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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Ky nods and picks up his skateboard, helping to carry the elf.

"Sure thing! Just one question....

What's a tavern?"
ooc: welcome!

Here, give me your hand! [heals mullen's hand with a swish] there, good as new. how does it feel- and why was there a pidgeon under your sleeve? oh I see- youre a fellow magic-caster! nice to meet you! [shakes mullens newly healed hand enthusiastically]
hi Khoi! er... let me help you with that- [takes cronos off khoi's and Ky's shoulders, and props him on his shoulder] wow- he's pretty light! (shudder! thank GOD he wasnt able to tell them about my body heat! brrrr....)

ooc: whats a tavern again?

I dont know where you guys are going to sleep, but i'm gonna sleep outside- hey! wanna go monster hunting? [sounds like a lunatic] i love monsters! specially when i get to BREAK EVERY BONE IN THEIR BODIES!!! BWAHAHAHAAHAH!!! [drools, his eye glowing blue again] erm- [everyone stares at him worriedly] [wipes the drool away and his eyes stop glowing] i mean- monsters are good practice dummies! [shrugs and sweat drops]
...please stop staring- it's creepy.
I know! I'll wake this elf dude up! [props the elf on the ground, and rests his hand on the elf's chest] Rejuvenate. [a green light surrounds the elf, who suddenly wakes up, and bolts upright]
welcome back to the real world, buddy! and thanks for helping me by the way! (why do monsters plague me everywhere i go? :::grins::: because they want to die....)
[looks at Ky excitedly] Ohhh! i remember that you said skateboarding was easy! I can buy one right now- uhm... if you teach me how to skateboard!
a tavern is anouter name for an inn. It sells food, drinks (mostly achol) and has beds upstairs. The purpose for taverns is so that traverlers could sleep somewhere :P
Mullen tested his hand. It seemed fine, you couldn't tell it had been wounded at all.

"Thanks, I should've had a right bother otherwise. I can't tell you just how hard it is to come across a decent healer that isn't completly and utterly extortionate!" Mullen shook Blues hand and said, "I'm Mullen, by the way, and I am a mage, thanks for spotting! Even my mother doesn't realise I'm a mage, then then again she was never the same after the thing with the piano and the tuna fish roll...." Mullen stared blankly into space, his look one of frightenened shock. Then he shook himself and said "Ah ha! Is our elven compainion awake?"
thanks! i cant say it was easy learning how to heal! took an entire day!
ah, a mage! [his eyes glow red, and he scans mullen] woah! [his eyes stop glowing] you have seriously high levels of magic power! hmmmm... interesting.... ::snaps out:: what do you mean by "piano and tuna fish roll" incidednt? a magical mishap? I remember an incident when i got hungry, and tried to turn a monster into a sandwich- damn thing became immune to attacks and magic- chased me for a whole day! brrrrr- i still get nightmares! i killed it in the end though, turned into a bacon sandwich, which turned out quite tasty.
what about yours? something happen to the piano- or did your mom get turned into a tuna fish roll- and got trapped under a cunjured piano? i know the feeling...
"ooh my head what in the nine hells happened?"Cronos said, rubbing his head to get rid of the headache.*walks to the bar tender and speaks in a hushed voice.*" do you carry any blood?" *the bar tender goes into the back and brings out a red bottle*"thanks" and layed a hunderd doller bill down.* walks back to group* i am Cronos Blackwing. you probably have gussed where I get Blackwing from.*sits at table and opens bottle* "I don't know any of you, though.*looks around at the wolves, fox,and the human, his gaze lingering on the blue wolf for a split second longer. he poured a thick, dark liquid from the bottle into a cup 'oh shit, i bet thouse wolves and the fox herd my conversation with the barkeep. now i'll have to expliane. shit.' he thought
Veemon's Followers
(so this is what blue does here... I'll join soon.)
occ: [ah, my new account! (gunter's back)]

nice to meetcha' Cronos! Good thing youre awake. sorry about the headache though, it's a little side-effect. :::grins::: it'll go away soon. my Name is Dark Blue, but you can call me Blue. This is Khoi [introduces the fox], Mikael also known as Ky [introduces the gray anthro-wolf] and This is Mullen [pats The mage on the shoulder].
-and the blood thing? dont worry, I understand! Vampire stuff, right? perfectly normal! [telepathically speaks to Cronos] (dont tell anyone about about what you thought that i felt earlier, okay? I have Raven's blood and Mandrake sap with me, Vampires kill each other to get that stuff! its all yours, as long as you keep my secret! Deal?)
*grins* "thought you felt? I know how you felt. its a deal. ah, the sweet drugs of vampires"Cronos said telepathicly
Veemon's Followers