Erethzium - 05-06-2007

Name: Ragweed
Alias: Clutch
Age: 19
Species: Non-Anthro Mouse (still stands on back legs though)
Gender: M
Orientation: Str8
Appearance: Ragweed has gold fur, with a white belly, and a 2' 6" long tail, which is a light pink color. Eyes are brown, and paws are a bright white. Dons a Tsurugi, a long thin sword. Stands at 4' 2"
  • Super Speed - Ragweed can run at high speeds, and has insane agility
  • Multi-Jump - Ragweed can jump up to 4 times, jumping once, then again and again in midair.

  • Cheese. if Ragweed smells cheese, its like a fish to a hook. Rag will be on it before you can blink!
  • Tar, Glue, even TAPE. anything that will stick him to one spot, will completely disable his running.
Other: Ragweed is very protective and Chivalrous, and outgoing as well. But he can also be overly serious sometimes.


Ragweed was running down the street as he usually did every day, dong his laps around the city to improve his speed, when a strange rift appeared in the street. luckily the streets were practically empty today. "what the hell is that thing?!!" he said, stopping and walking towards it.

RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - Angry_kittens - 05-06-2007

Name: Kordath Takaidae
Alias: The wanderer
Age: 18
Species: Anthro Feline
Gender: male
Orientation: bi (prefers men though)
Appearance: Standing at just over six feet tall, and weighing about 200 lbs, this man is a rather imposing figure to be confronted by. He wears a loose fitting stark black robe, and wields a long bladed Dai'katana (or however it is spelled... the one that is really long, and supposed to be used from horseback) Underneath the robe, he wears tight red clothing which does very little to hide his atheletic figure. (like what gymnists wear) His body is covered by dark gray fur, and has a long tail which sticks out behind him.

Hyper speed: He is able to move at a rate four times faster than a normal human's, his reactions are also increased by this.
Lion's strength: His strength is double that which a normal human of his size would have.
Cat's grace: He has nearly perfect balance, and can fall from great heights without harm.
Panther strike: He has natural stealth capabilities, slipping easily into the shadows, becoming nearly impossibl to see as long as he remains still.

Kind hearted: Kordath cannot stand to see anyone in danger, often risking his own life to protect those in need. If prevented from doing so, either by choice, or by force, he falls into a state of intense depression, losing all super powers for 1-7 days depending on the situation (Example.. failing to keep a stranger from getting hit by a car, but they survive, would be one day.. Failing to try to protect a loved one from being raped to death would be 7)

Cat-nip addiction: Normally, he functions well without it, but if presented with an opportunity to obtain some, he has to at least try or he will fall into a berzerk rage, attacking anyone who gets between him and his prize.

Other: Kordath is unused to the "modern" world, coming from a place that was still mostly in the feudal age. He speaks fluently in most languages, and learns new ones with an ease that would be a cause for jealousy amongst scholars and the like.


Kordath walked along the road that went through the center of the area he had chosen as his own to protect. He had driven off most threats to it early on, and spent most of his days in quiet contemplation as he wanders the road.

This day however, as he was walking along the path, a bright flash of light appeared in front of him, sucking him into its depths before he managed to react to it.

RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - DarkChibimon - 05-06-2007

OOC: Name: David 'Davis' Leonheart
Alias: ExVee
Age: 20
Species: humanoid lizard
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi
Appearance: David is 6"5' with Blood Red hair. He wears a Black shirt with the words "Word Life", Red jeans, Black and Red shoes, a scar on his right eye he has blue and black wings and red black scales. 2nd Form [Image: LastScan.jpg]
  • Change From - David changes his form to his 2nd form
  • ExVee Laser - David in his 2nd form changes power to the X on his chest and a X laser comes out
  • Extreme Str - David in his 2nd form haves 3 times has much str as Davis does
Weaknesses: Love - Love is David's major weakness. If Davis falls in love he will stop at nothing to protect his love if that even manes death.
Other: Davis may become friendly if the person is kind other than that Davis is very cold.
IC: David walk down his street and he saw a wormhole open up and David thought "What the hell?!?!" He walked in to the wormhole slowly.

RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - amaterasu - 05-06-2007


Name: Onaga Serka
Alias: Mind Storm
Age: 40
Species: human
Gender: male
Orientation: straight
Appearance: This is him.
Abilities:Note-all his mind-affecting powers have a lower chance of success against those with great willpower
Mind control-He is able to control anyone's mind.
Mind wipe-Can erase part of a person's mind,meaning he can get rid of some memories a person has.
Mind erase-Erases one's entire memories.
Mind crush-destroys one's mind.
Mental blade-Creates wristblades out of his psychic energy.
Levitation-Allows him to levitate.
Barrier-creates a nearly invisible barrier to stop projectiles.
Weaknesses: Robotics-His mental powers(aside from the blades)can't work against robots.
Own powers-His powers(aside from mind control,barrier,levitate,and blades)take alot of concentration.
Electricity-electric attacks do more damage.
Other: He has special implants that multiply his mental abilities enough to use them for various reasons.The cost-electricity does more damage.

Onaga was running through the streets,being followed by robotic spiders"This day ain't going too well."He turned a corner,only to run into a squad of cops wearing extremely heavy armor.

"Look at what we have here.The wanted criminal,Mind Storm,has arrived."The spiders rounded the corner and stopped behind Onaga"Like our new pets?"Without waiting for an answer,he issued an order to the spiders"Massacre him."

Onaga levitated into the air,out of the spiders' reach.The police aimed gattling guns at him and fired,only for the bullets to hit a barrier.A rift suddenly opened above him as he continued rising,right into the rift.

RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - Kavaan - 05-07-2007

OOC:You beat me to the punch! I was planning to do a Superhero RP but couldn't figure out an opening plot, oh well, at least I can do this finally. :D

Name: Jonathan "Jack" Harper
Alias: Steel Revenger
Age: 24
Species: Human
Gender: M
Orientation: Straight
Appearence(Superhero): The Steel Revenger armor is based of plans for a sort of powered armor developed by the U.S Army during the Vietnam War Jack found in an abandoned cellar of an old army base. It is a somewhat bulky thing, (6'2) covering the entire body in plates of hardened steel salvaged from Jack's workplace, with broad shoulders and hydraulic pistons at key locations to increase the wearer's strength. The helmet is modeled after an all-concealing motorcycle helmet since Jack's didn't much care for the design in the Army's original blueprints. On the back is a reinforced compartment containing the suit's power source (a modified car battery) as well as the computer equipment and pumps needed to regulate the hydraulics. The suit is colored primer gray as Jack has yet to decide what colors to paint the armor with. Jack had added some extras like an iPod and helmet headphones to keep himself entertained while on lengthy missions. It has been remarked that the Steel Revenger armor bears a vague resemblance to the Master Chief of the HALO games.
Appearence(Normal): Out of the armor and in street clothes, Jack stands at 5'11 with a medium build of someone who engages in regular exercise. His hair is black and kept short, and his eyes are a light brown. His caucasian body is wrapped in clothes of the earth-toned variety, polo shirts, khaki pants, and tall work boots.
Powers: Without the armor, Jack is a completely normal human being. In the armor however, he is capable of lifting in excess of several tons and withstanding heavy punsihment due to the heavy steel plates of the armor, and foam rubber padding beneath used as insulative material. He can also move just as easily as he could outside the armor because of the augmentive hydraulics. In combat, Jack as the Steel Revenger utilizes weaponry of his own design, mixed with some of the hypothetical designs the army came up with during the 60's-70's.
Other: For some strange reason that Jack can't figure out, if electricity enters the suit from an outside source, then the suit's strength increases more and more depending on how much power is channeled into it. This of course either drains or ruins the battery, forcing him to either get a "jump" or a new battery.

IC: In Jack's own home universe, superhumans are not as commonplace as are other dimensions, so their presence is more of a curiosity rather than an accepted fact. Jack, or the Steel Revenger as he's known mainly protects his home town from strange and mysterious threats, like Iron-Man meets X-Files and run on a shoestring budget. One night while driving back to his own "home base" while making sure the local media isn't following him. A strange light appears before his truck, thinking it merely another vehicle, Jack drives on, until his truck falls straight through the road itself.

RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - Fallen hearts - 05-07-2007

Name: Kaine Tobias
Alias: The Emerald Shade
Age: 17
Species: bio-enhanced human
Gender: male
Orientation: bi
Appearance: http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g6/Sanoskey/Newdrawing.jpg

Kim drew him for me :)

Other than what you can see in the picture, he is nearly six feet tall, both legs have been replaced by the same type of strange mechanical device that is now his left arm.

Abilities: Detect Power: He can sense other super powers that are nearby, the range is four city blocks, but he cannot pin point an exact direction unless he is within one block, and cannot get an exact location until he is within ten feet.

Active Camoflage: He is able to turn mostly invisible as long as he remains perfectly still.

Blackout: His left arm can produce an electro magnetic pulse, knocking out most electronic devices within a one hundred yard radius (his limbs are shielded from the effect.)

Claws: His left hand ends in a metalic claw which can function as a normal hand, in addition to its obvious implication as a weapon.

Barrier: tapping into the electrical currents nearby (assuming he is in a city so that there will be some there) he can create a temporary shield in a ten foot radius around himself. This barrier is effective against energy attacks, and has a minor effect on a solid attack (such as deflecting a bullet so it goes past his ear instead of through his head.)

Overload: If in an area of great energy (such as near a nuclear reactor), his artificial limbs will absorb too much of it, and shut down, leaving him helpless until he can get away from the area, or he finds a way to take care of the overload (such as activating the barrier, but this would only restore partial mobility.)

Vulnerable to electic attacks: If struck directly by electricity (or an electricity based attack) his limbs shut down the same as the previously mentioned weakness, but remain that way for a minimum of ten minutes. Thsi does not affect his use of the barrier ability, but even that will not do more than protect him for a few moments.

Other: He often seems cold to others upon first meeting them, but will warm up once he gets to know someone. He prefers to go by his last name only, and will only tell his first name to those he trusts.

((I'll post something IC later.. gonna do other stuff for now))

RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - Calibremon - 05-07-2007

OOC: Posting again. Others can still join if they want. We need more villians and females ><;;;

Chris skidded to a halt as he came out... eactly where he'd left. "What the... a portal to no-where?" he muttered, looking around. No, not exactly. It was night-time now, and the architecture of the buildings were... different, somehow. "Dammit... Could this be some kind of time-warp...? Or an alternate reality?" he muttered, looking around. "Damn, and I lost the she-devil too!"he realised. He blinked and got back on the sidewalk as a truck rounded the corner. "Shit, better blend in..." he said, returning to human form and walking down the street, looking around the entire time. "If this is an alternate reality... my apartment should still exist!" he cried, breaking into a run.


"hmph. Lost the Tin Man..." Katrina muttered as she drove, parking her expensive car and getting out. She walked through a pair of enormous glass doors to check in at a high-end hotel, purring sexily at he clerk before taking her room key and heading upstairs, making sure anyone within view of her got an eyeful.

RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - Kavaan - 05-07-2007

"Ok, that was... weird." Jack said as he clearly felt his truck fall through the road and come back... exactly where he was. Though with one key difference, everything around him was newer, much newer as if he had somehow gone back in time. To Jack's memory, this part of town was old, mostly abandoned, save for the scrap metal salvage yard he worked at and the abandoned warehouse where he made his base. Rounding a corner, he stopped a few moments later at a stop sign just in time to hear,

"...my apartment should still exist!"

"Huh?" Jack said watching the guy run down the street. "Well hopefully my stuff should... still be here... I think... so."

Just as he moved across the intersection, he realized he was still wearing his Steel Revenger power armor, unable to remove it in his truck, he simply took off his helmet and placed it in the passenger seat. Driving to see if his workplace and base still existed, he could not get his mind off whatever the hell was going on.

"I think I saw that guy running in this direction, though I don't think there are any apartments around here... I guess."

RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - Fallen hearts - 05-07-2007

"Excelent work on this one professor... The top physicians couldn't have done better." a dark haired female in a lab coat said, though her tone was cheerful, the look on her face was anything but.

"Wassss there ever any doubt woman? I never give lesss than my besssst." the obese scientist known only as Proffessor Guntram said, his voice dripping with contempt.

"Can he be controlled?" Guntram's assistant asked nervously.

Kaine opened one eye slowly, glancing at the window where the scientists watched him. the drugs that fogged his mind slowly wearing off. "what the hell happened to me...?

"I wasss not paid to control him fool.. Ssssimply to create what you ssssee now. He isss your problem now woman. Take him and leave imediately." Guntram said, turning and walking away.

The female watched the disgusting mass of flesh walk away, then turned to the other door, moving down into the lab. "It is time to go Tobias." she said, her tone bordering on hypnotic as she pressed the button to release his restraints.

"Time to go..? Certainly.. but not with you whore!" Kaine yelled, slamming his right fist into the side of her head, and springing to his feet. His artificial legs moving him faster than his normal ones ever could, but he did not notice this as he charged out the door, meeting no resistance from the security of the compound.

He rammed his shoulder into the steel door to the outside, bending it in two, and bursting through into the open air. Just in time for the portal to open under his feet, and drop him in a place far different than the one he had just left.

He shook his head, and looked around, where technology had once reigned, now appeared to be a park of some kind, something he had only heard about, but never seen. "Where the hell am I..?" he asked into the silence around him.