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Wisemon Wrote:
Quote:Get rid of the minimum wage.
No, you're so evil that you'd need at least twenty counter-crests.

I never said that!

Anti-Wise: "Using economics to make the economy better." That doesn't actually mean anything. Speak concretely, or not at all.
I meant to say that I base my beliefs on sound economic doctrine. He bases it on guilt and dubious personal experience.
Quote:Um Winds of change, how are you changing yor name, wasnt your last name radiation girl or something o.O uh just curious
Yup, I'm sorta experimenting. But The Radiator Girl is a title, not a name.
Quote:What's my Counter-Crest?
I don't know you enough. Ignorance before I instructed you in how a girl masturbates, but now....(Can't believe I'm saying this)
Quote:I never said that!
I know; Anti-Wisemon said it. That's why he reacted to it. Next time I'll just make two separate posts to avoid confusion.

Quote:I'm so evil, using economics to try to make the economy better.

Tell me again your arguement against it?
Yep, that makes you more evil. Economics is two-sided, just like The Force. Guess which side you're using.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
... say!

If you're the Anti-Wisemon, does that mean you (don't) write non-creepy stories about Junpei and Izumi having a relationship? :O

.... or do you just not care one way or the other about the fourth season?
Quote:... say!

If you're the Anti-Wisemon, does that mean you (don't) write non-creepy stories about Junpei and Izumi having a relationship? :O

.... or do you just not care one way or the other about the fourth season?
It means that he doesn't write anything. It's really not fair to judge my series unless you've read all of it, because it gets really good in the end, though I would agree that my stories are non-creepy.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Quote:Yep, that makes you more evil. Economics is two-sided, just like The Force. Guess which side you're using.

How exactly am I automatically evil? The world isn't that simple. The person you don't agree with may just be as good-hearted as you.

Quote:It means that he doesn't write anything. It's really not fair to judge my series unless you've read all of it, because it gets really good in the end, though I would agree that my stories are non-creepy.

Actually, I did consider seriously writing. Though it wouldn't be diimon, nor porn. It would be a story about an SS man during the late 1930s and a bit into 1940. He would commit all these horrible atrocities against the SA, Social Democrats, Bolsheviks, Jews ete. Then he would commit suicide in guilt. It wouldn't be a chuckler.
Quote:How exactly am I automatically evil?
Quote:It would be a story about an SS man during the late 1930s and a bit into 1940. He would commit all these horrible atrocities against the SA, Social Democrats, Bolsheviks, Jews ete.
I think you just answered your own question.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Wisemon, thank you for the new sig!

And I think I figured out my own Counter-Crest: Sincerity/Veracity, and in the bad way. I think at one point in 02 Yolei had a line about "the Crest of Sincerity thing" causing her big mouth? Well I've got that worse than her.
Quote:I think you just answered your own question.

So I'm evil for writing about evil things? The SS were humans, and some of them not necassarily bad humans. You think all of them were little Himmlers?

By the way, I'm really irritated with how you think I'm evil because of my politics. Shit, you even called me a Nazi once. And you also bring it up into irrelavent discussions. I'm evil because what I believe is different from you? That's quite suppressive.

Tell me, why am I evil? Because I disagree with you on how to help people? I care about the little guy, too. We may disagree, but don't ever say I only care for the elite. I just think we should go about it in a different way.

[Image: stantis.gif]