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Kurtz/Crimson RPG
Kurtz happily took the licks to his cheek from her, blushing softly as he let out a broken murr, his claws slowly coming back to life as he moved them away from his breasts and down to about her belly, where he started to rub. "Nnhhh... o-only for you, M-Monnie..." He murmured, slowly licking her tongue back. The moment was one he wanted to keep for a while... it was so... calming...

(OOC: Food shall be done on next post, Crimson xP)
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Mrrr...that's good..." A low murring came from Monica from the belly rub, the vixen licking his muzzle before entering his mouth, wrestling with his reptilian muscle. "Mmmhhh..." Her paws on the other hand had begun to go down his back, caressing his behind and tail.

(Laboratory #13)

Femme Crimson blinked upon looking back to the gate upon hearing a small crackling, a mix of puzzlement and wonder in her eyes. "Is that another..." In the center of the metal circle, the crimson sparks were beginning to converge.

"What...well, turn it off!" suggested Zorromon, hoping there weren't any more travelers arriving.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Mmrrr...." Murring happily, the dragon accepted her vixen tongue inside happily, starting to happily, yet somewhat passionately wrestle with her tongue, swirling around it while he continued to rub her belly, before muttering. "Mmh... is it hard doing it... like this...?" He muttered, before resuming the frenching with her.

(Erixon Residence)

Smiling happily, Lurea came in a few minutes later, carrying a dishtray in her claws as she placed it down on the table in the middle of the Living Room. "Here yah go Crimsy! Chicken and vegetables, like you ordered!" She giggled happily, as she sat down beside him. She had given him a practical variety of vegetables on the plate, all well done and cooked, as well as a nice breast of chicken, all nicely arranged on the plate for him. "Hope you like it, sweetie..." She murmured.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
The soft rubbing only drew some quiet murrs from the Renamon as she answered, "No...go right ahead...Kurtzy." With that, she resumed playing with his tongue in their deep frenching while her smooth paws began to squeeze his behind, marveling at the feel of his scales between her claws.

(Erixon Residence)

A pleased grin grew on the fox's face upon smelling the dinner Lurea had made, Crimson giving the aqua a quick peck before replying, "Looks great, thanks sweetie!" With that, he didn't resist any longer as he started to enjoy his dinner with Lurea, his tongue savoring all the flavor in the chicken and vegetables she prepared, his eyes reflecting all the appreciation he had. "Mmmm, you've done it again, it's wonderful, Lurey!" His enthusiastic tone carried over to his appetite once more, the fox scientist returning to his plate once again.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Hi! This used to include an old post, but due to ancient egypsun spoiler attacks, the old comment seems to be missing! Terribly sorry for any inconvenience!
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"...Mmmrrhhhh..." Monica continued to tenderly feel his firm butt, loving the smooth texture while she murred from the belly rub. During their continued intermingling of the tongues, a fire began to erupt from her loins, her eyes opening widely for a moment before a sly grin grew across her muzzle. Oh darn, is it really that time of year again, I really should have given Kurzy more warning...oh well... As she inwardly smiled, Monica broke their french kiss for a moment and leaned towards his ear. "Say sexy, how about we go back to my room, I've got a little surprise for ya..." Kinky desire had already begun to flood into her head as her heat began to flare up, renewed for the Renamon heat season.

(Erixon Residence)

Crimson continued to blissfully eat his meal, enchanted by the flavors upon his pallet, though he couldn't help but notice a bit of blush on the aqua's cheeks. Damn, she know I can't resist when she blushes like that. Upon finishing his plate of food, the fox scientist's eyes reflected his content feeling. "Mmmm, doesn't get much better than that, thanks Lurey." He grinned as he leaned closer to her, his tail wrapping around her slender body, caressing her sleek scales. "Hmmm, I wonder how I can show you how much I liked that..." With that, Crimson leaned downwards and began nibbling and kissing the area between her neck and shoulder.

(Laboratory #13)

"It won't turn off!" cried Femme Crimson as she tried every method to close the growing gate, the controls and cutting the power doing nothing.

A growing reverberated from the crimson depths of the fiery gate, oblivion lapping at the air of the laboratory.

Zorromon unsheathed his sword, aiming the point towards the gate. "Fine, then we'll have to wait till it closes by itself I guess, get ready...who knows what's in there..."

Femme Crimson nodded before pulling out a death ray of her own, silver and a lighter red than Crimson's Cerberus that was black and a darker red.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Woo! Heat! *smirks and is happified*


As he pulled a bit back, he grinned only lightly, blushing over his cheeks as he nodded softly, before withdrawing his member from inside her, letting the black rod slide out; still standing straight and hard, yet covered with juices. "Mrrr... without our clothes, we leave them here... how's that?" He asked, swishing his tail as he slowly licked her neck back just lightly. "But... sure.... I'd love to see what the surprise is..." He added quite soon after the question. Wonder what it is...

(Erixon Residence)

Starting to moan to both nibbling and kissing, the aqua dragoness slowly arched her head back; granting him more access as her lower regions just very gently started to wetten from mostly the nibbling, her arms resting slightly on him. "W-well... w-we could do anything... no-now that.. mmhhhh.... w-we're alone..."


Approaching the Laboratory at a steady pace, Tieya soon reached the front doors to the complex, as she sighed, before knocking, trying to find out if anyone was close to the door. "Hmm.... anyone in? Hawwo?" Se asked loudly, trying to catch attention of anyone behind the other door.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: Warning: Kinky sex sense on the horizon, wheee!

Monica giggled before she kissed his nose and lifted herself off of the burly dragon, the though of running through the house naked to her room making her excited from the thrill of being caught. "Alrighty, let's go, sexy!" With her scent growing stronger and folds hotter, she grabbed Kurtz's hand and headed for the hallway, wondering how should could surprise her lover first. Though she could hear some noise in the background, she assumed it was Femme Crimson instead of a guest at the door, her lusty desires becoming more overpowering.

(Erixon Residence)

"Anything, eh," he said with a devilish grin before licking further down her lean, smooth body, rolling past the shoulder blade. "Anything in particular you want to do, sexy..." he asked before licking the top of her breast with a long stroke, "...or should I keep going lower..." As he awaited an answer, he softly breathed in her scent, taking in the moment while his tail caressed her back.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Blushing a little, the dragon chuckled quite happily as he was pulled along with her, as he started to pick his own feet up to make sure she wasn't going any slower. "Sure!" He spoke quite clearly into the air, not really being able to notice the scent wafting in front of him as such, while he just continued to run with her through the labroratory.


"...Anytime today..." She muttered, tapping her foot on the ground.

(Erixon Residence)

Blushing furiously, Lurea moaned quite softly to the long lick to her breast, her head slowly arching back in her growing lust as she nodded only gently. "Ahhh... y-yeaahh... l-lowerrr..." She murred, her lust already making choices for her as she slowly snaked her tail down, before it rubbed just teasingly over his own groin. "Lower...."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
(Monica's Room)

After a brief run in the buff through the laboratory halls, they arrived at the Renamon's quarters, a theme of blue running throughout the room. Monica smirked as she led the red haired dragon to her bed. "Okay Kurtzy, go spread out on the bed and close your eyes. I'm going to go get your surprise ready." With a giggle, she ran off to the adjacent bathroom, closing the door behind her as she began to rummage through something within.

(Laboratory #13: Gate Sector)

"I said just go get help!" cried Zorromon as he tried to fend off the reptillian beast with his blade, his free arm pushing the vixen towards the door.

"Ooooh fine! But you'd better not get hurt!" After her brief pout, she fled for the central portion of the laboratory, just missing Kurtz and Monica as she heard a knocking at the door. "Good, maybe it's Crimson." With that she opened the door hastily.

(Erixon Residence)

"Mmrrr...smexy hottie...I love it when you blush..." he growled lustfully, her stroke of the tail upon his groin wonderful, his pouch beginning to bulge as his member slowly grew erect. "...lower it is then..." He looked down her striking body and gazed upon the rosy nipples now revealed from her arousal, the pink flesh irresistible to the fox scientist. He gently clamped down on the left mound, suckling it and teasing the nipple while his paw caressed the other. Meanwhile, his other paw had already begun to travel further down to where she was already a bit moist, his furry appendage softly stroking her inner tights, occasionally moving closer to her lower lips to tease the aqua.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions